Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Chris asks…

What does limewire do to the computer?

how does limewire affect the computer? what is safer for the computer that doesn’t harm it?

admin answers:

Limewire the programme doesn’t effect your PC – it’s what you may download that can effect your PC (files that contain viruses etc.)
This applies to ALL file sharing programmes. It’s the risk involved in obtaining freebies.

The other risk is in getting caught downloading copywrited material, as these sites are monitored by anyone with copywrite material (movies & music industry especially) who like to prosecute people for doing so.

Helen asks…

Does anyone know a safe site in which I can download music to my media player 11 ?

As far as limewire I know several people that have got viruses so is there certain downloads you have to watch out for ?

admin answers:

My friends and i download limewire and get all the movies, music, music videos, and etc i want. Its really cool. Just be careful and as specific to your searches so you can get the right thing. =]

Robert asks…

What are the best screen and audio recording applications?

I want to start a Youtube gaming channel, but I cannot find reliable screen + audio recorders…
P.S: I’m looking for freeware.

admin answers:

I will give you some sites to download. Don’t worry, they’re safe and I’ve used them all. Some work better than others, but be sure you have a computer that can handle multitasking. Of all the ones I prefer, I prefer the Virtual Dub method as it is the fastest.

Look for the download links on their sites that I have provided. Yes, ALL are free and no trial dates. All can record system sounds OR your voice. If you want to record your voice AND game sounds, get a sound recording software. That, I suggest Audacity. It is free also.

Last thing, be sure to look for a good codec. They do not come provided (usually) and are necessary to make files smaller unless you like bad quality or 50GB videos for 10 minutes.
A pretty good one is ffdshow. If that doesn’t work for you, use either DivX codec or Xvid codec. Google them.

Http:// —– Growler Guncam ——- Camstudio ——— BB Flashback Recorder —— Virtualdub*



My criticism on each:

Growler Guncam – It has a rather clunky interface and it has a bit of organizational problems. Past that, videos you record are not rendered directly and you must choose them each to render into a proper movie format. It is a pain to use sometimes.

Camstudio – It has problems in regards to recording because it is a “beta” stage. However, Camstudio use to be an ACTUAL complete software with almost no bugs. I have the version before it was turned into a beta and the one after and I say the one before beta (non downloadable) is better.

BB Flashback Recorder – Probably the most bug-free and stable as this was made by actual commercial developers. They were nice enough to provide a free version. You can record voice AND system sounds (but it’s kinda glitchy for some reason). However, my only complaint is that the longer the video you record, the longer the rendering takes. All the other software I listed take no time at all to render videos to a computer-readable format.

Virtual Dub – The most fastest and takes almost no time to render the video into AVI format. You will have to get used to the interface though as it is ALSO a video editor/compositor.

You need help with any? Google how to do screen recording with any of these and you should be able to find results.

James asks…

How do I delete songs, videos and pics of an ipod?

I recent;y recevied an ipod from a friend, but how do I delete all of their stuff on it, there are songs, videos and pics. I want to put my own stuff on there. Thanks!

admin answers:

Yep, on your computer download/install iTunes (free and safe, no worries).

After it’s installed, you’ll have to get everything from their iPod onto your computer. This site tells you how (NO downloading!):

Then plug in your iPod and open iTunes. At the side you’ll see a small iPod icon underneath DEVICES. Click on it (this usually pops up as soon as your iPod is plugged in).

At the top, click on Movies (or whatever) and it’ll give you the option to check/uncheck which ones you want!!

Good luck, email me with further q’s!! =D

Laura asks…

Where can I go to download free Microsoft Office Software?

I know it costs money to purchase, but if there’s a download area where I can go to get one for free, hands down I’m there! HELP

admin answers:


Its really easy. You need to use BitTorrent.
Here, first of all, go to this website and download a free BitTorrent client called ABC:…

If the link doesn’t work, go to Google and search for the keywords “ABC BitTorrent Download”

Now tha you have sucessfully downloaded and installed, ABC, its time to download some “Torrents”. With torrents, you can download movies, softwares, games, books, music and everykind of file. Plus, its really safe, not like Kazaa or other P2P File Sharing programs.

Now, to search for programs and other stuff, go to a torrent website and try to find the software or movie or whatever you are looking for:

Here: —> — I really recommend you Demonoid, its the best one and you can see what other users way about other torrents. Its the best torrent site, I believe. However, you need to register, and registration is only open on Fridays, so don’t miss that, I find almost any software for Macintosh there, and for PCs there is even even even more. I downloaded Windows XP, Vista ( Beta ), Adobe full collection of softwares, Office, and all the expensive programs. Its great hope you enjoy it.

Use all of those sites to seach for downloadable games, music videos, movies, music, books, videos, software and everything… And then you will use the BitTorrent Client ABC to download them.

Hope this was pretty helpful to you. Have a nice day

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