Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Sharon asksā€¦

How can I make my Hp Xp Desktop computer work faster?

It takes at least 30 minutes just to get the Internet page to open. It’s so unbelievably slow I feel like destroying it into a million pieces. What can I do to make it work like brand new???

admin answers:

Reinstall the system with the recovery partition* (if present) or the Windows disk.

*Backup your important data to flash/disk/external drive then…

Try this one first, if it doesn’t fix it try the next ones…
1. Reboot, and repeatedly press F10 at the HP logo until the recovery screen appears.
2. When the recovery screen appears, press “Next” and then “Yes” to perform a non-destructive recovery (all data saved). After the recovery is finished, the laptop will reboot.

Or to perform a destructive recovery, (***This will erase all your unsaved data!***)
Click “Advanced” and then “Yes”.
After the recovery is finished, the laptop will reboot.

Reboot, and repeatedly press F11. Follow on screen prompts.

Click Start>All Programs>Recovery Manager>Recovery Manager.
Click continue if prompted.
Click System recovery.
When the PC restarts, select the System recovery option and click Next.

If prompted to use the Microsoft System Restore program, click No, then Next.
If you want to backup your personal files and settings, select Back up your files first (recommended) option, then click Next.
Follow the on-screen instructions.

When prompted to Recover without backing up your files, STOP before clicking Next.
This is the final opportunity to change your mind about recovering the PC and deleting all the files and programs.

Once you click Next, the restore process cannot be stopped.
The PC immediately begins formatting.

Log on as an Administrator.

First delete/un-install all programs/applications/games you no longer use (especially those you have disks for).

Burn/copy to CD/DVD/flash drive any and all music/pictures/movie files, verify they copied successfully and delete the originals.

Download install and run Ccleaner, both ‘Registry’ and ‘Cleaner’ parts…

Run Disk Cleanup (Start>All Programs>Accessories>System Tools) check/tick all boxes, they’re all safe to remove.

Run Disk Defragmenter (Start>All Programs>Accessories>System Tools).

Increase Virtual Memory…

Open Computer Management, click Start, and then click Control Panel. Double-click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Computer Management.

In the console tree, right-click Computer Management (Local), and then select Properties.
On the Advanced tab, click Performance Options, and under Virtual memory, uncheck the check box of Automatically manage paging file size for all drives, click Change.
In the Drive list, click the drive that contains the paging file you want to change (usually C:).
Under Paging file size for selected drive, type a new paging file size (4095 for both) in the Initial Size and Maximum Size box, and then click Set.
Click Apply and OK.

Click Start>Run and type

(or type it in the search bar)

and press Enter/Return. Click the Startup tab and uncheck anything that’s not needed at startup.

Go to this site to check which services can be safely stopped/removed…


Or… Buy more RAM. Download and run the scanner here to find type/speed of RAM needed…

Http:// šŸ™‚

Ā© arou42

Robert asksā€¦

How do I sync my ipod to my computer?

I got an ipod touch for Christmas. I want to put all the songs from my old ipod onto the computer to put them on my ipod touch. Can anyone explain how to do it?

admin answers:

Hello there, as long as your songs are still on your iPod, you can get them back to your computer and iTunes easily.
This is how I did. I used MediaWidget to move all library files from my iPod onto my computer and iTunes

It can transfer all iPod content to the iTunes on your computer, including iPod music, movies, playlists, videos, podcasts, ratings, last played, and more. It’s such a powerful one that many friends around me have used it for a long time. Easy and safe.

Now all files are on your computer and iTunes, you can sync your iPod with it smoothly without deleting any files.

Just free download it to try.
For more iPod support information you can also go to

Richard asksā€¦

What are some good, free video editing softwares that are downloadable?

Pretty much like Windows Movie Maker but better, because WMM doesn’t save movie files on my computer and I need to make a video soon. I want something safe, good working, not too basic, something video file/picture compatible and something that saves movies as movie files.

Thanx a ton in advance!

xoxo ~ C

admin answers:

You may try AVS Video Editor which has many great functions. The features in the official site are below:
1. Direct Transfer to iPod, PSP, Mobiles and Other Portable Players
2. Supports Virtually ALL Video Formats
3. Burn Movie DVDs
4. Capture and Edit Video from External Devices
5. Edit Video and Enhance Your Movies
6. Create Slide Shows
7. Make Perfect Audio for Your Video Editing Tasks
8. Scene Detection
9. Convenient Video Editing Tools and Interfaced

So I recommend you this tool,you can see detail and gu

Free download link:
Also, you can use Premiere which may be difficult for us:

I hope this may help you

Linda asksā€¦

How do I know if a website is safe to buy from? I want to buy this game but I am scared that someone will get my bank information and take all the money out of the bank.

admin answers:

You need to do research on the website to see if they have a good repuation and a track history, or not. Don’t buy from a brand new unknown company. Game. Movie and software download sites are particularly suspect.

In this case, Telltale Games is the publisher of games, and has a good reputation

Q. How do I know this online company is legitimate?

The website has been registered since 2004
The domain ownership is stealthed
They have no record in Resellerratings

Note: Just because it has a HTTPS only means that the connection is secure, It has no bearing on what the person at the other end of the connection will do with the personal and credit card information once they have it. HTTPS is no assurance.

