Your Questions About Direct Movie Links

William asks…

Where can I watch the Gumby Movie?

I used to have the cassette tap of it but i cant find it, but i used to watch it when i was a little kid and i really miss that movie.
please send me a DIRECT link as to where it is. the specific movie is the one where they go to space or something like that. and when gumby joins back up with is band (the clayboys) all i know is that its called “Gumby, the movie.” i really miss it. help me find it.. kk thanks

admin answers:

Watch the Gumby Movie .
Here :

Lisa asks…

Where can I watch Major Payne online?

&& Don’t tell me at because
I go there all the time & its not available there.
I need a direct link, please and thankyou
soo much if you help me.
&& please dont tell me to go google it cause I already
did & that did not help me at all.

admin answers:

It comes on tv all the time

Steven asks…

To shoot an independent movie in Los Angeles what permits do I need?

Where can I find them (if you send a link make it a direct link to the info)? How much do they cost? What is on or off limits?

admin answers:

Contact the Los Angeles Film Commission. They will give you all the help you need.

Michael asks…

Link to watch the movie gracie?

hey does any1 have the direct link to watch the movie
Gracie ? I tired youtube, dailymotion, and tv-links , and pretty much everything and no luck 🙁

admin answers:

Did you try im not sure but you might be able to find it there.
Good luck

Sandy asks…

Please help me find a link for this movie?

Where can i watch Romeo & Juliet (1996) movie?
i need a direct link, please dont suggest youtube.


admin answers:

(you can also get many more movies)

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