Your Questions About Free Download Old Movies

Sharon asks…

where can i watch these movies online 10 points?

no download
no virus
no survey

our idiot brother
whats your number
the hangover
the art of getting by
old school
the love guru
40 year old virgen
the break up
Knocked Up
the perfect man
Failure to Launch

ps you dont have to put all the links to all the movies just put the ones you know and tell me the movie that the ling is thx

admin answers:

This site will fulfill your all 10 points. Right here you will discover a person preferred film on the internet. Numerous funnel will also be obtainable right here. Free of charge resisgration, large amount associated with film listing. This site can get revise daily. Therefore most recent film can be found right here.
It’s not necessary to spend and do not possess resisgration to view film.
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John asks…

Free editing/Movie effect software?

Hello, I am 14 years old and I am writing a movie. I am broke at the moment. I need a free editing software that I can put awesome effects with. And I KNOW I’M PROBABLY pushing thy luck with this question but I wont to get sony vegas and I was wondering if I could have someones pass code thingy so I can download it to my computer? If not then would someone please tell me a free editing software that I can also put effects on thy movies with as well? =D (Effects such as fireing a gun, making fire appear and so on! =D Thank you so much! =D
(Please don’t say windows movie maker because I have been using that forever now and it wont work with the movie I wont ot make.

admin answers:

There are many free video editing software available in the net, but most of them offers basic video editing interface. They are not capable of rendering effects that you want to achieve like firing a gun or making fire appear. You’re probably looking for a “post-production video editing software”. I’ve been using some post-production software but they aren’t free. Try to visit the link below. It might help you.


Joseph asks…

analog camera editing system needed!!!?

i have an analog camera, (tape camera) and i need an editing system that’s free and can be used with a tape camera, not a digital camera. it wont let me download the old movie maker. i need help. i need a free system i wanna make videos! please help!!!

admin answers:

Snowwillow and Glenn are both right on… I just want to clarify something. We’ll stay with consumer camcorders for this…

I have several tape camcorders. They use miniDV tape. The “DV” in miniDV = Digital Video. The zeros and ones stored on this digital tape are as digital as the zeros and ones stored on a flash memory card or hard disc drive or DVD based camcorders. The format of the video – the file type – might be different because the data stored on the miniDV tape is less compressed than the video stored on the other media, but it is still digital. Same with Digital8 camcorders and tapes. Connect a firewire cable to the camcorder’s DV port and the computer’s firewire port, put the camcorder in Play mode and import or capture the video. USB won’t work and USB-to-firewire cable/converter/adapter things won’t work. Even MovieMaker can import this way. You’ll have to buy an appropriate firewire cable.

Just because it is tape does not mean it is somehow always analog – Analog video is what VHS, VHS-C, Beta, Hi-8 and a few others record…

Since you did not tell us which camcorder (manufacturer or model number) or computer we have no way to know what the “best” way would be for you to get the video into your computer. If it is indeed an analog camcorder, then the analog/digital converter is one way, but you need to buy that equipment. Another method is to pay someone else to convert it for you.

Sandy asks…

i downloaded vuze to watch some movies and i keep get bad results everything is red whats wrong?

ok i downloaded the program vuze the free version and im not getting any good results is something wrong with the program because i have it on my old laptop and i look up the movie on my laptop and it finds me alot of results then when i look it up on my desktop the same movie it gives me only a couple results please help me somebody

admin answers:

Searching within Vuze is not as good as searching at torrent search sites

Also check this

Robert asks…

Free Video Editer?

I was wondering if anyone knew where I could download a pretty decent FREE video editor. Windows Movie Maker is getting old. It sucks major bad, any help would be much appreciated 🙂

admin answers:

Alright this one isnt free however you can make it free if you follow the directions its called sony vegas pro

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