Your Questions About Movie Download Sites For Mac

Chris asks…

What is a good website that I can download movie files from?

I’ve been looking for a while, but all the ones i find you have to pay for.

Any good sight that is a FREE downloading site that is relatively safe for my mac.
The main thing is that it’s FREE!

None of these have been free

admin answers:

Use uTorrent

Lisa asks…

can mac download movies from the internet?

can mac download movies from the internet like when i open internet explorer i open the web-site where i have videos or movies then i click on the video and the video or movie starts playing then i click view from the main menu and then i select source and notepad opens the web-sites html codes. from there i just copy the link to the file like or wmv it could be any format
and then i open windows media player and in from the main menu i select file and open url and i just copy the url in media player and my video starts playing and again from the main menu i select file and then save as and i enter a name for the file and then my file is downloaded from the server to my hard-disk so can i do all this in a mac

admin answers:

Yes, but it’s best just to get the plug-ins for QuickTime to see AVI and WMV formats. Depending on the age of your Mac, IE might not be a choice but Safari or Firefox will do just fine. Now unless you buy QT pro you won’t be able to save from the QT window, you will have to download the source from the link, right click on your mouse or control left click to do so.

Thomas asks…

Where can i download movies for free for my ipod touch 2nd generation?

Ok, well i already asked this question, but i need a site where i can download movies, for my ipod 2nd gen, version 3.0. but i need a site where i can download movies that mac can download. i have a mac so it wont download the same as PC’s so. Pleasee help !

admin answers:


Ken asks…

Media Download for Mac?

There’s a movie on a site called Vimeo and I’m in the desperate need to download it, save it on my Mac Book, burn on a DVD, edit it and etc. I have tried few sites and add-ons with no luck. Does anybody know out there what to do? If you know a good free download site or software, could you let me know? Right now, I’m thinking about buying QuickTime Pro, but I’m not even sure that is the right thing. I appreciate any of your knowledge. Thank you.

admin answers:

If you use Firefox you might be able to download the movie with
a Firefox extension called Video DownloadHelper.

You can get this extension for free from

For sites try these two:


Zamzar (requires email address)

Carol asks…

Free movie downloads for mac?

Hey, I have a mac computer and I want to download free movies onto my computer to watch. I have the converter and everything. I just need the site! Thanks!

admin answers:

Nothing in life is completely FREE

How many people need to be to be sued before the message finally sinks in?

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