Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Free

William asks…

What is the best site to download or watch movies online For free ?

What is the best website to download or watch movies online
For free ?

admin answers: ((: , they have inappropriate adds tho but all you have to do is close them when they pop up and they won’t bother you anymore ((:

Maria asks…

Where can I download the live action Legend of Zelda movie?

Yes, I know there was that fake trailer made by IGN, but there was a real movie made by some independent company, and it was hosted online for a while. I watched it while it was hosted online, but never actually got to download it. The site was taken down, and they never released a download like originally planned, but I was wondering if anyone knew if there was a download out there for it? I would love to watch it again. Maybe it was just the nostalgia of remembering back to when I first played Ocarina of Time, but I loved that movie, and so want to watch it again.

admin answers:

I would love to suggest you to “ http://MovieUpdt.COM ” is the premier destination for getting, sharing, linking and finding Latest Movie & Media Updates, videos and graphics. All our Shared videos & Download Links for free ! , You can share them by email or on social sites like Facebook, Twitter and MySpace or Anywhere

Richard asks…

Can anyone tell me where to download free mp3s for hannah montana?

i would like specficly to find the song ‘if we were a movie‘ by hannah montana. i’ve searched everywhere and cant find one. accutally, any free mp3 sites would be nice, but if you give me a site that is just sorta random, and there is no hannah montana on it, please specify if you can. (dont give me mp3 arena, i’ve already searched) HELP!

admin answers:

Try downloading LimeWire or ShareBear.
Hope this helps.

Laura asks…

What site will allow me to watch movies online?

I want a site that is free and no download please I am soo bored! Please try and give me a site with no download AND for free

admin answers:

I love answering these questions because the answers are so simple and don’t require a drawn out response. Anyway, I tend to recommend this website in all of my Yahoo Answer questions and I haven’t heard any complaints about it.

I recently found out that you have to do a quick free survey that will take a few seconds to do before you can watch a movie on the site though. But it is worth the seconds it takes to do the survey to watch a free movie right?

Anyway, enjoy. Anyway:

Paul asks…

Why do free movies still register on my internet counter?

I have just watched the first part of a free “non-downloading” movie from a website, but my internet counter still seems to have registered about 300mb of received information for this action. Is this right?

admin answers:

Yep! Even if the movie was free if your ISP applies a download limit then it counts EVERY kb that you download.the site may say non-downloading but it still sent 300mb of info to your PC via the internet, as far as ISP’s are concerned that is exactly what download means.

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