Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Free

Maria asks…

Where can I watch How To Train Your Dragon free?

I really want to watch this movie!
I want you to give me sites that do not require downloading the movie, no porn sites, no sites that make you take a survey or ANYTHING like that. I will not stream this movie either. The sites must also be absolutely FREE. Remember you win 10 points if you give the best answer, so give me a good answer!
And I don’t want any links that show me links, or links that say “Prove you’re human.”

admin answers:

Use your tv

Thomas asks…

Why are Anime movies easier to find and and or download than “live” movies?

When I mean “live” i mean the live action series like Mr. Bean?
When I want to watch Anime, i just google it and there are hundreds of sites
For live movies, i searched but all sites needed membership and payment; Where can i download live movies for free? (2nd Question)
Im currently looking for sites where I can watch the Sclub series… I cant seem to find them anywhere and youtube only has a couple of them
Anyone know where i Can watch them?(3rd Question)

admin answers:

Why anime? Its pretty much because all the japanese people always rip the dvd’s and series to torrents or sites etc. And you know japanase… They are obsessed with anime and hentai

you can download live movies from example its the database for ALL torrent sites torrents and gives links to them all, just search example. “Inception 2010 DvDRip or “Inception movie 720p”

Couldnt find SClub series but if you happen to find the episodes anywhere be sure to share them to

Edit: Anime movies dont take that much money to make so they will leak more easily to internet, Live movies cost usually more than 10millions of cash, they dont want anyone to get them to internet easily because they want the profit of people buying the dvd’s from store otherwise it would be just waste of money.

Susan asks…

Whats that site where you can like whatch movies for free?

i really wanna whitch step up 2 rite now but i cant go rent it and i dont have it on dvd.
isnt there a site that you can whatch movies for free?
please help.

admin answers:

If you are downloading it off of the internet is most likely illegal and might get you arressted and you probably don’t want that but sometimes you might not have to download it(e.g. Youtube) and you can watch it in segments but you have to wait for a long time for it to load so you don’t have interruptions during the individual segments.

David asks…

Where to watch sisterhood of the traveling pants 2?

Hi. I really want to find sisterhood of the traveling pants 2 but for free online streaming! I hate the online ones where you have to download or sign up. What is the best site to watch this FREE NO DOWNLOAD?!? Please help and it has to be free NOT netflux or huluplus! Thanks all

admin answers:

use this link:

Robert asks…

How do you turn a movie that I installed on the computer into a MPEG-4 format so i can download it on my iPod

Please…..or can you give me any free web sites where it lets you convert dvd movies to your Ipod?

admin answers:

Download a program called “MP4Cam” it converts files to MPEG-4 format.

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