Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Thomas asks…

is Veoh Web Player safe to download?

I was trying to watch LEXX on but all it would show was the first five minutes of each episode before telling me that I would need to download Veoh Web Player to watch the whole episode, I don’t know much about the veoh site and I don’t know anything about the Veoh Web Player so is it safe to download it or will it come with loads of spyware and viruses etc, I already have real player, nero showtime and windows media player so why do i need to have another player to watch veoh clips, is there anyway to configure the players I already have to play the full lexx movies, unfortunately youtube has a
few parts of some episodes missing

admin answers:

Yes i think its the best player on the net and you need it to stream of veoh

Sandra asks…

Is my computer safe? ?

So the other day my friend sent me a link to watch a movie online and she said she uses it all the time and works good, so I decided to go to it but it said I have to download this this flash player thing so I did. The next day all these random things were downloaded like this price peep check thing that kept poping up- and I have had SO many pop ups lately! I don’t have a virus protection on my computer, but I downloaded this free thing and it under the dangerous sites were those movie sites I went to. I uninstalled all the crap the thing downloaded on my computer and now it seems fine. Is it safe for me to put personal info on my computer now? Such as credit card numbers and social security number?

admin answers:

Get a copy of AVG and spybot – these are free anti-virus and anti-malware software
[download the FREE version – it’s all you need from this page]
[download Spybot – Search & Destroy 1.6.2 from this page]

Run AVG first – that will sweep for viruses and spyware on your machine. Then run Spybot – that will search for any spyware, adware, hijackers and other malicious software that AVG doesn’t find (There won’t be much, if anything, found, I promise).

Don’t put personal information (and certainly no banking details) into your computer until you have some protection.

Sandy asks…

is free down load a safe site?

for downloading movies im thinking about trying that site out. i have a few questions like can u get a virus from it ,if you download it will it slow ur computer down ,dose it take a long time to down load movies and is it legale

admin answers:

Do NOT download. Instead, just watch them online…heres a couple good free full movie links:

(completely safe)

Linda asks…

Is this site safe? URGENT?

Is WikiFortio safe? There is a movie on there that i want. Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing story? I would much rather watch it somewhere i don’t have to download anything. Please let me know if you know of somewhere that has it. But mostly my question is, is WikiFortio a safe site?

admin answers:

Never heard of it before, but if you DON’T want to download a film, and just want watch it online, try:
Peekvid, Flickpeek, tv-links, etc. There’s loads, type it in google

Ruth asks…

what is a torrent software?

i want to download some good quality movies that are from a safe provider and i came across torrent software? now i’ve heard of torrent websites that you can download movies off of but i don’t get what torrent software is? is it just like frostwire? or something?

and if you have any safe reliable sites that i can download off of, that would be great. (i’m looking for new movies that just came out!)

admin answers:

Torrent software is a file sharing program similar to Limewire or Frostwire, only designed to transfer large files. Like either of them, you ran the risk that the shared file may not be what is promised, by a virus or spyware. Or that the file might run, but be infected.

You also run into the issue that most of the things shared on Torrent sites are copyrighted, and downloading them is illegal.

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