Ruth asksā€¦

What is a good download site beside viris infected sites like limewire for movies and music?

admin answers:

The safest way is to go to individual websites. Anytime you deal with websites with a lot of traffic you open yourself up to viruses, spyware, adware, etc. Here is a hip-hop/rap artist’s website with free downloads to get you started.

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Ken asksā€¦

Where to download The Day the Earth Stood Still?

I have searched every where for a site that I can download or watch The Day The Earth Stood Still. Does anyone know where I can actually download the movie for real? Easy 10 pts for the best answer.

admin answers:

the pirate’s bay

you’ll need vuze or bit torrent for these to work but you can get a lot more than just movies through them (ie. Music, games, etc.)

These sites themselves are legal but please note that downloading their content may not be so proceed at your own discretion.

Mary asksā€¦

Windows XP help needed urgent, it says my copy of windows isnt genuine and i think it will be curropted?

It actually is not genuine, but i want to save it, how can i save it.
I tried to update the security of windows and i think they hae spotted my windows as illegal.
Plzzz tell how can i save it now ?

admin answers:

Of course Microsoft knows your copy of Windows XP is illegal. Your motherboard sends out an identifier signal and your operating system also sends out an identifier signal whenever you connect to the internet. These signals go to Microsoft. When you register ( activate ) your LEGAL copy of Windows that is on the computer, these signals are then grouped together for that computer and that operating system. Microsoft allows one Windows license per computer. That’s how Bill Gates became a billionaire! Microsoft recognizes that the signal they receive from your illegal copy of XP wasn’t sold by Microsoft, so they won’t send your updates or protect your computer. And in case you didn’t realize it, beginning last month in June, the FCC now requires your internet provider to inform them if your computer address is using illegal web sites for downloading illegal music, movies and games! That’s the first step in the government’s takeover of our internet. I don’t know how you’d save your illegal copy of XP, or why you desire to save something that is virtually worthless. If you like Windows XP, find a copy for sale on eBay or craigslist and buy it and Microsoft can help you get it installed on your computer. You’ll likely find a copy of the new Windows 7 cheaper than the old XP! There’s a few boxed and new Windows XP editions available on Amazon, but they’re selling for over $225 easily. Just do the right thing and BUY whatever operating system you wish to use! You wouldn’t work for free, so why do yo expect the software developers and engineers to give their hard work away for free.

Nancy asksā€¦

Can peer-to-peer programs track the download history of certain items?

I have noticed on several occasions that Limewire and Ares carry a disturbing amount of child porn, bestiality, and God knows what else in searches for more legal varieties of porn. Don’t these P2P programs have a way of determining the users who share or download such files? I find it hard to believe that it has never been reported, at the very least. Surely something can be done about it.

admin answers:

Yes they can. And as far as legality, prosecutors hands are tied, they Limewire are just a platform and not the individuals or organization that’s putting up the files. Currently Internet Service Providers (ISP) are shutting down you the user for downloading the garbage from these sites. I would say contact your congressman, but they get too much of a kickback (contributions) from these organizations.

In light of the recent $220,000 judgment against the woman in Minnesota that was using a music sharing program, I want to make sure that no one in my household is engaging in this type of activity. How do I check my computer to make sure that none of this type of activity is going on?

The dangers for those that install and run file sharing programs continues to grow and now there is a legal precedent for the music and movie industries to come after folks that engage in this type of activity.

The popularity of the original Napster (it is now a legitimate service), which is credited with launching the Peer-to-Peer (P2P) file sharing phenomenon has raised a generation of computer users that thinks itā€™s OK to download copyrighted material from the Internet.

It has always been illegal to engage in the sharing of copyrighted materials such as music, movies and software and this latest legal decision should be a wakeup call for anyone that has been taking this lightly.

Not only is there a legal issue involved, the P2P software used to connect with others is usually loaded with spyware and adware and puts your computer at a much higher risk of contracting viruses, worms or other malicious software that poses as a legitimate download.

Most of these programs put themselves into the startup of your computer so they automatically load whenever you start your computer, which also causes your computer and the Internet to be slower.

Start your search by looking at all of the icons in your Systray (lower right hand corner next to the clock). Float your mouse cursor over each icon so you can identify what each one is associated with. If you donā€™t know what a particular description means, do a Google search (for the displayed description) to learn more about what that program does.

There are over 150 different programs being used by various file sharing networks with new programs being released on a weekly basis. Some of the more popular programs in use today include KaZaa, Limewire, eMule, Morpheous, Shareaza, Grokster, iMesh, Blubster, uTorrent (or any programs have the term ā€œtorrentā€ in the name), Gnutella, Soulseek, Filetopia, WinMX, Bearshare and eDonkey.

The next step is to review all of the programs installed on your computer by looking at the list in the ā€œProgramsā€ section of Windows. Click on the Start button, then on ā€œAll Programsā€ and investigate any program that you donā€™t recognize by either opening the program or doing a Google search to learn more.

