Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

John asks…

is it legal to post links on a blog from sites that have links for ilegal downloads of films?

I am starting a blog and covering various techie subjects and will later go on to mention how you can download TV programs and movies, and also magazines to read on tablets, the sites themselves seem to get away with it- not sure if this is because they are faceless or based in a country out of reach of the law

admin answers:

I believe it is not illegal to post the link on a UK site. But if you download, via the link & break copyright then that is illegal.

Sharon asks…

Gooooooooood Movie Sites?

Free. No downloading. Prefer legal. NO virus’. I don’t want to have to play games first or do a trivia or whatever the hell. I just want to watch a movie.

admin answers:

There are only three good places i know. Hulu, fancast, and crackle. The rest want you to download spyware or something. Of course the best is netflix, but that costs a monthly charge.

Sandy asks…

I need a good website to download movies?

I need it to be compatable with android tablets or iPods. I would perfer if the site were legal. I would like the movies to have hd movies and variety but hd isn’t a must have. If you could help me I would be so happy!

admin answers:

has the full movie on there for free, plays great too.

Mark asks…

What are good, legal, downloading, pay-for-membership sites for PSP games/movies?

Do I need that software thingy (I’m not tech savvy), or can someone recommend a site for paid memberships. $30-50 beats having to pay that a zillion times for a new game. I am not interested in demo length either as this is for a business. Since I plan on setting up about ten PSP’s like this, will I have to buy an individual membership for each? Yes? Thanks for your answers Gamers!

admin answers:

I have been downloading psp games for over two years and review all those different psp download sites so read the reviews and decide for yourself . . .

And no you don’t need multiple memberships just one will do it’s unlimited downloads it doesn’t matter how many psp’s you download to.

Sandra asks…

What legal websites are there for discounted music and movies?

I used to use but then that closed. Please dont tell me its illegal i have done research i have concluded that while most music download site are illegal some r not. So please, do not answer unless you know of a site.

admin answers:

Itunes store on the Apple website, or or any of the following:,,,

Hope these help!

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