Your Questions About Download Movies Legal Free

Daniel asks…

does anybody know where i can download movies,music and stuff like that free (the website has to be legal)?

admin answers:


Lisa asks…

Free movies places do download?

I go to their very good with tv shows always have the lastest shows that aired that night. But does anyone know of a site that does this with movies? that has the lastest and best movies for download? seedbox sites if possible i like to download fast! No flamers about this being not legal. I download for my own personal use from countries which allow it. so please.. make your own post about that. thanks in advance

admin answers:

I also use to download tv show’s that I’ve missed and cd’s that I want. They accept requests and usually come through pretty quick.

David asks…

Where can i download free movies?

i dont care if its legal. 😉

admin answers:

Go to

Nancy asks…

Watch free online movies and NO downloading and is legal?

Whats a site that you can watch movies on for FREE and NO downloading needed? And legal. Please help! Thanks!

admin answers:

Hulu or the show’s network site are the only ones that would be legal

@Jeff that’s actually not legal as they don’t actually have permission

Laura asks…

What is a good,free,and LEGAL movie site to watch Breaking Dawn part 1 etc.?

Okay so I loved the movie Breaking Dawn Part 1 in the movie theaters and i was wondering if there was a free,and legal, full movie download site that i could watch it on?! Kay thank you very much and i love Breaking Dawn so much!!!! so pretty please help me out! Thank you and i’m only 13 so i want it to be completely legal cause i don’t want to get into a big thing cause i downloaded an illegal movie site thanks!

admin answers:

Try this link

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