Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Thomas asks…

I need a safe website to download movies and music.?

I bought a mp3 player that plays music and movies. And I am looking for a site where I can buy them and I know I wont get ripped off. I would prefere to buy a membership but if i can’t that‘s o.k. If no one know where I can get both, i can always find music. Movies and tv episodes are really my main priority.If anyone knows of anywhere please let me know.

admin answers:

This one is all free and no levels of service just free.
download µtorrent at
to make it easiest pick videos in AVI format

Lisa asks…

is moviewatch-in safe?

Is that a safe site to download/watch movies on the internet?

admin answers:

May be yes. It depends on the reputation of the website. Ensure that the website does not put too many flash ads. Run with Google Chrome and have flashblock and other extensions enabled.

Mary asks…

Download link for windows movie maker?

I don’t want some unknown site that may not be safe I need like a good site like . Microsoft ! ?
So , a link to download Windows movie maker for windows XP not VISTA

if u can tell me the exact link to it it would help me so much
I know if comes on the computer , but it isn’t working and says I need to reinstall or something and I cant find the thing to reinstall and its not in the control panel add or remove hardware either

thank you ! : )

admin answers:

Windows Movie Maker is bundled with service pack 2

Daniel asks…

best site for downloading movies?

Well, I’m trying to find a website or program that downloads safe movies with reasonable quality.
Are there any good ones you use?

admin answers:


best site so far, you can stream DVD quality ones there too 🙂

Linda asks…

dose anyone know were i can watch the World trade center movie online one were i don’t have to download stuff?

i cant find this sad movie on my TV or at any store in my area so now i have to try the internet so if some one knows a safe and good site i can watch this heartbreaking film tell me but not one of those site were i have to download crap but like i sed if some one knows PLz tell thanks. And when i sed (this sad movie) i meant crying type sad, just saying in case some one takes it the wrong way.

admin answers:

This site is awesome.
There are several free movies with high quality.

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