Your Questions About Direct Movie Links

Susan asks…

Where can I watch License to Wed online? Does anybody have a direct link to this movie?

admin answers:

I’d recommend going to see it at a theater like a normal person. Don’t use lime wire. It makes your computer slow. I’m going to give you some valuable advice, though. Don’t see it at all. That movie was horrible. I saw it yesterday, and just about fell asleep. As i was walking out of the theater, an usher was walking down an aisle to wake a man up. Trust me, everything worth watching is in the trailer, so just watch that. Not even Robin Williams could save that movie.

Charles asks…

where could i watch the KICKASS movie with no hassel and direct link?10 POINTS!?

admin answers:

Daniel asks…

anyone know where to watch the new movie april showers free online?

saw a great trailer of the movie.can yu send me links oh and dont send the ones with “take a survey to unlock” websites.there never ending and never work.anyways ppl i wud reall apreciate it if u wud send a direct link to a website.thank u guys!

admin answers:


Joseph asks…

Where can I watch the movie Star Wars IV:New Hope?

Just watched star wars I,II and III and I want to watch them all in order so does anyone have a direct link to this movie? Thanks.

admin answers:

It is available at

Paul asks…

plz give me direct torrent link or downloab option of movie finding nemo in hini version?

admin answers:

have fun

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