Your Questions About Free Download Old Movies

Mark asks…

I need some advices about travelling with toddlers?

I have a family emergency and i have to travel tomorrow with 4 toddlers.Only me,my 3 years old twins and my sister’s 2 and 5 years old.It’s a 9 hours drive.I’m really stressed.I downloaded some movies on my ipad,i bought sugar free snacks and car sickness meds.
Jcorvette 72-I’m alone with 4 kids.My sister won’t be with me.

admin answers:

I had to make a long trip like that once alone with 4 of mine being really young. To put it mildly, it sucked! But, we survived it LOL. Here are some helpful tips for you:

Plan on stopping for at least a 15 minute break every 1 1/2 to 2 hours, unless they all fall asleep, then just drive until they wake up. Keep in mind little ones have little bladders, and bathroom breaks will have to be at least every 2 hours, more if they have a lot to drink. Make everyone try to go when you stop, even if they say they don’t need to. Also include a break of no less than an hour to stop for meals. It will take that long to get everyone fed, cleaned up, and strapped back in. Map out your route so you know where there will be a safe, well lit area to stop for breaks and meals. Even with good planning, there will still be the ones that have to go pee again, 15 minutes after your last stop. So, allow yourself plenty of time for that.

Fill up the tank before you leave. That way if you are really lucky and they fall asleep, you don’t have to stop for gas and wake them up.

It is best to travel at night if you can, so the kids will be asleep for most of the trip.

Make sure you have lids on cups, such as sippy cups or sports tops so if they drop it, and they will drop it, it isn’t spilled out everywhere.

Put the 5 year old in the middle so they can hand the smaller ones things while you are driving.

Hope this helps you some. Good luck on your trip!

Linda asks…

my recovery drive is nearly full?

t says i have 0.97gb free of 11.6 and the bar has gone red. i have a pavilion dv3000 laptop with windows vista. how do i delete the files in it?
when i click on it it says there is hardly anything there. my older brother downloads movies and stuff if thats whats causing the problem. if it is what can i do to sort it out ??

admin answers:

Empty your recyle bin, then do defragmentation.

Donald asks…

I have a problem need an older adult film the wife really likes it?

Can some one help me with a free link to download Buttwoman 1997 with tiffany minx and chloe in avi format, i’ve lost the old vhs tape and it was my wifes favorite porn movie (can’t get her to watch any other) LOL please help i’m despreate!

admin answers:

I think you can download older movies from site! This site will provide you all legal movies.. You can search any movie from this site!!

Mandy asks…

site for tv shows online?

i am looking for a good site to watch tv shows online(newer and older and maybe movies) for free and with no download. i use to use and it just not the same no there are so many changes to it and also so many copy cat websites. and also everytime im on there it slows my computer down. so now looking for a new site any suggestions??

admin answers:

Mary asks…


whats the best program to download music, movies, and shows from, that is fast, and is free. like i can download a show like 350 mb, in 1 hour or less with like 50 sources, and no limewire, sharaza, or whatever, they suk its slow and is always qued, and never downloads fast. and if you can help me with something else why is my bearshare program screwing up. i downloaded a new one bearshare 6, and it never pens, i install it , and blah blah, doesnt open. and i downloaded a couple diff, bearshare 6 files, and does the same thing.instals, but never opens !, and everytime i go to download a older version iut usualy brings me to bearshare 6 download, and not what i click on, it’ll go straight to bearshare 6, and nothing earlier, well except one i have now that doesnt connect, bearshare lite 5.2.5 or something….dam this suks, help me out, !!!!!!!! and i am not goin to fix spelling mistakes

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