Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Ken asks…

Are there any sites with legal psp downloads?

I’m looking for a site where I can legally download psp games, movies, tv shows, themes, etc. I don’t mind having to pay a membership fee.
And DON’T recommend or I’m trying to stay away from scams…

admin answers:

Here you go this is a legit site i use to download movies to my PSP

you dont have to pay for a membership fee or anything like that you just need to create an account which will include your username and password

Betty asks…

movie-music-tv show downloading site?

Looking for legal sites to download not just music, but movies and/or TV shows. Ones that I’ve already researched are mp3suite, Amazon downloads, and unlimiteddownloadcenter.

I’ve used iTunes, but do not have an ipod and so I’m really looking for the following criteria:
1) non DRM files (to use with other mp3 players)
2) would prefer one-time fee or membership rather than per file
3) GOOD customer service
4) a guarantee (seems like some websites do money-back guaran.)
5) an extensive collection of music, movies, tv

If you’ve experienced any of the above or have any other recommendations, I would like to know.

Thanks in advance!

admin answers:

You can still download itunes and the movies you bought would go to your itunes library but you can still move it from there to any file and use it the way you want. Just like you can with songs.

William asks…

IPhone help please??????!?

Ok so I want too know some legal movie downloading sites

admin answers:

George asks…

Where can i watch true blood season 2 episode 8 preview?

Anyone can show me where can i watch true blood season 2 episode 8 preview and also a website where i can download movies ( not a torrent site ) but a legal movies downloads.

admin answers:

I don’t know about downloading movies but the preview for episode 8 is on the hbo website. And from the looks of the preview, it is going to be even better than last nights episode.

John asks…

Does anyone know a legal site to download movies and anime?

My brothers been wanting to watch angel beats episode 14 and battle royal so I wanted to know if anyone knew any legal websites . Your answers are greatly appreciated : )

admin answers:



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