Your Questions About Direct Movie Links Free

Donald asks…

La Vita e Bella (Life is Beautiful) directed by Roberto Benigni, premiered 1997. Need link to watch it?

Please post me a direct link where i can watch the entire movie for free. it is italian….thx

admin answers:

Sorry, don’t have the link, but I thought that that movie was so beautiful and…sad! It made me want to cry!

Richard asks…

the day the earth stood still free online?

can some one give me a direct link where i can just watch the thing?, i m not signing up for any bull-sugar and i dont want to see a darn trailer, i just want to see the dam movie! AHHHHHH!!!! i wannna die! please, someone save me

admin answers:

Well, I know it has nothing to do with “EARTH DAY”.

Wrong section, bud. .

William asks…

“Raise It Up” sheet music, preferably free?

Does anyone have the sheet music (for piano) to “Raise It Up”, from the movie August Rush? I’ve spent plenty of time trying to find it on Google, with no luck. I haven’t the money to spend on the songbook. A direct link would be greatly appreciated, rather than just a list of sites that offer sheet music.

admin answers:

Have you been to the torrent sites?

Susan asks…

Where Can I see the Brothers Solomon free online?

I dont want a list of sites that play movies, i just want the direct link to the brothers solomon from one of those sites, Just click and watch pleaseeeeee

admin answers:

Try here:

Their is a massive amount of different TV & Films here.
I was wathing Smallville last night untill 7am this morning.
But click the link that says TV shows and look down the A-Z listings…


David asks…

Were can I watch “Der Untergang” (the dowfall) online for free?

I googled it but i can’t find
i can’t by/order it either since i live in russia were i can; buy german movies and if i order it, it will never arrive
could u pleas leave a direct link if u know one- if not just leave a site u think it might be on
thanks so much

admin answers:


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