Your Questions About Free Download Old Movies

Linda asks…

I need help with pspvideo9 ! Please Help! Best answer wins 10 POINTS!!?

Ive downloaded pspvideo9 and i converted my movies but now i dont know how to get the movie file onto my psp i got the older (free) version and there is no “copy” button like they say in the instruction please help me. Best answer wins 10 points!

admin answers:

Ok then WE

Michael asks…

Can any1 explain copyright to me?

i mean i want to download this game(grand theft auto san andreas) for free off megaupload but at the risk of bein in trouble with the police, well, its not worth it. can somebody explain to me copyright AND if i should download the game?

some say “no. its free retail stuff. its illegal”
others say”yes, as its the people who upload it who get in trouble”

keep in mind its not some box office movie hit. its an old grand theft auto game. idk if that makes a diff.

admin answers:

When you buy software, you are not actually buying the software, but you are buying a license to install the software onto your computer.

In simple terms, a copyright is a legal definition of your rights to control something that you created (or something that you own the copyright to). The copyright owner has the right to decide who can can a copy of what they create, who can copy it and who can use in a public manner.

If you download software and do not have a license from the copyright owner to copy that software, then you are violating the copyright to that software.

If you want more information (and more accurate) check the Library of Congress’ Copyright website. This will give you the information you need for US copyright law. Since copyright law is also a world wide thing, the copyright laws for member nations will all be very similar. The primary differences is length of time a copyright is valid and what levels of protection are available.

If you want copyright information that you can state firmly as fact, contact a copyright attorney.

Nancy asks…

Why does my boyfriend lie about masturbating?

My boyfriend and I have been together roughly 2 years, we are both 24 years old. One morning, I walked into the living room, and saw him masturbating. This has happened a few more times since, regardless if we had sex the previous night. Each time, he becomes angry and defensive, he goes as far as telling me that he was itching his leg. Sometimes he waits until I go to sleep, or leave the house and do it the moment he has a chance to. I know when he does it, because he always uses his socks to “clean up,” and I’m the only one who does laundry. I’ve tried several times to discuss it with him after finding several magazines and the free DVDs that come with them hidden in our apartment, basement, and car. He always tells me that it isn’t his, and he never masturbates. Come to find out, he’s been doing it in the car almost daily. I’m becoming very uncomfortable with the situation, not because of the porn itself, but because of how he handles it (hiding it from me, and then lying.) I do my best to make sure he knows I don’t love him any less because of it, nor do I think he’s dirty/wrong/immoral, whatever for doing it. He’s asked me before if I have, and will sometimes ask everyday to see if I did, and when. I always answer him with 100% honesty. The last time he asked me, and I admitted to doing it, he became angry and told me that he doesn’t want me masturbating anymore, because he doesn’t like it. This irritates me because I know he does, and I almost always know when he did. We no longer have sex as often as we used to, and I feel as though I am coming in 2nd to the porn. I’ve offered to download him some movies, (spending $13 per magazine is just stupid to me,) or watch each other masturbate. He doesn’t want any part of it. I asked him that if he were to get more, to just let me know so that when I stumble upon it, it wouldn’t phase either of us. He promised, but never kept that promise. It really bothers me that he would much rather spend all this money on it, hide it, and lie to me about it, just to avoid telling me what’s really going on. I don’t know what to do anymore. I feel like this is tearing us apart and he’s letting it happen.
Edit: For those of you who suggested embarrassment, I figured that played a role in it. However, I think there’s something more than that, one of the times I saw him masturbating, it was to a commercial for a bra… It’s disheartening that he would settle for that, when he doesn’t have porn when I was laying in bed in the next room.

admin answers:

No one deserves a jerk like that for a boyfriend, even if he is embarrassed couples are supposed to tell each other everything! I RECOMMEND 100% BREAKING UP WITH HIM! Don’t even TRY to make him happy! Just leave him. He’s not worth it.

Paul asks…

where can I find free old movie web downloads on the web?

I am looking for Barbara Stanwyck in Night Nurse. It’s from around 1931-2.

admin answers:

Asking these questions on public forums gets these good old bootleg movie websites shut down. Thanks.. Keep up the good work!

Daniel asks…

whats a good video maker?

i was wondering if anyone knew any good free video makers windows movie maker is boring and old i want to make a better youtube vid…if anyone knows any good video makers please post a link to the download.

admin answers:

Get a mac and you’ll get imovie for free, way better than windows, i don’t even know anyone who still edit videos in windows.

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