Your Questions About Free Download Old Movies

Mary asks…

Is this idea for a video store a good way to compete with Netflix, PPV, Itunes, Redbox?

New Releases within first month- $1.99 overnight + $1.50 each extra night.

New Releases older than 1 month- $1.99/ 2 nights, + $1 each extra night

Catalog titles – 1 week – $1.99, $1, & some 50 cents.

2 for 1 on wednesday

every 11th movie rental free.

(This question is for movie watchers who do not break copyright laws and download crappy laptop movies for free)

admin answers:

Yeah, I’d do that. That setup seems pretty well thought out. But, 2 suggestions are you do a plan where it is as many movies for a set price. Also, the reason Netflix, iTunes, PPV, and Redbox are so successful is convenience, because with Redbox, you get it well you’re out, iTunes and PPV are viewable from home, and Netflix you get when checking the mail. So, make either an online store or a mail in thing if your store gets successful.
Wait, is this the same Tim G that I just clashed heads with about TDK, and now am helping you with marketing?

William asks…

What kind of Computer?

so i want to major in animation. haven’t decided on 2D or 3D. My old computer is 80gigs and i share it with my brother. I’m about to buy a new computer with more gigs (500) so i can do work while my brother has room to download movies and music and i had a few questions.
1) Does it matter what kind of computer i get. The computer I have currently can’t really hand more than one or two programs as a time. Am I gonna need one with better processing, RAM, graphics, etc.
2) Does anybody recommend any programs for starters (free is preferred).
3) How much would the computer cost
Im a college freshman so i don’t have too much money. around $500 is good. no more than $1000. also what are the pros and cons to buying the parts and buying a pre made computer

admin answers:

1)Yes it definitely matters what kind of computer you get. For a good start a quad core(or above) processor and 4 gb of ddr3 RAM is enough. I would suggest the following config:
amd phenom 2 x6 1055t -$149(amazon)
asus M4A88TD-M -around $150
4 Gb DDR3 1333 Hz Ram

2)Blender for 3D, Pencil for 2D. Both are free. Blender is a very powerful software.

3)$700 max (with above config.)

Helen asks…

i need a fun video editor please answer!!!!!!!!!?

hi im 13 years old and i love to make home made movies with my friends, i need a free no download video editor that can (for example) like if i fell in the movie on accident i coul take those few seconds out, or if i forgot to scream in a part i could record my voice to make a scream or maybe like, if i have no backdrop and i needed to run through a wall it would show me doing so and maybe even sound effects like MEOW or CRASH!!!!! lol thanxxx so much nd plzzz answers thnx agin l8r

admin answers:

Well windows movie maker sounds like it would work (although it does suck), I am also looking for a good video editor, I have heard of online video editors, like “jaycut”, also next time try putting this kind of question in the “software” category, just because programmers are good with computers, doesn’t mean that we know every single software out there

Betty asks…

Where can I watch X-Men Origins: Wolverine online?

My friend loaned me X-Men, X2, and The Last Stand and I have First Class on DVR, but I want to watch the movies in chronological order! Since the movie is relatively old now, I figured there would be more sites to watch it on (rather than surf 3 year old questions for links to websites where the movie has already been taken down). I’d like to watch it for free and with no downloading, please!

admin answers:

Go to
they have pretty much every movie made and you can watch em there

Mandy asks…

Watch thirteen on YouTube or download on iPod for free?

So, I really want to watch the movie ‘thirteen’ the one that was made in 2003.. But I’m not old enough to but it in the shops as I’m only 13.. So anyway, does anyone know any links to go to to watch it on YouTube? Even if it’s in parts, can you send them please:) or even if theirs a website on the iPod wich you can download for free. I just really want to watch it XD thank you!:-* Xoxo

admin answers:

I am using a Free Youtube video downloader online site to get high definition video into computer. Even without any registartion or software downloading, I just click the button above the to download videos. It’s all free and safe. Love it.

Download youtube video:

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