Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Free

Lizzie asks…

Where can I find a free Resident Evil download?

I’m looking for a free Resident Evil 1 Movie download. No viruses. Doesn’t need to be a download if there is a site where I can watch it for free without any viruses.

admin answers:

U need to be able to open .rar files. If you don’t know how search for it in Y answers or google it

Joseph asks…

How much money I’ll get from ads on my web site.?

I’ve bought a domain and going to create a nice looking website for free songs and movie download. I wanna know if I put premium ads on the site, how much money I can earn????

admin answers:

How long is a piece of string? It’s an impossible question to answer accurately. If your site is No.1 for a very competitive search term you can make money. Getting to No.1 for that kind of competitive search term takes a long time and professional work. You can’t just set up a website and expect people to start hitting your site and clicking ads. If it were that simple everyone would do it. The mere fact you asked that question suggests to me it is something you should seriously re-consider before you invest a lot of time and effort into it.

Laura asks…

What’s a good movie downloading site or app?

I want to download movies to my iPad for free. Is there any easy site or app to do it on? I don’t want to pay a single penny for it. I have Netflix so is there any way that I could download movies off of there?

admin answers:

Hey ? I found a site that allows you to download any piece of music,movies,E-books, or anything else you may need. Its like an enhanced version of google for downloading and its all avaliable for free (even for iPads). I have been using this site before megaupload went down and the reason these guys havent gone down is because of their security especially for their users. They also allow you to stream movies incase you don’t want to download. Heres the site.

Sandy asks…

is there anyway to get free download site for ppl who live out side usa?

i live in north africa and I’m bigg fan of american tv shows. movies &music so is there any1 who can tell me wut free download sites that i can use plz?

admin answers:

Try this

Now can you help me get some of that money these guys keep sending me emails about from North Africa.

Ken asks…

How can i download movies for free besides limewire and frostwire?

How can i download movies for free besides limewire and frostwire?

admin answers:

Http:// has everything you will need, including links to other sites you can download movies from :O + apps, music, games, etc.

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