Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Mary asks…

What’s the quickest (hopefully legal) way to transfer online video to DVD?

I suffer from the fact that people close to me still watch some shows at the actual times they air on network TV, and their tendency is to fall asleep before the programs end. Networks tend to rebroadcast their programs, especially the ones their sister movie studios own, on their web sites. Can these online videos be converted to DVD, hopefully in a legal way?

admin answers:

Hey, usually the online videos are in streaming FLV format. You need 2 steps to convert the online videos to DVD.
Step 1: Download online video
There are a lot of free online video downloader software which you can use to download the online video. I am now using this free online video downloader, you can download it at:
Step 2: Convert the downloaded online videos to DVDs
For converting the downloaded online videos to DVDs, you need some conversion tools. I have a good luck with this Wondershare DVD Converter Studio which is not free but works well for converting videos to DVDs. You can have a free try of it at:
Hope that will be of help.

Sandy asks…

Is pirate bay the best free website for music and movies?

I always download torrents from pirate bay but is there another webiste?

admin answers:

It was one of the best sites a long time ago, until recently it was a decent page. But they were bought out after the lost their lawsuit. They sold to a game company who plans on making it a legal download -pay/subscription page.

I wouldn’t even visit the homepage anymore. Stay away from them. The are only Pirate Bay by logo/name now.

Michael asks…

Where can I download high definition tv and movies from the net?

Ideally I would like legal sites, but any suggestions are welcome!

Thank you

admin answers:

HDTV is huge bandwidth

you dont download it from the net

(just checked up…. 1 minute of HD works out at about 37 Mb)

Carol asks…

What sites will let me watch some free lesbian romance movies?

I want to be able to watch some lesbian romances for FREE. I can’t find a site that will let me for free, with no risky shit on it.

admin answers:

TBH it is almost impossible to stream sexy vids online without being taken for a ride. Your best bet is (and its not a legal one) to download full videos via torrents. You should easily find some torrents if you search for something like ‘lesbian romance torrent’.
Let me know whether you know how to download torrents. I could talk you through it. X

Thomas asks…

Best way to get free, but legal music downlodd into an iPod?

I just got a brand new, 2GB iPod nano for christmas. I’ve already downloaded all the songs I want off of my CD collection, and I want to download some off of the internet. However, I’m low on cash. So, how would I go about getting free songs legally?

admin answers:

There are a few sites which allow you to download music off the net legally to its members. The membership to join is usually around $39 bucks but after you join you get access to unlimited ipod music and movies. One of the best sites on the net is for a full list of the top five sites to join on the net you can check them out at they have full listing and reviews.

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