Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Lisa asks…

What legal sites are there out there for downloading video. By legal I mean the video equivalent of Itunes?

I don’t want to know about limewire or bearshare or any of that. I want one that you can pay a small fee for video’s (movies, music video, adult video, etc.)

admin answers:

I usually use Google Video. Some Music Videos, I’ve never looked for adult stuff though. Some of it’s free, and some you get to preview.

George asks…

Is it legal to download copyrighted digital content, that I already own a legal copy of?

When I buy a dvd don’t I buy the legal rights to a copy of the digital content? If that’s the case then if it gets corrupted don’t I have the legal right to download another copy of the dvd off of a torrent site etc.

Because its not stealing if I already own it, right?

I’m pretty sure its that way with music, I just want to make sure its the same with movies & other digital content like games.

admin answers:

Technically it would be illegal, but yeah, it’s not like you could ever get into trouble because of that, so I wouldn’t worry at all.

Michael asks…

Whats a great, cheap and legal site for downloading movies?

admin answers:

Limewire. Although it is not particularly great, it is free & easy to use (for movies, music & more).

Carol asks…

Has anyone used the site to download movies?

I’m looking for a site that offers a wide range of movies at a good price.

I have found the website which seems to have a good range of movies and costs 39.99 euros for a monthly subscription.

I was just wondering if anyone had used this site, is it legal and legitimate, and are the downloads a good speed.
Also does it work in the UK considering the price is shown in Euros?

If not does anyone know any other good sites to download movies?

admin answers:

I have never used that site before, but if it’s charging you then you might as well go buy the movies in the shops.
Personally when I want to watch something I use the website
Just search a title or browse the genres and then when you find what you’re looking for it will give you a list of links that go directly to a streaming video. I use it all the time and currently watching the old Dr Who 😀

Charles asks…

Anyone know were i can download small clips of twilight or final fantasy? (legally)?

I want to make some music videos for you tube, a twilight one and a final fantasy one, but i can’t find any sites that do them….

I dunno if its against the law to download small clips from the game/movie, so a legal site would be helpful if so..

admin answers:

Go to They have loads of games clips to download, search in google.

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