Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Linda asks…

where can i find the jerk movie online?

I want to watch it online for free but i cant seem to find it. Everytime i think i have gotten to a download it says video unavailable or something like that.

admin answers:

This site:


free streaming movies no download or surveys needed, ANY movie or tv show EVER!!
Just enter your search and all sites playing the movie or T.V. Show will be displayed for you to choose from.
OVGuide has an awesome free movies search engine… OVGuide indexes all the free movies/tv sites and searches them simultaneously… So if a movie is out there for free, OVGuide will find it.
I haven’t been to the theater in 2 years!
And it is totally legal it even has Microsoft as an advertiser

Thomas asks…

Can someone explain to me exactly what it means to backup and xbox 360 game?

ive been reading about backing up xbox 360 games and im not sure if i fully understand can someone please explain it to me? and also if you know of any websites that show you tutorials of how to burn games and play them with the firmware or w/e if you could give me the link i`d appreciate it. thank you!

admin answers:

It means COPY a legal game into a copied game, without legally permitted. While it saves a lot of money. Th same meaning to the pirated games.

See more details by the following article:
You need your Xbox 360 to be modified with a mod-chip before you play games or movies.
Of course it can play any game of your own, and any movie (also DivX as you asked) as you wish after you get your Xbox 360 mod-chip installed!

It’s a very mature technical now so it won’t have problem if you get your Xbox 360 modified.

Also you can download any PAL or NTSC Xbox 360 game as you wish online now.

About the downloading and backup and copy games service: There are serveral sites providing such download services. They are very excellent on the contents, not only Complete big Xbox 360 games like Metroid, LOR, American Idols and Guitar Heroes etc. But also many movies, Xbox 360 tv shows, music and videos much more!!!

All you need is to join one of those sites to download so many resources. So you can download all those media as you wish!

And some sites can provide simple software help you to burn the ISO Games into DVDs, it is very easy and fast. After the instructions by them, you can go ahead to play those games you burned onto your Xbox 360.

Maybe a good review site to those download sites might help you very much on judging which is one is the best for you:

Good luck and have fun with your XBox360!

Laura asks…

Is the entertainment industry going to go broke due to piracy and illegal downloads of music, films, and books?

Authors, musicians, actors, agents, producers, directors, etc etc etc, amazon, theaters, ARE THEY GOING TO GO BROKE AND VANISH??? I am an author, and call me dramatic, but I feel like my future in writing books is going to be robbed, since people like Sean Parker and others who develop illegal downloading sites are robbing us. YES we care about our fans, but this is our hard work we are losing money on, so in the future, are we going to be doing this for free of all else?

THINK, authors don’t get talk shows, concerts, and contracts like music and actors. I am a self-published guy (I have another job) but still, it depresses me that we might not have a future in this, since anything we do, will be taken on the web for free. Thoughts?

admin answers:

No, they are not “going to go broke and vanish”. They are losing revenue from it, though, but still make enough to keep going (and then some). This does not excuse people from stealing their works. It’s the same thing as shoplifting from a store: Stores are not going to go broke over it, but it is a loss and a contributing factor in the increase in price you see.

IMO, the biggest problems is that the big record and movie companies have not embraced the new technology, and instead have decided to fight it. Many small-time artists (as in not mainstream) have embraced technology, and offer their items for download for free, and just ask people to donate or purchase their items to help support them. They get by fine. They don’t make big bucks, but they also don’t have the huge overhead of having a fully staffed legal team all around the globe to fight their legal cases for them.

This may not work for the big companies (who wants to donate to someone that makes millions and millions (may even billions) of dollars in profit each year? But it shows that the technology can be embraced and still turn a profit. All they need to do is figure out how to do it for them.

Susan asks…

Okay, so, can I get arrested and/or jailtime for watching a movie/tv show online for free?

I’m in the UK btw. I’d like to watch this tv show online. Not to download as a file and keep, or burn to a cd, but to watch it on the website and that’s it. If the british govt is monitoring my internet use, what could the punishment be for this?

admin answers:

If the OWNER of the copyright authorized distribution though the site you watched the show on, it is 100% legal. If they did not, it is illegal. That said, even if you are caught, copyright violations are generally handled as CIVIL, not criminal cases. Punishment normally means a monetary fine.

Lizzie asks…

What is the M3 DS exactly, what does it do and where would I buy it?

A friend of mine had this and I played around with it. I was still a little confused after wards and wanted one for myself. I’d really appreciate if someone answered my question.

And please no tech website links cause I haven’t been getting much help from them. 10 points to the best answer.

admin answers:

Technically (the legal answer) M3 DS Real is a MultiMedia player that allows you to play music, movies, picture slide shows and homebrew games on your Nintendo DS. These are all accomplished by downloading said items from your PC to a microSD or microSDHC card. When you get the item there’s the small matter of having to update the firmware but that’s simple enough and the instructions online are fairly easy to follow. You can pick up an M3 DS Real from this site: They’re in Canada (not Korea or China or some other place from where you’re likely to be ripped off) and I personally have had great shopping experiences with them. They’ll be able to link you to any number of FAQs if I didn’t answer your question as fully as you would have liked. OR you could try

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