Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Donna asks…

Question about shows on Netflix’s instant streaming material?

Is there a list of all the shows and movies that are instant streaming ready, if there is a link would be great, but more specifically are America’s Next top Model and Medium available for the instant streaming. Anything is a help thanks.

admin answers:

This site:


free streaming movies no download or surveys needed, ANY movie or tv show EVER!!
Just enter your search and all sites playing the movie or T.V. Show will be displayed for you to choose from.
OVGuide has an awesome free movies search engine… OVGuide indexes all the free movies/tv sites and searches them simultaneously… So if a movie is out there for free, OVGuide will find it.
I haven’t been to the theater in 2 years!
And it is totally legal it even has Microsoft as an advertiser

Sandra asks…

Who puts up illegal downloads on the internet?

Do they make money off of it? Im in a arguement with a teacher… And if they dont make money with it why do they do it?
Jesus christ read the question before you try to answer it.
Do people that put torrents up on websites make money off of it?
People like axxo

admin answers:

I imagine there are multiple reasons people put content online illegally.

– Money: This could be direct payment per download or advertiser driven (banner ads, popups, etc…).
– Revenge: People that feel putting up content gets revenge against the “greedy corporations”
– Obligation: If you downloaded something in the past, perhaps you feel obligated to do the same for the “next guy”.
– Ignorance: Some people may not be aware that their actions are illegal.
– Beliefs: Some people believe that “information wants to be free” so they think they are part of a larger cause that makes information available to anyone.
– Challenge: Individuals or groups that do things just because they can. Hacking anti-piracy protection is part of a challenge. They do it for the thrill of beating the system.

** Edit **
@MINT – I’m not a fan of copyright in the current form (personally think it is way too long of a time period)but I can see that having some form of it is necessary. The creation of content (music, movies, software, art, etc…) does require some amount of resources (time/money) and the creators should be compensated. If they can’t have exclusive creation rights for some period of time, creation of new content would likely stop. As an example, consider a video game like Skyrim. The investment to create the game required the salary of numerous people, hardware, software (development tools, configuration management software), work environment (rent or portion of purchase cost), utilities, marketing (to make people aware of the game), distribution, support, etc… If they sold one copy and that one copy was uploaded and made available to everyone to download for free, where does the money come from to pay for the investment cost? I’m not a fan of the current length of copyright for various media types but the creators do need some period of protection to make money off the material they produced. The “life + 70 years” or “95 years from publication” period seems way too long in my opinion. I’d probabably put it closer to 5-15 years for digital media (mainly figuring that some content could be reused in sequels and the original producer should have first rights to it).

Oh, Apple shouldn’t be the target of your anger. Apple complied with the RIAA in order to move music to digital distribution. Apple wouldn’t have been able to get a license to download if they didn’t work with protecting the content (which really isn’t much of a protection scheme if you think about it).

** Edit 2 **
“Do people that put torrents up on websites make money off of it?” – Some do, some don’t. Unless the person putting up the illegal content controls the site, then likely they don’t make the money then. The site owners could make money through advertising. If the site supports purchasing content, then the person that uploaded the content could make money, but I’d be surprised if they made any significant amounts of money since the legal content owners would take it offline pretty quickly in most cases.

“People like axxo” – No idea who this is. Perhaps if they control the torrent client software or sites (via advertisements) that link to the torrent content, they could generate money. Maybe they get paid from organizations looking to hurt the commercial industries by illegally making content available and financially hurting the content copyright holder. Hard to say in all cases what is happening.

John asks…

Anybody know where i can watch Disney Pixar Cars for free online?

My little brother loves the movie but we dont own it and he wants to watch it. Preferably w/out downloading but i can download if i need too

admin answers:

Heres a list of some of the legal sites.

Nancy asks…

Where can I watch the South Park Movie for free… preferably with the highest possible quality?

I don’t care if i have to download or not.

admin answers:

I found it at I love the quality there and the site says it is legal.

Robert asks…

Starting a daily journal due to going to court and fighting for child custody?

But I already spent 5 months with my child before she took him back and I had no journal. I wish I did.

But in my new journal, can I write anything (regarding the child) from my memory. I do have some pictures and videos but nothing written. So for instance, I took him to doctor # of times by my self, HOW CAN I INCLUDE THIS IN MY JOURNAL?


admin answers:

No, the journal starts now. What you are talking about is a chronological statement of past events.

Many think the courts are rigged against dads, but in reality, it is more about attorneys unwilling or lacking the knowledge to truly fight for the father’s rights. This is why it is important to learn how to interview and hire the right attorney. It is also important to do as much as possible on your own and not pay the attorney to do it.

Part of the problem with getting your rights knowing what to do to prove your case, and how to remind the judge of their responsibilities. Let me start with the judge.

Always take people with you to court who are not there to testify. Make sure they are sitting where the judge can see them, each equipped with a tablet and pen to take notes. It’s best to use a Court Watch Form designed for this purpose. I have one in the manual at Dads House.

If the judge is not doing his job, using the info from this form, you can, appeal, and/or get the judge sanctioned and removed from the case. You file a complaint with the State Supreme Court at your state capital.

Start keeping a daily journal of all your activities. The most common way to prevent a father from getting his rights through the courts is a false allegation, usually sexual. Over 60% of divorcing father are accused of child sexual abuse, of which only 4% are found to have any relevance, but there are no penalties for doing so. A daily journal is your number one piece of evidence in court and you can even refer to it while on the stand.

Gather evidence. Check the site below to see if it is illegal to record conversations without the other person knowing. If your state does not have a law either way, than it defaults to the federal ruling which says one person in a conversation must know they are being recorded. You’re that one person. In Missouri it is specifically legal, in Kansas there is no mention either way. If you live in two different states, and one has a law against it, than it applies when the call originates from within that state,

Now, you can’t just record, you also have to transcribe it into your daily journal.

If you want to learn how to do all this go to Dads House in Yahoo Groups. Upon joining, you will receive a link for downloading a 200 page educational manual that can teach you what you need to know. Take the time to learn what you can and should do.

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