Your Questions About Where Can I Download Old Movies For Free

Nancy asks…

where is my hard drive memory going?

k my computer is an hp dv 2000 special edition and im running vista sp 1 64bit
ive got 250gb hd and after all installations when i just got the computer i had about 190 gb free space….since then ive installed a few programs and downloaded some movies that i have long since deleted…the point is…my free memory space has decreased to about 110 gb….i got rid of all the crap i didnt need and ive defragged my system then i cleaned my c drive and got rid of shadow files and old restore points but that only brought me back up to 132 gb

i was just wondering what i can do to get some of that memory back…and whether or not having multiple users on the system can effect this (im the only administrator and i DID clean drive c for ALL users)

also….where is the memory/what is the problem?

admin answers:

Use Spacemonger

this program will lay out all of your hard drive usage visually, allowing you to see where all your space is being taken up. Simple and effective. Not to mention it is free.


John asks…

Help With finding a Holiday script!?

My Theatre class wants to do a performance at school to raise money and we need a good script. Please something i can download for free off the net. It needs to be at least forty minutes and preferably under an hour. What we really wanted to do was Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and the Island of Misfit Toys, but i can‘t find the script. Any of those old cartoon movies would be good, something to do with the holidays and Santa, but not too religious, it is gonna be performed at school. Thanks so Much. Oh and if you could please tell me the link where to find the script you suggest 🙂

admin answers:


This one would be different

George asks…

On one tree hill did lucas really shoot dan?

i just watched the episode of one tree hill where lucas figures out that dan killed keith, and peyton got offered an internship in L.A, and there’s the whole year book thing, and nathans shaving scores thing. but anyway, in the end did lucas really shoot dan or what? i was told it was left as a cliff hanger at the end of a season or something, but that is an old episode so most likely everybody has seen the rest of the season and stuff. and also, if you could give me a website where you can download episodes of one tree hill for FREE. id also like to download movies and other tv shows so if you can give me a website or whatever that has that to that’d be great. THANK YOU SOOO MUCH TO EVERYONE WHO ANSWERED!!!


admin answers:

No he didn’t really shoot him..he just shot at him, and hit the wall instead..i think he was trying to scare him.
And it wasn’t the end of the season either..there were 2 episodes after that where karen and haley have their baby and everyone graduates.
I don’t know where you can watch it on the internet though, sorry :/

Mary asks…

How do i create multiple free trail Graboid accounts?

I found this amazing programme where you can watch fantastic quality movies or tv shows. I signed up for a free trial and i knew i would only get 2000mb worth of downloading/viewing. There was only a couple of movies i wanted to see so that didn’t bother me…however cause of the easiness of it all and the fantastic quality i got addicted. So i thought i could simply re-download the programme and sign-up again….nope doesn’t work. Turns out Graboid remembers your IP address and so therefore you can‘t sign-up again for a trial.

There must be a way round this and those out there with good computer skills must know, please help me. I‘ve watched like 15 videos on the net trying to help me create another free trial account but it seems most vidoes relate to the older version of the programme. Can anyone help me create multiple free trial accounts on Graboid?

admin answers:

Ur user name is not polite but anyway I guess I can help u
well first of all u need to remember what are the ways to track down a specific user it can be only done in couple of ways if they try more than that it will eventually violate ur privacy then u can sue them. So that ways are by cookies, by IP address ,by logging.

So if u use the firefox u can see in Tools->options->Privacy->remove invidual cookies unders that u can search the site’s name then remove all cookies addtionally try to remove more cookies cause some sites store cookies by third party domain names so in that case it is not possible to do by just deleting cookies of one domain then delete every cookies cause there is no other way to do that.

Second there are two type of IP address first, Dynamic second Static .static IP addresses are compulsory for Servers and large organizations while apparently most of Home users use Dynamic IP address packages since they are cheap. If u got a Static IP address
then on Windows XP<

1. Click Start
2. Click Run
3. Type cmd and ENTER
4. Type ipconfig /release in the command window

Wait for DOS to process the command, and

1. Type ipconfig /renew in the command window

if it's dynamic just restart the router then u got a new IP ,then go to the and create an Email address u can also use ur Facebook account to get a new Email
then once u logged in go to the Setting/Option and see Alias then create an Alias name(which is a new email) then after u done everything I said create a new account and use the alias email.
That's all.

But I suggest try alternative method than go through all these methods cause it will tired u than entertain
go to the Google and search as
XVID free movies
then when u got the result go each site and search what u want to watch ,then watch ,those all are free ,and unlimited ,u also don't need an account.

Mandy asks…

Cartoon Network help please?

Can someone tell me where i can find a list of all the cartoon network movies and animations with the length of movies.
Example : The iron giant
I am interested in movies and animations . Not the new ones . I am interested in the old ones.
Please help me and thank you in advance

And if there is a place where i could watch the movies i asked for, or download them for free, please tell me. Thank you

admin answers:

Here’s a link to a wikipedia page:

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