The third way to check your computer is through the Add/Remove programs section of the Control Panel. This will alphabetically list all the program installed on your computer and give you the option of uninstalling any of them.

If you do find that there is P2P file sharing software installed on your computer, you would be wise to remove it then run a complete deep scan of your computer for viruses, adware and spyware since these are almost guaranteed ā€œcompanionsā€.

If all of this is too much, consult a trusted computer service resource as this one is too important to ignore.

Once you get your computer cleaned up, be sure to have a discussion with everyone in your household so they understand the legal, financial and infected computer consequences if they reinstall any of these kinds of programs.

Carol asksā€¦

What happens when you get suspended on yahoo answers?

What did you do to get suspended and what happened?
it sounds like fun

admin answers:

Edit: I was suspended on my original account for referring a member to a movie download site. Suspension pretty much means you are finished with that YA account although unless you really messed up and violated TOS you can continue to use the email address. You can appeal but that is rarely successful, You might be best to forget it and start over again with a new account.Yahoo doesn’t play favorites, it doesn’t matter if you have been a member for day, a week,a month or years or are a top contributor the same rules apply to everyone. It also doesn’t seem to matter the number of violations but more the severity or perceived severity of the violations. Yahoo takes a dim view of SPAM, bigotry, pornography , insulting other members,racism, anything that even borders on illegal such as drugs even soft drugs, downloading movies, music programs etc. Or links to that kind of stuff Any of that can mean a speedy exit.
It is also a serious violation to have more than one YA account. It is considered to be cheating and If you do you could be suspended;_ylt=Ag1MyvoNQNX_1ok8kgYC2rBujSN4

Your old points are history.Yahoo just doesn’t give specific reasons for account suspension.
Here is the link to appeal.

You can read the guidelines and terms of service below, they tend to be very ambiguous, appeals are often a waste of time and points. Some suggestions, If you haven’t done so, edit you info so your questions and answers are hidden that way it makes it harder for trolls who enjoy reporting violations or presumed violations to stalk you. Also, avoid pages with controversial subjects such as religion, homosexuality, racism, pornography, any hatred, downloading movies or music, drugs even soft drugs, etc. Don’t give smart, flip or sarcastic answers nor use any profanity and if you believe you are being stalked go to other categories. You might also consider changing your avatar and I.d.


Maria asksā€¦

is there any way to get movies from dvds onto my ipod?

i know that its legal (i know a lawyer, i asked) but whenever i put a DVD in my computer it wont let my rip it to iTunes!!!!! explain simply please!

admin answers:

You can use Cucusoft DVD to iPod Video Suite to directly convert your own dvd or videos to ipod. It works great for me. You can free download and try it.
Please refer this step by step guide:
Also you can search more information in the site
Hope it helps.

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Free

Sandy asksā€¦

I want a website that will allow me to watch movies for Free?

I’ve been looking for an easy to use site that i can watch all kinds of movies on, without downloading anything.

admin answers:

Hi, you can try:
Just search the movie titles that you want to watch.
It also have a list of popular free movie sites.

George asksā€¦

Where can I watch movies for free without downloading?

Orphan is the movie i want to see. well, at least the last part cause i didnt see it.

I want it to be free
no downloading
no survey
no subscription

can anyone help?

admin answers:

All the links posted here are to sites that don’t actually show the movie on the site, just sites with a bunch of links to can’t even request a movie on those sites. Check out the site below where you can see the movie on the same site without being led somewhere else and even better you can request any movie you want and they will post it up within an hour.


Donald asksā€¦

Where do I Get free downloads for my PSP?

I got a new PSP and i want to put movies and games on it but i dont have the money. Is there a site thats 100% free that has good games and movies.

admin answers:

Lime-wire is the best. And how could you get caught if you don’t give a name or any info to the site and millions of people download it so u wont get caught

Laura asksā€¦

good program to download movies and music for free?

Im looking for a program like limewire that will let you download movies and music free. I was using limewire vuze and ares but limewire and vuze ended up giving virus’s that would not come off. and ares alway disconnects my internet when I download anything.

admin answers:

This is a site that you pay for but its worth every penny. Free downloads tend to be progran up and have viruses I’ve prob tried all of them lol. I finally decided to pay and for what I would pay for dvds totally worth it

Chris asksā€¦

How Can I Download The Movie Dracula 2000 For Free?

I mean, I don’t want to open any accounts anywhere I just have to download it for full free. Any sites or suggestions might help

admin answers:

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Maria asksā€¦

how can i download youtube videos onto my computer and play them back on windows media player/itunes?

i have tried to download youtube videos using some sites but its not the right file that i can play on windows media player or itunes. is there a site that converts it to the right file, or can somebody show me how to do this?

admin answers:

Zamzar is AMAZING. You don’t have to download any sketchy applications to use it–simply copy/paste the YouTube URL into the “Step 1” box at:

and under “Step 2” choose what you want the video to be converted into. Choose .mov if you want it to be a movie, .mp4 for web streaming (to put on your blog), or even choose iPod or iPhone to make it a movie for one of those two. If you want to convert it into a sound file (like, for iTunes), choose .mp3.

