Your Questions About Free Download Old Movies

Charles asks…

Good fun apps for ipad/iphone?

Okay i need some good entertaining apps for an apple device. Ones who still work without wi-fi, ones who are good with lots of people , ones who are good with family, really entertaining good ones!
Also, is there an app that downloads free movies for you to watch for free? Not old, uninteresting ones.
Some apps ive got;
– Draw something
– Temple run
– Running fred
– Crossfingers
– Trace
– Froggyjump
– Zombie highway
– COD zombies
– Doodle jump
– Modern girl
– Harbor Master
– Pottery
– Very simple game
– The inbecile test
– Sims
– Just dance
– Paper toss
– Angry birds

Most of them were free, but uhm yeah! Some really entertaining apps please, thanks.

admin answers:

Battle Nations
Where’s My Water?

You can try downloading games and applications from pandaapp website. It provides you with a wide range of mobile contents compatible with your handsets. I too have tried it and its really amazing. Http://
Of course, they are free. Have fun!

Nancy asks…

What are some good films for a 13 year old girl?

I want to watch a movie where can I download some online free and what good movies are there 😀

admin answers:

The last song


roxy hunter



water for elephants

Joseph asks…

What’s the name of theme music in the corridor fight scene in the movie:OLD BOY?

And where can I download it for free?

admin answers:

The piece of music is called “In A Lonely Place”

Carol asks…

What word would you use to describe my political beliefs?

-I am opposed to gay marriage and anything that resembles it. I believe homosexuality is caused by some form of chemical imbalance in the brain, and doctors should work on researching the condition to better understand how to treat it.

-I am strongly opposed to abortion, even in cases of rape or incest. There’s no excuse for ending a life just because someone made a bad decision or a mistake.

-I support Israel 100%, and I think the Palestinians should either accept Israel as their government, or leave. There are lots of other Arab countries, why do they have to have the one speck of land that isn’t theirs?

-I am totally opposed to the Arab Spring, and I’m disgusted by Obama’s support for it. This is Iran all over again. Tunisia elected an Islamist government, and I guarantee that Egypt will as well. Libya’s new government plans to implement Sharia Law. Does this come as a surprise to anyone?

-America should strongly consider using force to disrupt Iran’s nuclear plans, and the threat they pose to us should not be underestimated. If that involves an aerial strike against the country, then so be it.

-I believe that the government should take extra measures to empower the wealthiest bracket to create more jobs, as they are the ones who typically run the organizations that provide most employment outlets. But I honestly think that if someone can’t get a job, then they shouldn’t blame anyone but themselves for not trying hard enough.

-In my opinion, programs like social security, medicare, and medicaid are unconstitutional. Why should I have to pay for a poor man’s meal? I would support ending those programs and taking the money they’ve raised to pay off the national debt.

-I really think law enforcement should be expanded tenfold. Build lots of big prisons and start cracking down on anyone who could be found guilty of some offense.

-In particular, I think police should be much more active in enforcing internet piracy laws. They should work to stop things like: downloading free mp3 files, copying pictures from the internet when the copyright owners have made it clear that they don’t want anyone downloading their files, using torrents to download movies for free, minors accessing pornographic sites (I don’t care if you’re 7 or 17 – 18+ means 18+), teen pornography, misrepresentation (eg. lying about your age or using images of someone that isn’t you). I think the penalties should be much harsher – a $250 000 fine, confiscation of the computer, and maybe even a year or two in prison.

-I also strongly support the war on drugs, and I think the police should be cracking down on anyone known to have possessed a narcotic at some point or another, not just the people who sell them. I think possession of marijuana should be treated the same way as possession of crystal meth, and the penalties should be much tougher.

-I strongly support the death penalty in any case of murder, rape, arson, armed robbery, or drug trafficking. I support lowering the minimum age to be executed down to 13 years old, and eliminating the appeals process so they can’t be allowed into the public ever again. I support more painful methods of execution such as the electric chair. I completely oppose giving them final meals.

-I 100% support second amendment rights, and that includes anything from pistols through assault rifles.

-I think illegal immigrants should all be rounded up and deported. I don’t care if they were born and raised in this country; if their parents are here illegally, then so are they.

-I think child abuse charges should only be filed when a parent or guardian has caused permanent physical damage to their child. People have a right to raise their children however they see fit, and sometimes that involves disciplining them. “Spare the rod, spoil the child.” To put that in perspective, I don’t consider this method of corporal punishment to be the least bit abusive:

-This country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, which ought to be preserved. That’s not to say Muslims will be discriminated against, it’s just that America is a Christian country and should identify itself as such. It should have Christian leadership and teach Christian values. I also think creationism and intelligent design should be taught in science classes as alternative theories.

-I don’t accept the theory of evolution. I just can’t see how it’s possible that we basically evolved from apes when there are still plenty of them in Africa. Why haven’t they evolved with us?

-I don’t think global warming is a tangible threat, nor is it caused by human activity. The world’s temperature tends to fluctuate over long periods of time, so how is this particular warm period any different?
-I am a proponent of re-examining the age of consent (i.e. 18 years old). In my ideal world, people would not be allowed to vote or drink until they are 25 years old. But I do think they should be expected to leave home within six months of turning 18. Parents who allow their children to stay with them past this timeframe should be given a proportioned fine – 40% of their paycheck.
-I am a proponent of re-examining the age of consent (i.e. 18 years old). In my ideal world, people would not be allowed to vote or drink until they are 25 years old. But I do think they should be expected to leave home within six months of turning 18. Parents who allow their children to stay with them past this timeframe should be given a proportioned fine – 40% of their paycheck.
-I am a proponent of re-examining the age of consent (i.e. 18 years old). In my ideal world, people would not be allowed to vote or drink until they are 25 years old. But I do think they should be expected to leave home within six months of turning 18. Parents who allow their children to stay with them past this timeframe should be given a proportioned fine – 40 percent of their paycheck.

admin answers:

You belong to the party of me except for a few aberrations. Evolution is proven. Judeo-Christian principles are fine for those who wish to practice them as long as they don’t “witness” or proselytize. Abortion is the personal right and decision of the expectant mother. If you stay out of the three listed above you are a winner.

William asks…

Pirates of the Caribbean, Sims 2, and other awesome movies….?

I just bought Sims 2 and I want to make it all Pirates of the Caribbean, Phantom of the Opera, Titanic, and other awesome movies– themed…. Where can I get this stuff (virus-free) with limited downloading that WONT slow down my computer (which is quite old)… Any other tips would be great too- THANK YOU!
If you have gaming tips, cheats, and other stuff too- that would also be apprecaited!

admin answers:

Bigpond,has heaps&heaps(see if there’s a us site)Yahoo has some good ones also,just ask your comp.the question&look around.

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