Your Questions About Where Can I Download Old Movies For Free

Charles asks…

Where can I get useable film clips?

I‘m looking for older movie/film clips, preferably horror, to be able to download for free.

admin answers:

Most movies are protected by copyright laws; however, there is a site that offers and promotes usable clips from older projects. Prelinger Archives.


Mark asks…

Where can I watch for free without/or downloading “The Secret World of Arrietty?

Okay, I been trying this my older question say “Where I can download the movie “The Secret World of Arrietty” for free?” and people wrote me sites to download or watch it but I have to download something first it’s call “GraboidVideoSetup-3.01-Complete.exe” okay I download it and didn’t work and the other thing was that the movie was in Chinese. I really want to watch this movie but I hope you guys give me a site that I can watch it without problems or download it without problems too. I try YOUTUBE puting the name of the movie part 1 or 2…


admin answers:

Here you will find you favorite movie online. Various channel are also available here. Free resisgration, huge amount of movie directory. This website will get update everyday. So latest movie are available here.
You don’t have to pay and don’t have resisgration to watch movie.
Here you will also get moive Forum, various chennel and more interesting Tv shows.

William asks…

Where can I find a really good (preferably free) video restoration program online?

I have this majorly old movie that I transfered from a VHS tape to DVD. my sister recorded it from tv back in 1994. The picture quality isn’t horribly bad, but it is very blurry. The color and sound is pretty much okay. I REALLY want to clean up the picture. This movie is not available on DVD anywhere! (its a rare film that basically ceased to exist any longer after it aired), and its a huge family favorite. I‘m wanting to surprise everyone by having it in DVD quality for our next family movie night sometime down the road.
Does anyone know of a video restoration program that I can download, that will restore the film to the original quality it was when the tape was first recorded? I would prefer it if this program were free because I have a very low salary, and I can barely pay bills as it is without having to pay for some hugely expensive restoration program. . .
Any suggestions?
PS. I already have VReveal, and it doesn’t clean up the picture enough. It still looks just as old and pixelated as before after a “clean up”.

admin answers:

It’s not possible that a software like that is free. And the resolution played a major part if you really want it in DVD quality. I did stumble upon some plugin for Avisynth ( which is not exactly that easy to use since it’s scripting based editing method) called MSmooth : . I’m not sure if there’s any other video editor (free) that can do such process.

Laura asks…

Does anyone know where i can watch the movie ‘he’s just not that into you’ online?

for free? and without downloading anything
its a pretty old movie, it was made in 2009 but i cant find anything on the net 🙁

admin answers:

You can watch the movie for free at there is no donwloading link can just watch it online.

Betty asks…

Where can I watch.Dawn Of the dead remake 2004.?

I tried but it just comes up with the old version…
where can i watch it for free and dont have to download anything

thanks in advance

admin answers:


Enjoy it ;)!

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