Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Lizzie asks…

whats the cheapest legal way to download movies?

long story behind this question but i like having my movies on flasdrives so i need cheap sites where i can download movies legally please help me
how cheap are movies on these?

admin answers:

Amazon streaming

Laura asks…

What is a good subscription download site for music and movies that is legal?

admin answers:

The answers that none of them are good or legal is wrong. You can find a slightly confusing subscription service based in Germany and represented online in the US called

When you first go to the website, if you take the interest to download the software, a desktop browser for previewing the available files, that is one registered password and username. The software will work for free with the second stage registration for appearance only. TO actually download any of the files, you must register through the desktop browser. A email will receive your assigned username (combination of letters and numbers with dashes) and a password. Once you have logged those into your browser after submitting your credit card subscription fee, you are good to go with downloads from UseNext.

IT is legally shared newsgroup posts among users so no law at the moment forbids.

I download thousands of songs a year at about 18.00$ a month, the cost for one artist’s double CD. It is very worth the price and the search for songs is kinda addictive and fun. Also, have downloaded movies in the newsgroup format on OPENING WEEKEND. You will need to install WINRar to combine all the files for one two hour movie properly and learn to use that too. I am disabled and want to see movies on the open weekend so this is great for me.

Joseph asks…

are sites where you pay a small fee for downloading legal?

like, sharing websites such as nowdownload, etc. they want you to pay a small membership fee, and then you can download whatever..ebooks, movies…is it legal/does it work?

admin answers:

Depends if the site has a license to distribute the content they are distributing.

Will you get in trouble for downloading? No. No one has in the past. The people that have been in trouble are for sharing. They download the content, then leave in their shared folder for the rest of the world to download.

Nancy asks…

Is legal?

Is a legal movie downloading site. Please explain you reasoning.

admin answers: is not – is a torrent search engine which connects you to people sharing movies, etc. While some of the movies (i.e.,, government footage of wars, etc.) might be in the public domain, most of the others are still under copyright protection, which means downloading without paying is pirating and illegal. One can argue that the site itself only points you towards downloads and does not specifically provide you the download itself, but others argue (and there are some court cases that support this) suggest that merely acting as the guide to find illegal movies (and music, books, etc,) is a copy right infringement. However, since the Supreme Court has not ruled on this, there is no final word.

Mark asks…

Does the site is a legal site for movie download where we get dual dubbed movies?

this site is working properly for download movie. i am afraid next month it will be closed cause there are to many site which are illegal….but i think it is a legal site which work properly since two month please help me to get a mind about it ..

admin answers:


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