Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Laura asks…

How can I watch this movie online?

I watch this preview movies online, but there is a limit to how many pre-views you can watch. I’ve reached the limit and now unable to view more. My questions are:
1. How does the site track my view?
2. How can I reset things to get fresh new previews (oh, yeah, it’s a porn site, hehe)

Last time, when I got to the limit, days later, I formatted my computer, and reinstalled things. As I tried visiting the site again, I discovered that I have fresh counts of previews again. What happened?

admin answers:

One of my favourite free movie streaming websites is 100% Safe also, never had a virus or anything. Also they provide quick downloading movies.


There you can get tips about how to watch megavideos without limit.

There are many ways to get around Megavideos time limit without buying a premium account. Thay have gathered some tips for you on this page. Now read and enjoy your videos!

Action, Biography, comedy, crime, drama, family, horror, kids, sci-fi, teens Movies are listed .


Daniel asks…

How do i know when somethimg is ok to download on my computer and it will not affect my computer?

If i want to download something from the net i want to know what is safe to download, what will not have a virus

admin answers:

There is no better answer than ANTIVIRUS. There are SO many dangerous files floating around on the ‘NET, and they come in all different file types – EXE, JPG, MPG, DOC, XLS – there is NO WAY TO KNOW all of them!
Now here’s the thing – you can SAVE (download) a file to your computer safely, THEN scan it with an antivirus. So in that respect, it’s always safe to download a file, just DON’T RUN IT until you’ve checked it out. That means don’t view a movie file, don’t open a picture, don’t install a game until you’ve checked it out.
But here’s the other “rule of thumb”. I personally, feel safe enough (of course there’s never 100% guarantee) downloading games and stuff DIRECTLY from reputable sites like Yahoo!, Microsoft, and the like. MySpace, by the way, doesn’t count. Anytime the files are provided by other “users”, there is a chance for virus infection. But if you are downloading a file DIRECTLY provided by a reputable company, it can be safe to assume that it has been checked and is clean.
But it’s always best to avoid playing guessing games with your $1200 – $3000 computer. You can always spend a mere $35 a year for a good antivirus subscription and be safe.
Hope that helps!

William asks…

How do I know which torrents are safe?

I want to download a torrent but I’m so scared of getting a virus how do I know which ones are safe? is XTVi a safe site?

admin answers:

Movie torrents are safe for viruses except for the fact anti piracy groups may be listening in on who is downloading by connecting as a false peer. To stay relatively safe there is blocking programs out there such as peerguardian 2 for Utorrent. Vuze has it’s own IP blocking feature but has to be set up manually. Utorrent recently made a deal with the MPAA so i would avoid using that.

Files you have to execute such as text files .exe files pictures etc. Should not be considered safe no matter what site you go on. Any file that has to be executed can have malicious code in them. is a pretty good place to get the latest movies. If you want to download copyrighted programs do it at your own risk. They often contain viruses and no torrent site is safe from that including XTVi.

If you want to download a program then download the trial version on the official page and find a keycode for it somewhere else to fully activate it. The Pirate Bay usually post the codes in the comments section of the given program

Ken asks…

How do I get music to put on Windows Movie maker?

I already know how to get music from but I want songs like katy perry songs… lady gaga songs… etc. I don’t want karaoke I want the real music with singing. So what web-site can I get from without purchasing?

admin answers:

Limewire. Its a file sharing program and the only 1 i trust. Download from Tho safer than others it still requires common sense 2 spot fakes. But i’ve downloaded over 700 items and havent contacted a virus yet. P.S. Downloads the ones with most sources for shorter download times.

Thomas asks…

Do all of the games for downloading on Limewire have viruses?

Because i was trying to download Zoo Vet and every copy was corrupted.

admin answers:

Listen to Intruder. Bitorrent is MUCH safer. If you have to insist on using Limewire, there are a few things you can do to protect yourself, though, personally, I stopped using it long ago because of all the bad downloads:

1: Read the Bitzi Ticket entries for all downloads before downloading them. If there’s a known virus in the download, it’ll tell you. If there’s no Bitzi entry for a download. Don’t touch it.

2: Know what the appropriate file sizes are for each type of download. If you’re downloading an .AVI motion picture, an appropriate download size would be about 700M. An MP3 record album might be about 60M, a full DVD usually runs about 4G. If you want to download a movie and the download is 768K, you can be sure that it’s either a virus, or at best, a teaser for a porn site with a misleading name.

3: Get to know the filesizes for common viruses. I’m not currently up on this, but there used to be a few common ones that would disguise themselves as popular downloads, but would have the same filesize, every time. The dimwit who wrote the trojan packaging program was too dumb to pad the download with filler data to make it a convincing filesize!

Using these techniques, you’ll be able to spot 99% of the viruses out there, almost as if they had flashing lights on them. There’ll still be a few you won’t be able to spot, so keep your antivirus software up to date.

Cripes, just switch to utorrent! Limewire is like playing in a dirty sandboxby comparison. Here are some links to get you started.

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