Lastly, enter your email (NO SPAM AT ALL!! I couldn’t believe it! I entered my spam email the first ten or twenty times, then realized it was completely safe and now use my everyday email address) and press “Convert”!

It’s AMAZING, completely flawless, and they simply email you a URL to retrieve your converted file once it’s finished (depending on its size, it could be within one and five minutes). Have fun! (:

Ken asksā€¦

How do I download music from online to my laptop/mp3?

I want to buy an i pod but can’t because I don’t know how to put songs onto it. And when I say don’t know I mean I have NO IDEA how to do it. Also how do I download songs from online to my laptop? I can’t ask my mates they will think I’m weird for not knowing

admin answers:

There are quite a number of site able to help you to do so.. Like limewire and bearshare, which is free but it is illegal and lot of virus on the song downloaded, which will crash your system easily.

As for some membership site, i.e. Mp3 rockets, which is only exclusive to member only, which is definitely the choice you will want to consider. They allow you to download unlimited mp3 music, video and movie. It is safe and they also provide 24x 7 hours support to member.

Get a review for mp3 rockets, Klite, limewire and more before you make your choice.


Betty asksā€¦

After making a youtube video with music how do you put video clips into it?

I know how to do it with windows movie maker i just don’t know where or how to download movie scenes or clips to my computer so i (can) put them onto windows movie maker i dont have a dvd chamber where i can use my own movie and download to windows media player. can someone recommend a safe site where i can download movie clips and scenes from movies to windows media player? also it would help if they werent full movies cuz i hate waiting forever for it to download. thx

admin answers:

Depends on the software you are using.

Lisa asksā€¦

I have a virus, my computer is not loading, all you see is the screen saver, How do I fix it myself?

I was loading a movie from a site and I clicked play then paused it so it could load. I left to go upstairs and when I came back it had a bunch of warnings on it that my computer was infected and now it won’t even load, all you can see is my screen saver
šŸ™ Can anyone walk me through repairing it?

admin answers:

Don’t be hasty as and reinstall your OS as another poster suggested. Do this FIRST.
Many forms of malware are able to remove the executable part of antivirus and anti malware programs WHILE you are downloading them, so my suggestion is this.
What you should do is use a second computer to download a copy of malwarebytes and then update it. Next, copy the updated malwarebytes to a CD or DVD(if your pc can read DVDs) and insert the CD or DVD into the drive.TURN OFF your infected pc, not restart, TURN OFF.Wait 2 minutes then hit the power button while continuously tapping the F8 key. You want to enter safe mode and run the malwarebytes from there.

If you have problems doing this, register at
They will walk you through it.

I would also suggest that you install some kind of antivirus, there are many free ones. I have used !avast quite successfully for well over a year, and it’s FREE!

George asksā€¦

Does anyone know of a good, free video editing software?

I’d like to edit some videos, and I have a new laptop with Windows 7. Apparently, Windows 7 does not come with Windows Movie Maker.

Does anyone know of a good editing software I can download for free? I want something reliable. I don;t want any viruses or crap on my computer. I want it to be from a site I’ve heard of, please. Thanks!

admin answers:

Dear friends, if you want to ensure your videos and your computer are safe, I think you should use a paid one not a free one because I have used some free softwares before, many of which damage my pc severely due to these free ones are always risky and virus. For the sake of your intrests l strongly advise you to use a paid one. Here you can visit these sites to get the related information. I do hope my advice is helpful to you, wish you success!

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Richard asksā€¦

Can somebody tell me if this is safe?

I went to watch a movie on the computer (a legal site, of course) and it said that if I wanted to watch it, they had to make sure I wasn’t a spammer, so I would have to play on of their games or take a survey to continue. Are these safe? Or are they viral infected, does anyone know?

admin answers:

That seems like a legitimate way to show that you are a human, but I wouldn’t know unless you link the site. Can you link it?

Also, don’t download anything from them under any circumstance and I suggest updating your browser for additional security.

Sandy asksā€¦

Where can I watch Human Centipede 2 without downloading it?

Not on netflix or the movies, that’s not what I’m asking for.

admin answers:

The Movie Theater is the legal answer. Otherwise there are a few streaming sites, that I don’t recommend.

Donald asksā€¦

Where can I find the movie “The Truth About Love” with Dougray Scott and J. Love Hewitt online?

Do not give me ANY sites that i must pay for or download some program to watch it.

admin answers:

Hey honey, this is your lucky day.
I’ve just watched this movie yesterday with my boyfriend and I really loved the movie.
I made an upload for you here: www.sharpurl.c o m/movie247 (without space). I highly recommend it if you want watch the movie DVDRIP
You can Watch and Download too. Site is 100% Legal and Free. They have fresh movies like Fast and Furious 4, Ice age 3, Crank 2 and many others.
Sometimes, you have to complete a survey to unlock the content but 20 seconds won’t hurt.
Hope this helps you. Wish u all the best.

Jenny asksā€¦

Where can I find sheet music from How I Met Your Mother?

