Your Questions About Download Old Movies Online

Sharon asks…

where online can i watch old black and white sci fi movies?

like invasion of body snatchers and such but without having to download anything links would be great(:
for free too
a site where you dont have to complete surveys?

admin answers:

This is Justin TV – I’m not sure how it works but I watch movies on it all of the time. There are several channels where people are playing movies. You pick one and watch whatever is on. There are 3 channels that always play really good old movies (sci fi) and old twilight zone episodes.
These play old movies:

Nancy asks…

What is your opinion on Movie buff posers?

Posers often claim to be true movie buffs when:
– They don’t watch anything older than the 80s
– Have no idea about filmmakers such as Traffaut, Kurosawa, Wilder, Ford or Lang
– Think Transformers and Twilight are examples of brilliant filmmaking
– Never buy or watch movies legally. Only download online.
– Text in the theater
– Complain that older movies are in black and white and are therefore ‘bad’
– Change their favorite movie everytime they see a new film they enjoy

admin answers:

Posers in general are annoying.

Lisa asks…

What do you think are the most common questions asked here?

I would say:

1) What is your favorite movie?
2)Looking for a movie..?
3) Where can I watch/download movies online?
4) How can a 13-year old make money online?
5) Anything having to do with “The Dark Knight”

Any others?
I don’t want to know the “answer” to these questions, I just want to know which questions you think are the most common.

admin answers:

1.Who else hates Miley Cyrus
2.Who think the Jonas Brothers are HAWT!!!???
3. What kind of scene/emo hair cut should I get??
4. Do you think I look Hot??
5.etc. The list could go on and on. Lol!

Paul asks…

where can i watch these movies?

i can’t find the movies “the cement garden” and “the war zone” in stores anywhere. i would assume that’s because they are uk/90’s films. I was wondering if anyone knew where i could watch them online and possibly download them. i have searched literally about 30 online movies sites. If anyone could please find a site that has older movies as well as new i would greatly appreciate it.

admin answers: its a search engine for movies try there

John asks…

were can i watch The movie jarhead online ?

okay so i want to watch the movie jarhead online WITHOUT downloading it
its a 4 year old movie so its not like its super new

admin answers:

Http:// has a good copy or ten.

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