Your Questions About Download Movies Legal Free

Daniel asks…

Where is a website that is legal and free that I can download music and put on windows movie maker?


admin answers:

Well there isn’t really a reliable source for free music downloads and it is illegal since the artists don’t get paid for their work. The best, and cheapest way to get music downloads is through They offer unlimited music downloads for only a few bucks a month. It’s much cheaper than any other site I’ve came across and they are 100% legal. They also have just about every song in every genre. Check them out at when you get a chance.

James asks…

movies that are still at theaters legal to download?

I would think it would be againts the law to download any movies that are still out at the theaters but I have been told that on some sites its legal, but it cost more then going to the theater to see it.

If it is in fact legal anyone know of sites that i can go to, I have yet to find any site that sells them few say free so the people who made the movies wont get any money so they sure as heck would not have give them publishing rights or what ever you want to call it, to them.

I even called the MPAA and ask them if they knew or knew where i could go to find out what sites was legal and what was not, and they told me that they dont give legal advice, so hard to find what is legal and what is not, heck i figure there are sites u pay to use, that it says its legal but its really not. people do lie ;p thanks for reading

admin answers:

It’s an illegal violation of copyright, Period.

George asks…

Where can i find free movies online?

is there a place to find free movies and not have to download them that is legal? ive been trying to find one online. know any good sites?

admin answers:

A little bird told me a swedish hosted website named is a good place to search for movies

Mark asks…

free,and legal site to watch movies?

i wanna watch movies online. but i want a site that`s free, legal, and that doesn`t have viruses or slows down my computer…and that i don`t have to download…know any?

admin answers:

The BEST site so far is Every movie I’ve been looking for so far have I found there. So check it out (for mirror, use putlocker or sockshare, they’re the best).

Steven asks…

Is there really a free download when it comes to music and movies?

I was reading some Q&A because I am trying to understand this business of piracy and paying for music, ..I bought a membership to Limewire and was since informed that it really isn’t legal….and then I read about a site called Ares downloads that are supposedly free also. Can some great person out there help me to understand why limewire can be in business if their members can be prosecuted for piracy, if in fact they can. (I know, can I get any more confusing? Sorry) I just bought an iPod shuffle. 😉

admin answers:

Limewire is being sued by the Recording Industry for facilitating copyright violation. Http:// Every company distributing P2P software has either adopted a legal business model that reimburses holders of copyright material, or gone out of business, except Limewire. This is only a matter of time – the Supreme Court has routinely sided with the RIAA, as it should.

Individuals that take advantage of the opportunities to steal with Limewire are not immune to prosecution, and are being successfuly prosecuted, fined, suspended from schools (where they use the schools’ systems to steal the media,) and – when they buy the farm, consigned to the seventh circle of hell. To avoid all of this, make sure you do not engage in media piracy with Peer to Peer software.

You can download music and movies for your media player from The Live Music Archive. This is a grass-roots driven site that distributes media with a private use license at no charge to anonymous users.

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