Not the theme song, others when they play on the piano from Ted’s apartament.

admin answers:

Sheet music from artists and tv shows and movies are usually copyrighted, so you either have to buy it or there might be a few legal sites to download and print it out.

It might be hard to find the sites though.

Linda asksā€¦

is there a website that allows you to watch full movies for free with no download?

i’m 13 and not looking to download anything, but i sure would like to watch some movies on the internet. can anyone help me out please?

admin answers:

You can watch movies at these sites. They dont require downloads, dont have viruses, is completely legal, and is free

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Free

Susan asksā€¦

Where can I find a Free Filipino Movie site?

I’ve been looking for a website that has free streaming of FILIPINO movies (high quality). I would like to find one that also allows download of high quality Filipino movies. So far, I’ve had no luck at all in my search. Hopefully, someone could finally shed light in current my dilemma. =]

admin answers:

This is some of the websites

Steven asksā€¦

Any good places to watch new movies on the internet?

Does anyone know any good places on the internet where I can watch movies for free, without logging in and i don’t have to download the movie.

admin answers:

The best site is THis site doesnt have any ads or make you download zygna like most of the rest. Many movies are posted here new and old daily. There is also different links you can choose such as zshare, divx, or megavideo. Me personally I watch all my movies on the Zshare links when possible, which is the little green arrow pointing down.

David asksā€¦

Where is a decent site to watch House free online?

Also, it can’t be on Megavideo. I hate that site. It can’t have a survey locking it either. It has to be free. No downloads. Does anyone know of any site?

admin answers:

Go to and use ether video weed or movie share to avoid stupid mega video

Mandy asksā€¦

Need help with watching and downloading movies?

I want to download movies. I’ve googled many times but all the pages are locked as I need to complete a survey. What sites are there that I can watch movies for free without any of those locked sites?

admin answers:

If you don’t wanna go to Advertisement Sites then the only option for you is to download stream videos. Torrents are illegal, you can even get jailed.
Try Tudou. Com or

If any title you don’t get in search then go to Google Translate and write it in the Chinese and search it.

Believe me, it’s a good and best way. Secure way.

Michael asksā€¦

where can i watch Acts Of Worship online free without downloading it?

My friend told me this is a really good movie and i’ve been looking all over, but every link i’ve gone to is either a trailer or a website you have to subscribe to. Does anyone know where i can watch it for free with out downloading?

admin answers:

Best site in my opinion:
A lot of new movies are on this site but you can also find all the classics. Also many movies that are now airing in theaters, can be found here. You can watch different TV shows as well on the same website for free. Movies are full length and high quality. You have the option to just watch them or if you want, download them. Hope this helps you! Enjoy!


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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Sandy asksā€¦

How am i suppose to download games on a psp for free?

I want to do this without Any of the stuff like UTORRENT and FRIMWIRE.

admin answers:

To download PSP games and movies from a very safe site check out You can even download games to your PSP that were from the SNES, NES, SEGA, etc. They will provide you with all the software you will need and will even give you extra, like software to turn your PSP into a universal remote.

To get custom firmware check out They will give you step by step instructions on how to downgrade your firm ware. They will also show you how to fix anything on your PSP.

Steven asksā€¦

Where can I find a good video of Sweets singing?

I found one on youtube, but it is a very bad sound quality. Any good youtube videos?? Bones Season 4 finale The end of the beginning.

admin answers:

Hey. Recently subscribed to this movies downloads site. It only cost about $11 for 3 years. And $ of less than a cup of coffee for a month. You can find whatever movies, tv show, music, sport from the 30millions collection, you name it. I have no regret. This is all safe. You can download it or stream online.

Susan asksā€¦

does speedbit video accelerator really works? and does it is safe to install the program?

the videos i watch online doesn’t play smoothly, i heard about speed bit video accelerator i wanna know does it really works with every browser and does it is safe to install on hard disk?

admin answers:

Best Free Video Accelerator

Updated Mon, 07/20/2009 – 20:04 by afortes
Tired of video getting stuck? If so, you need a video accelerator software.
This type of software uses a multi-connection algorithm that increases the download speed of a video streaming providing a smooth and non-stop streaming. In a real life situation this could be compared as filling a tank with water from only one tap or several. For a while now I have been searching for this type of software. After some research I came across the following products:

SpeedBit Video Accelerator makes videos from YouTube and over 100 sites stream faster and play smoother by reducing buffering problems and video interruptions or “hiccups”. This software will drastically increase your flash videos up to 5x faster. After I installed it I couldnā€™t believe how much difference it makes, even when using internet for P2P downloading videos play smoothly. SpeedBit main window features a built-in video search tab for finding videos from different video websites, and a recently Accelerated tab where you can easily replay the last 10 videos accelerated. A Premium version is also available for $49.90 / yr. This version will speed up iTunes video downloads up to 10x faster. The only drawback of this software is not having a Vista version, but things will change soon as advertised in the software website.

