Your Questions About Movie Download Sites

Mandy asks…

psp movie download sites?

i am looking for a site to download movies for free or very cheap for my psp and also movies in vietnamese and spanish.

oh and if you have any cool apps that be cool too.

admin answers:

Well a good site that you can download apps , themes and demos is

Lisa asks…

why do all the movie download sites have a fbi warning when the piracy law hasn’t been passed?

admin answers:

It has always been illegal to copy or download copyright material. All the new legislation does is improve the enforcement options.

Richard asks…

What are the most popular online movie rental and download sites?

admin answers:

Netflix i guess and zune 😀

David asks…

movie download sites?

anyone know site to download movies the only one i know is

admin answers:


Susan asks…

Are there any music/movie download sites/softwares like iTunes?

admin answers:

You could try Music Download Center:
It’s free and a nice LimeWire replacement. You will be able to search and download music, listen to many thousands of web radios and browse the internet. All in one. And it’s amazingly fast.

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