Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Free

Richard asks…

any download site for free movie download?

any free new movie downloadable site ?

admin answers:

No. Pretty sure that’s illegal in most countries.

Steven asks…

any free movie download web sites available?

admin answers:

Try these:

or you could get a torrent and downlaod off stuff like limewire

George asks…

What are some FREE movie watching sites that DON’T make you download the actual movie?

Not hulu, bu t really anything thats free and a non download,

admin answers:

Hulu, and Youtube is mainly what you have legally.
Don’t go to illegal sites.

Charles asks…

can i trust free movie download site?

there’s a movie download site that wants me to pay ten bucks before i can join. now i wouldnt even take a bite if they just asked for my card info, but they had paypal as an option, which is a save purchasing-vessel. but before i pay it up, will the site actually let me download the free movies? including ones in theaters? and no one better say “just buy the movie like everyone else does.” im not here to get preached
well theres a place to call me illegal but doing here will put YOU in violation of this site’s community guidlines. and yes, i SHOULD be able to expect to post here without getting preached at. Yahoo Answers insists that questions only be replied to with a real answer to it, unbiased.
thanx i think true

admin answers:

If you didn’t come to get preached at, you should have gone elsewhere. Go buy the damn movies, or get a Netflix account, or something that lets the people that make them see a return on their investment. Being secure in being a thief doesn’t make you less of one.

Laura asks…

free movie download web sites?

admin answers:

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