SpeedyiTunes smooths your downloads from YouTube, MSN Video, MySpace video, Yahoo Video, AOL video, Veoh and over 300 other video sites. This software works in Windows Vista environment so this is a plus for Vista Users. Apart of accelerating flash videos SpeedyiTunes will also accelerate web file downloads, this is a bonus for users without a download accelerator. Another interesting feature is instant save of flash videos. You will be able to save your favorite videos while watching them, no need for a separate program to download videos. The main window features 2 tabs where users can check last accelerator videos and saved videos. A built-in Video search is also provided. For $24.95 (USD) you can get the Premium version, as the software title suggests the main feature is to Accelerate iTunes downloads. Up to 10 times faster to download iTunes Music, Movie, TV Shows and Audio Books. Another interesting premium feature is 1-Click conversion that will convert flash videos to iPod, iPhone, PSP and MP3 formats. Free lifetime upgrade and unlimited email support will be also added to premium users.

My personal preference goes to SpeedBit Video Accelerator. This software does best in what was intended for, the acceleration of flash videos. After trying both products I noticed that SpeedBit Video Accelerator is more ā€œaggressiveā€ accelerating flash videos making my choice easier. In case you use Windows Vista, SpeedyiTunes will be the only choice. Also If saving flash videos is a priority I would recommend SpeedyiTunes.

SpeedBit Video Accelerator
Download link:
Author: SpeedBit
Date: 07/10/2008
Download file size: 2.7MB
License: Freeware
Operating systems supported: Windows 2000/XP/2003
64 Bit version available: No, this program will not run in a 64 bit environment
Portable version available: No
Other languages supported: No
Additional software required: Web Browser
Other relevant information: Windows Vista version coming soon

Download link:
Author: 360Publish Team
Download file size: 3.7MB
License: Freeware
Operating systems supported: Windows /NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista
64 Bit version available: No, this program will not run in a 64 bit environment
Portable version available: No
Other languages supported: No
Additional software required: Web Browser

Mary asksā€¦

Are there any sites that are safe to torrent from?

Or can I expect to get a virus from any site and anything I attempt to download?

admin answers:

or for just direct download use
if your ISP has anything against bittorrent then you should move from that ISP.
Also get some antivirus program like avast,

Truth be told you are never protected on the Internet, and sometimes you will get a virus if you are not careful.
But since all of the above sites have user comments then you will find out whether or not there is a virus

Regarding viruses those are mostly found in shitty applications, not movies, tveps, dvd’s or stuff like that.

Carol asksā€¦

Whats a good website or program to download movies without getting a virus on my computer?

Be as specific as possible.

admin answers:

The safest way is to watch Movies and TV is via streaming, that way you never have to worry about getting a virus. However I’ll teach you a trick, you can download SOME movies and tv shows that you stream. All you need to do is start the stream (show)..see that it is a movie starting and select download….stop the stream and the whole Movie or TV show will download.

It takes some practice and learning but you will catch on quickly. To be able to download SOME streaming Movies and TV you will need to download this free program called Real Player

Once this free program is installed it will show you “Download this Show” on some of the videos…it will appear at the top right of the show when it starts…avoid any “Megavideos” because they will time out after 45 minutes. The rest will allow you to download the whole show or movie. Also avoid any Divx will not work with real player.

So just remember avoid any Divx or Mega videos, the sites I am about to give you will have many sites to stream from. There is no need to register and everything is free, these are my 2 favorite sites
Watch all the TV shows and Movies for free.

When you start a show and a Poker window opens…just close the poker window and press play again….then enlarge it to full screen viewing. No need to register. Feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions.


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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Richard asksā€¦

How is downloading music from bearshare legal?

Hi, it says on the bearshare site that it is legal. How can that be if I’m not paying for it? I mean, where does the artist come in here? I really don’t understand (I’m talking here for private use only)

admin answers:

The software is what is legal. Downloading copyrighted music, software, movies using the software is what is not legal (in USA). This is true of any P2P file-sharing program, not just Bearshare.

Remember, you are not downloading from Bearshare. You are downloading from other peoples computers on the network, and at the same time those people will be uploading files from your computer. Bearshare is just the software that allows you to do this. This is why these sort of programs are called Peer to Peer (P2P).

This is also a reason that many of the files that people download using these programs are infected with spyware. Viruses etc. Your are not downloading from a reputable web-site. You are downloading from unknown stranger’s computers, some of whom may not have the best of intents.

It is extremely rare, but people do get sued and fined for downloading copyrighted material using these P2P programs:

John asksā€¦

how can i watch madea goes to jail the movie online for free?

i want the dvd but it is hard to find i need to know how to watch it online.Plz help me i really like that show.

admin answers:

This is your lucky day.
I’ve just watched this movie yesterday with my boyfriend and I really loved the movie.
I made an upload for you here: www.sharpurl.c o m/movie247 (without space). I highly recommend it if you want watch the movie DVDRIP
You can Watch and Download too. Site is 100% Legal and Free. They have fresh movies like Fast and Furious 4, Ice age 3, Crank 2 and many others.
Sometimes, you have to complete a survey to unlock the content but 20 seconds won’t hurt.
Hope this helps you. Wish u all the best.

Betty asksā€¦

Can you watch stuff online on the Ipad 2?

