Your Questions About Free Download Old Movies

Joseph asks…

Is asking for links to illegal downloads a violation of Yahoo community guidelines?

Just wondering whether one can report questions asking where to download for free movies, music or books still under copyright (I would expect you can, just would like to make sure) and if so would you report them as “illegal” or just as a violation of the community guidelines?

And another question while I still think of it: How do you report a user who claims to be under 13? Would you report the question even if the question itself does not violate the guidelines or would you report the profile? Or is it better to report the question where the user claims to be under 13 rather than a profile that they’ve obviously set to show them as older? And how?

admin answers:

Let me break it all down for you like this:

1. Yes. Asking for links to torrent sites is against the Terms of Service, as are posting links to them. It’s like asking for someone to give them a place to steal copyrighted content from the owner without paying for it. That’s illegal, to put it in a very blunt way.

2. I have to say yes on this one, too. Any underage user who truthfully admit their age in public will risk getting reported and have their accounts suspended. Their presence here is against both the Community Guidelines and Terms of Service. Both sets of rules require anyone who wants to participate here must be at least 13 or older. Now the reason why they can’t be here is because of vulgar language (also against the rules) and unsavory users who would otherwise harass them.

To report an underage user:

1. Click on the Report Abuse button next to their postings
2. At the abuse report page, check the first option for a CG violation or the second for a TOS violation
3. Type in “underage user” in the details box; this will give Customer Care more to work with when dealing with the person whom you’re reporting
4. Click Submit to send the report off to them

In the second part of your question, you mentioned a person who claims to be underage. That’s called impersonation and is also against the CG and TOS. This is an example of impersonating-a person can claim to be 15 in one posting and is 13 in the other one. To report an impersonator, follow the same steps as above.

Nancy asks…

How do i free up virtual memory?

I’m not real good with computers, My hard drive recently fried i purchased and installed a new 500 gig hard drive. I previously had a 250 gig drive not a=sure if that matters. Its a dell computer about 4 years old. I never had difficulty watching downloaded movies from Itunes and playing video games such as starcraft and command and conquer. Now all of my videos lag a lot and video games are a no go at all says must increase virtual memory? From what i gather that means add more ram?? But i never had problems with any of these functions til i installed a new hard drive?? what do i need to do??

admin answers:

Virtual memory is the total of actual RAM and hard drive space Windows uses as a swap file. Since your RAM hasn’t changed, suspect the swap file. It’s possible to restrict the drive space available to use as virtual memory. So look up Virtual Memory in Start, Help and be sure it is set to Let Windows manage and pointing to your new drive, which should have plenty of free space.

Thomas asks…

Windows Movie maker?

I keep on trying to upload videos from windows movie maker onto youtube, but it isn’t working because I have an old/bad version of windows movie maker. Does anyone know where I can download (virus-free) windows movie maker that lets you do transitions and stuff?
And I can’t save movie file or “finish” the movie in order to make it a .wmv file, so the windows movie maker I have is no good

admin answers:

What version of movie maker do you have? If you want to download Windows Movie Maker V2.1

Download from here.


Lizzie asks…

question about movie downloads….?

i want to download this old telugu film called “KHAIDI” released in 1986.. but i’m not able to find it on the net..i got one torrent file but it’s seeders is zero so it is not downloading.. where can i find the movie?.. i would like free sites.. if someone knows it please tell me….

admin answers:

Gasp! The SOPA and ACTA people are going to find you! You better move and change your name now.

Michael asks…

I need some advices about travelling with toddlers?

I have a family emergency and i have to travel tomorrow with 4 toddlers.Only me,my 3 years old twins and my sister’s 2 and 5 years old.It’s a 9 hours drive.I’m really stressed.I downloaded some movies on my ipad,i bought sugar free snacks and car sickness meds.

admin answers:


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