Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Carol asks…

Where can I download movies easily and safely?

I have recently tried downloading pride and prejudice , sense and sensibilty and I cant! The sites suck! I’m also on my galaxy tablet but it wouldnt really differ from a laptop, right? I want a site where i could download movies for free and easily without worrying aout any viruses.
Thank you :))

admin answers:
It’s a Spanish website but all of the movies are in English and they have a ton of new movies!! It’s free and safe. I download movies all the time, haven’t had a problem yet. Just make sure you download them correctly.

Sandra asks…

Is there antivirus to keep my PC safe from virus?

My PC is full of virus all the time. I formated many a times but still infected. I also tried many antivirus such as MS Security Essential, Mcafe, Nortran…. but having no positive results. Is there any antivirus to keep me safe from virus?

admin answers:

I use Avast free 6.0 ( ), and use malwarebytes free ( ) at the same time(because AV are for viruses, not all malware. Avast can help block in comming attempts of malware, but malwarebytes is better at removing it, but its best to run a scan with both of them). You could also get firefox ( ) with a couple of security addons like WOT and ABP. You can even go as far as getting Noscript.

The next way to stay virus free is to stop illegally download media and software. This is anything copyrighted for free without the owners permission. Stop downling free music,movies,games, and programs. Stay away from p2p like frostwire etc.dont download porn onto your computer. If you need to look at it just find a site that doesnt have a bad rating, and just stream it.

what does a mac have to do with anything? They can still get viruses, just not as easily as a windows computer with novice users.

If you want a computer that is almost virus free, linux is a WAY better choice then mac.

Richard asks…

Is it safe to download from say limewire, bittorrent and other p2p sites?

My computer has webroot spysweeper and ad-aware. If I was to download a file from a p2p site am I protected from viruses etc or do I need another program to screen the download either as it comes in or after it has come in(but before opening)?

admin answers:

Download at your own risk. Spysweeper and Ad Aware are both anti spyware programs; you will need an antivirus program as well. However, no security software is 100% effective. And, they are not very good at detecting new threats, so called “zero-day” threats. Hackers love uploading their malicious files on file sharing sites. They know people will be all too eager and careless to download some “supposedly” free movie, song, ring tones and etc.

Sharon asks…

Where can I watch full Firefly episodes without having to download anything?

I’ve been trying to find sites where I can watch Firefly episodes, but Hulu and WB only have a handful of episodes. Where is a site that I can watch episodes (namely 4, 5, 6 and 12) without having to download anything? (I don’t want to risk downloading something that might hurt my computer)

admin answers:

I tried and can’t find anything either; not for free anyway. I did find this site that charges for them ($1.99). I don’t know if you have to download any software, but I don’t think so. Http://

You can rent them on NetFlix ( Possibly in the TV section at Blockbuster as well.

Renting them may be the safest way to go.

Fabulous series and incredible movie (Serenity). Definitely a favorite in my house.

Mandy asks…

Safe website to watch the Golden Compass online?

I just fnished the book and would love to watch the movie. Can someone tell me where I can watch it safley for free without downloading it?

admin answers:


you can watch this movie along with around 600 others…site streams movies just like youtube…so you dont need to download anything. Also no sign up required

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