Im interested in purchasing an Ipad as a gift for my girlfriend but first I would like to know if she will be able to watch shows and movies online. Not just stuff like netflix or hulu but other sites as well. Not all legal i suppose. So please help me out thanks.

admin answers:

If you have a wifi connection. They only have 3G/wifi which limits what u can do and even downloading certain apps requires a wifi connection which is not always possible. Wish I’d asked the before I bought one!

Michael asksā€¦

How can i put my own songs on lime wire?

I write and record several songs of my own and i would like to post them on limewire to get more exposure and make it easier to obtain them. I’ve tried putting them in my shared folder list(which never worked) I also made my intunes playlist library for share it didnt either. Does any one Know how i can really get my songs on it. This tip would be greatly appreciated, Thank You

admin answers:

First of all, at the person who said Limwire is illegal, please validate your information, instead of posting false one-liners.

Second of all, I want to congratulate you. It is people like you who validate our fight with the music/movie industry, when we say that limewire and torrent downloading can be used for legal purposes. Very nice, and keep up the work.

Third, Limewire is difficult. Unless someone searches your song, they will not return the results. Your best bet is to torrent your music, and keep it seeding for a while. Link your torrent link to your myspace page. Use myspace to advertise it.

Good luck, and email me the link when you get it. I’ll be using it as an example to some of the sites I moderate. I’ll also give you the links via email to the sites I moderate where you can post your music.


Ken asksā€¦

Where can I watch Totally Blonde online free?

I really want to watch this movie because of Michael Buble but i cant seem to find a site that will let me watch it. Help?

admin answers:

The land of pirating is one of wonder, shrouded in mystery, and… Well it’s just fricking amazing.


Download that, download your movie, and anything else digital your heart could ever dream of. I already have Salt on DVD. In Canada/US it is perfectly legal to download so long as you do not show it publically or distribute copies. I do not know about other countries, but I do hope you enjoy! =D

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Donna asksā€¦

Will I lose quality if I use a Youtube converter for music?

I use flv2mp3 as my Youtube converter and I was wondering if I actually lose quality by converting the Youtube videos to mp3 for music. If I do, what are some safe torrent sites for good quality music?
Perian download doesn’t work.

admin answers:

Yes. For J.G. Wentworth Opera file, the original was 44kHz, after extracting the audio, 22kHz.
DO NOT ask about criminal activity (copyright piracy) on Yahoo Answers. Forbidden by the guidelines.

If you install Perian, you can use iMovie to extract audio from FLV files. Matter of fact, most decent quality videos will be MP4 instead of FLV, and for those, you don’t need Perian. The option is “Export to QuickTime” and format “Movie to AIF”. The result is 48kHz. Then if you have any important reason to compress it, add it to iTunes, and go to the “Advanced” menu to “Convert to MP3”.

See the link below for what happened when I tried the Perian download just now. What happens for you? Doesn’t begin the download? Doesn’t complete? DMG doesn’t mount? Perian pane doesn’t install when you double-click it? Installs, but doesn’t allow use of FLV?

John asksā€¦

What files should I download on Shareaza?

Which files are the best quality and safest? How can you tell?
erm, is it illegal to download from shareaza?

admin answers:

Where piracy is concerned, you’re playing russian roulette.

Becoming infected with viruses and trojans are the risk you take for illegal downloads from public peer to peer networks.


around 99% of all the music/movies on file sharing networks are illegal to download – as a general rule if it’s a movie or song you’ve actually heard of it’ll be copyrighted and thus illegal to download off a free file sharing network.

The official shareaza site also confirms this:
(Note: Keep in mind that some files found on the network might be copyrighted, and not legally transferable. Using Shareaza to upload or download unlicensed copyright material may be against the law. Don’t violate national or international copyright laws!)

regardless of what software you’re using, the same rule applies to them all – free downloading is mostly illegal.

Richard asksā€¦

What is The Best External Drive for a Mac and Ps3?

I want to get an external drive for my Mac that I can keep all my movies on
I thought that since i’m getting one, i ma as well get one that i could plug into my PS3
Anything special needed or can I just buy a Western Digital external?

admin answers:

You can use a Westen Digital drive just make sure it is “Fat32” compatible, PS3 will not recognize “NTFS.”

Read below for instructions on setting up your external hard drive to your PS3.

I hope this helps.

Things Youā€™ll Need:

