Your Questions About Direct Movie Links

Laura asks…

can anyone give a direct link to steam primer the box movie online?

w/out filling up form or signing up to watch the movie

admin answers:

I can’t find a movie called “Primer the Box” but maybe I’m reading wrong.

Anyway maybe this is what you’re looking for?


Sharon asks…

Where can you watch twilight online since it’s already out in movie theaters?

It’s already out in theaters but can someone give me a direct link to the movie online? Thanks a ton!

admin answers:

You can watch it online here


Charles asks…

Can anyone direct me to a youtube link of a movie scene containing the following?

I’m looking for a scene in any movie, it doesn’t even have to be a movie, with clips/footage of a war room, people sitting around computers with headphones, and green radar maps with blips, you know the kind of thing i mean. first link of what im looking for gets 10 points… well obviously. oh and please make sure its a youtube link.

thanks 😉

admin answers:

War Games –

Towards the end of the trailer.

Mandy asks…

Can anyone find a direct link online stream to the movie “Sunshine” 2007? perhaps?

admin answers:



John asks…

Can anyone give me the direct link to the movie Mr india?

i kn its a really old movie but its one of my favorites and i cant seem to find it on you tube/lime wire/ bit torrent/Google…

admin answers:

Http:// -Definitely the best, search top 4 torrent sites with one click.

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