Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Free

Donald asks…

Free Music and videos for my sansa e200 mp3 player?

Where can I get free music and movies for my sansa e200??? And could you also explain to me how to do it? I have limewire on my computer now and I downloaded a few songs onto my computer but can’t get them onto my mp3. Could you tell me how or tell me a different site where I can get stuff?? Thanks!

admin answers:

I don’t really know so much about free videos, but you can get tonnes of free music on Jamendo. I don’t know how so few people know about this.

Lizzie asks…

What is a good website to download movies?

I want to know i website where i can download new movies for free without risk of viruses thanks

admin answers:

Y!A – is NOT a pirates ‘help’ site.

This question (and 3 of the replies) have been reported for a BLATANT violation of Yahoo’s Community Guidelines and Terms of Service.

Ken asks…

Where can I see The Hunchback of Notre Dame?

I’ve tried and failed to find a site of which I can see the Disney version of The Hunchback Of Notre Dame. And I’ve looked at links other people have given with this similar question, but I’ve have no luck finding the movie. Does anyone know of a site of which I can watch it for free and without having to download it? Thanks!

admin answers:

Have you tried these sites?:

Steven asks…

Can someone tell me where I can download Transformers: Revenge of the fallen for free?

Hello, I am looking for a site where I can download Transformers 2 for free. Can you please help me?

admin answers:


Helen asks…

Where Can You Find Free Downloadable Movies?

I want to download the movie Munich by Steven Spielberg, but I can’t find any sites that lets me download free movies, they either want me to get a membership or it’s like 4.00 per movie or something

admin answers:


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