Your Questions About Movie Download Sites

Sandra asks…

Is there any good free safe frm getting viruses movie download sites?

admin answers:


Sharon asks…

Any one know any free movie download sites?

Hi no torrent sites, just free movie download sites….

admin answers:


George asks…

what movie download sites are safe?

I am interested in downloading movies instead of renting, so i can burn them and keep them. Which if any are safe and legal, no P2P.

admin answers:

There are no ‘safe’ movie download sites. Every single one that you go to will have spyware, malware, and virus. You just need to either take the chance or not. I wait to rent the movies I want to see and I don’t have to worry about illegal downloads or virus. Redbox is a great alternative to getting a virus on your comp.

Sorry. I didn’t mention Netflix or These are legal sights. You need to pay but they are legal.

Susan asks…

are there any truly free movie download sites?

everywhere i tried has a charge frostwire is loaded with viruses and trojans, all the others seem to be misleading.

admin answers:


ANY site that allows free downloading is bound to have some viruses. Get yourself some anti-spyware and pirate away!

Betty asks…

is there any one tell me free american free movie download sites?

i want to see the movies of Hollywood free is there any one know any site or sharing locations?

admin answers:


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