Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Mary asks…

Where can I buy legal mp4 movies?

I don’t mind paying for them just as long as its legal.
It is for my ipod touch but please don’t say itunes because there is no itunes movies in Ireland!
Please don’t say use a converter either, I just want to download the movie in mp4 format.

admin answers:

You don’t. Movie companies want all kinds of copy protection on their films, and everyone has different copy protection that is only compatible with their specific products.

You can legally rip DVDs to put on your iPod as long as it’s for your own personal use, but that’s about it.

And Mick, if you think that bogus site provides legal downloads then you’re f*cking clueless.

Donald asks…

Is it illegal to downloads movies on your iPod from Limewire?

Well, title explains it all.

admin answers:

Well the downloads themselves are illegal but no cop will bust you, unless you were selling the illegal download copies at a flea market/swap meet or something like that. Most folks who download them never have any legal issues at all, but ALL of these illegal download sites have many virus’s too.

Paul asks…

Why hasn’t Hotfile user been sued for illagal downloading?

The music and movie industry has gone after p2p and torrents, but why have they not gone after sites like hotfile, rhapidshare, etc
yes i know i spelled illegal wrong.

admin answers:

Sites like hotfile and rapidshare are perfectly legal. They are not made for pirating (at least that’s what they’ll always tell you). They cannot adequately control what users upload, but will remove copyrighted attention if someone reports it. That’s essentially their defence–that while they don’t directly control the files on their harddrives, they delete anything illegal if it comes to their attention.

David asks…

Where do people get new release movies on dvd?

I know of a lot of people who say they have watched a movie before its release date on cinemas. Its illegal and unethical. I am just very curious to know where ppl can get them? Do they download it? where? how?

thanks in advance

admin answers:

As you can see from the previous answers, most of the methods are illegal. The sites that offer this stuff change names frequently to offer this stuff. What people don’t realize is that if they keep getting this stuff for free then the stuff won’t be around much longer. This is how the actors and crew get paid and if you download illegally we’re taking that away from them.

…I hope everyone stays legal.

Susan asks…

is it legal to buy movie and video games download?

is it legal to buy roms and music download? Like using emulator to play them. Is it legal to buy stuff from the server like easynews that you pay every month and have unlimilted access to download movies, video games and music? What happen if you buy roms download and not own the original video games case from stores is that legal?

admin answers:

If you get it from the official site, then it’s legal. If you buy movies from iTunes, then it’s legal because Apple shares part of the profit with the movie studio. If you download games from PSN, XBL, Virtual Console, those are legal because the profit is split.

If you download ROMS, emulators, etc. Then it’s illegal. The only person or people who are allowed to keep a game ROMs are the person or people who made the game. Anyone else that has it, has it illegally. Most of the sites that offers unlimited downloads for a monthly fee are usually illegal because they’re using emulators to play ROMS, which are illegal.

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