Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Mandy asks…

Safe Sites to Download Movies?

I want to download a movie that i cant find anywhere else online. its on a site called ive never downloaded movies or anything before and i absolutely dont want anything unsafe that could give my computer viruses or anything. does anyone know how to tell if a site is ok to download from or suggest some to me that you use and know are safe? help would be very appreciated!

admin answers:

No matter what you do, you could always get viruses so if I was you do the easiest thing and goto the cinema

Chris asks…

where can I download safe movies?

Im looking for a site to download movies that are safe. However I don’t want to pay. I am trying torrents but they are not working.

admin answers:

Hope it can help you.

Michael asks…

is there real free dvd movie download site that’s safe and virus free?

fast download

admin answers:

Theres one call

Mark asks…

can a movie download is safe for comp. and can be it deleted? ?

i was searching for a movie to watch.. but there is no way that i can watch it online …so.. i was thinking to download it from the site . i was wondering that is safe for my comp. because i have never done it before and Caini delete it after i watch the movie ? if so how ?? plz… plz.. tell me . thank u

admin answers:

Uh.. No downloading is considered 100% “safe” but if it’s just one it’s fine. Actually downloading is much more comfortable than streaming it online so yeah go stragith ahead. And if you want to delete it, just throw it in the trash can like any other files =)

Donna asks…


Is there a way where I can download movies, don’t say torrents because I don’t go with that. I will like to know a site where is safe and free well that is if there is one.

admin answers:

It’s NEVER legal.

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