Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Reviews

Susan asks…

Can you give me a site for downloading resident evil cutscenes?

I’d like to make a music video using re cutscenes and I’d partly like to watch them again. I own the games and have a device for getting the scenes but: 1. It’s a cheap dvd recorder and it comes out blurry. 2. I don’t want to put ten or or more hours into games I’ve beaten several times already just so I can get to the cutscenes. I just want the cutscenes. I’m tired of looking online for anything now. I’ve tried putting in “resident evil cutscenes download avi” on google (amidst other variations and add ons and blocks) and i usually get sites selling the games or the movies or promoting the new game or a review of the game/ movie/ new game/ strategy guide. It’s getting tiresome sifting through the overpriced, hard to use, ultimately useless sites they throw at you. Please help me, I’m begging you. Sidenote: and for the love of gaming please don’t give me them in japanese. I just want english re cutscenes :’ (

admin answers:

Lots of RE Vidz (Media Section)

And yeah to download those videos there is no direct possible way so after watching them gotour temp internet folder and copy from there to ur hard disk

Best of Luck

Laura asks…


a virus on my laptop from a movie review site has blocked my access to open up any account on my laptop

there are 3 accounts , mine, my dad , and my brother

when i got the virus, i asked a question on this site and i got answers for downloading AVG virus protector

so i did and i did exactly what this one guy said

run updates and then scan and heal and then restart

after the restart i tried to get back into the account…it said “loading personal settings” and then it just froze and after a while the screen turned blue

and thats all it happens

the only thing i can do is ctr alt+delete

nothing else
will the repair install erase all of my files? i have some really big documents for my AP class
the initial black screen doesnt show up so i cant get into safe mode!
ok im in the initial setup utility cause i couldnt get into safe mode

i pressed “load default configuration”

there is no sign of safe mode

so if will the default config do the trick?
never mind i got into safe mode

thanks you all

ill add details if necessary =)
wait no i didnt get into safe mode


when i clicked on safe mode it just scrolled down with a list of junk and it froze
EDIT:::::: i dont have a messanger but i sent an email

admin answers:

Something may have been corrupted by the virus.

Suggestion 1:
Since you already tried to log in multiple times, you can’ use the “last known good configuration”, so reboot the computer (or turn it on) and start tapping the f8 on the keyboard. When the Windows menu comes up choose Safe-Mode.

If you can get into Safe-Mode that is a good sign.

If you can’t get into Safe-Mode you are going to need to boot off of your Windows CD/DVD if you have one and run the “fix it option”.

If you can get into the Safe-Mode try the following:
Click on Start | Run and type “msconfig” without the ”
On the General Tab click on “Selective Startup”, then click on the Startup Tab and click Disable All. Click on Apply and OK and say yes to restarting.

If it boots normally and lets you log in to your account, then we have probably helped remove from starting the “program” that was in startup that the virus put there. You can now go back into “msconfig” and select the files that have to do with AVG.

And reboot again and this should work.

If it does not boot the first time out of safe-mode, let us know.

–Will watch for additional details and will update then.

Mandy asks…


a virus on my laptop from a movie review site has blocked my access to open up any account on my laptop

there are 3 accounts , mine, my dad , and my brother

when i got the virus, i asked a question on this site and i got answers for downloading AVG virus protector

so i did and i did exactly what this one guy said

run updates and then scan and heal and then restart

after the restart i tried to get back into the account…it said “loading personal settings” and then it just froze and after a while the screen turned blue

and thats all it happens

the only thing i can do is ctr alt+delete

nothing else

NOW here is the really bad part

i cant get into the accounts even going through safe mode

someone told me to run windows repair CD but will it erase my documents and everything? i have important documents on WORD for my AP classes
did you read the question?? i CANT get into SAFE MODE

admin answers:

Who is the administrator to your system? You, ur Dad or ur brother?

You can also try to get into the safemode by starting the administrator account.

Do this by starting your computer and press F8
choose safemode with networking
and choose the admin account.

Then download and run Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware

Be sure you got the latest updates. Then plugout your internet connection and start a full scan.

Be sure to have an updated antivirus scanner too:
I use AVG 7.5 while AVG8.0 slow your system down:

Nancy asks…

Anyone ever see the movie secrets of a go-go dancer?

I would like to know who has heard of it and reviews! Also I’m looking for a good social networking site like imvu (but not Facebook) where you can chat and do sexual things that I do not have 2 download!!!

admin answers:

Yesterday night I watched it for free here:

Sharon asks…

How to create an FTP site (for mac)?

I want to create an FTP site where my clients can log in and download the movie for their review.

Do i need some kind of hosting? is cyberduck just a way to connect to the FTP or can i set up an account.

Please help! THANKS

admin answers:

You need an ftp hosting service. You DON’T want to use your own home computer to do this because that makes it too easy to get hacked. You might not be able to do even that if you have dial-up or DHCP high-speed internet since your IP address will change every time. You can do exactly this same thing with a web-hosting site. You ISP may already allow you to host simple websites and put movies on them. However, thy may have a size limit on the files you can upload, and movies are big.

For FTP hosting services, check the back of MacWorld or Mac/Life magazines.

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