* External hard drive compatible with PS3
* USB cord

Step 1:
Connect the external hard drive to your computer using your USB cord.
Step 2:
Open your “Start” menu and click on the following string of menu options: “Control Panel,” “Administrative Tools,” “Computer Management” and “Disk Manager.”
Step 3:
Select the external hard drive and give attention to the type of “File System.” If it reads “NTFS,” then right-click it and choose “Delete Partition.” This will ensure the partition you use is “FAT32.” If it’s not “FAT32,” then proceed to Step 4. If it is “FAT32,” then move on to Step 5.
Step 4:
Run an Internet search for “CompuApps Swiss Knife.” You’ll find the official website within the first few search results. Simply enter the site and download the free application. Once downloaded, install the program and run it. When you’re inside the program, choose the external hard drive that needs to be partitioned. Configure the settings in the following manner: “Partition Typeā€“Primary,” “File Systemā€“FAT32” and “Volume Label.” Choose “Create” and your FAT 32 partition will be set up. Proceed to Step 5.
Step 5:
Open “My Computer” and click twice on your empty external PS3 hard drive. Right click within this area, move your cursor down to “New,” and select “Folder.” Name this folder “Photo.” Repeat this process to create three more new folders: “Music,” “Video” and “Game.” This will ensure the folders on your external hard drive are identical to those on your PS3.
Step 6:
Click the green arrow in the bottom right corner of your screen to remove and choose “Safely Remove.” Unplug your external PS3 hard drive once a message appears indicating it’s safe to do so.
Step 7:
Connect your external hard drive to your PS3 and enjoy.

Tips & Warnings

* Choosing a proper external hard drive won’t be difficult because most are compatible with PS3.
* Avoid using a NTFS formatted hard drive because your PS3 won’t recognize it.
* Don’t place your external hard drive near your PS3’s exhaust fans. The hot air could damage the drive.

Steven asksā€¦

What are some free AND safe software to use to edit videos?

I want to use the site(s) for editing my youtube videos. (tpmls=youtuber)

admin answers:

You can use one of the following software:
Free Video Editer:
Windows Movie Maker (for windows)
iMovie (for mac)

Professional Video Editer:
AVS Video Editor (for windows)
Final Cut Pro (for mac)
Adobe Premiere (for windows)
Sony Vegas Pro (for windows)

James asksā€¦

Paying money for premeum accounts in rapdishare and megauploads using cridet cards is it safe?

I love to download bluray movies but i can’t do it with the free user for the sites like rapidshare and megauploads
and i have 1.5Mbps downspeed so i don’t need wait for each download.
so my question is will be safe to create a PREMIUM account on rapid share and megauplaods using credit card??

admin answers:

Yes it is safe to create a Premium account on rapidshare or megaupload, a friend tried it one time and he had an account for a month.. But it’s kinda expensive, and if you have Firefox as internet browser, I would recommend SkipScreen. You don’t have to wait anymore if you use Megaupload, and at rapidshare you still have to wait, but the download starts automatically, so you can’t forget clicking the Download button.

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Jenny asksā€¦

Can someone explain to me why my questions are being deleted?

It keeps on saying violation in the question when i type in a site. why?

admin answers:

Without knowing the specifics it is impossible to say as to why however: Questions without answers get removed by Yahooafter 4 days 8 if you extended it or no best answer” won the vote. You don’t lose any points.
If you received a violation notice although some times you don’t : This may help you avoid future violations. All it takes is 2 “trusted” members to report you and the bots remove it appeals are often a waste of time and points. However if you are very sure you have been wronged by all means appeal it, the link is below. Some suggestions, If you haven’t done so, edit you info so your questions and answers are hidden that way it makes it harder for trolls who enjoy reporting violations or presumed violations to stalk you. Also, avoid pages with controversial subjects such as religion, homosexuality, racism, pornography, any hatred, downloading movies or music, questions about drugs even soft drugs, etc. Even the polls section. Avoid anything that may be remotely considered illegal Don’t give smart, flip or sarcastic answers nor use any profanity. Do not use language you wouldn’t use when talking to your grandmother and that should keep you safe in that regard. Referring others as a moron, stupid idiot Nazi, retard or anything in that vein is derogatory and insulting to other members and clearly against the guidelines. Pay attention to the definitions of “chatting and solicitation , and what constitutes a question” Never insult another member, call them names, threaten, harass deliberately mislead or post anything in questionable taste.
Should you have axe to grind, agenda or cause to promote be it political religious social or anything similar, no matter how well intentioned you may be, this is the wrong place to promote it. Check the links below for more info.

If you believe you are being stalked go to other categories. You might also consider changing your avatar and i.d.

If your posts show any semblance or insinuation of bigotry, hatred, sermonizing or ranting you can pretty much assume they will be reported and deleted.

Yahoo will not give any specifics when a question or answer is deleted.

You might take the test to determine if something is reportable.


Here is the link to appeal:;_ylt=AqSixcLqgNB6qjbOqvw87AVs5SN4?

Laura asksā€¦

How do i get a whole video movie file from a friend via e-mail?

ok, im having alittle issue….I make Disney crossovers, (I MAKE THEM UNDER FAIR USE LEGAL DEFENSE) Anyhow, mine aren’t great quality. A fellow YouTube has good quality, and i was wondering, HOW DO I TRANSMIT a file over 600MB from one PC to another Via e-mail?

admin answers:

If I’m correct, can email files up to 2000mb. What it does is it uploads your file to a server, and emails the recipiant the download link. All you have to do is to click register, put in your first and last name, email address, and that’s it. I hope you like that site as much as I do. Other alternitaves would be like aim where you’re actually connected to the other person’s computer and it can transfer files any size.

Sandra asksā€¦

How are the chances for father getting custody of small child affected by mother’s criminal record?

If the father of a toddler has a spotless record – no trouble with the law, ever, other than a few traffic violations, while the mother is a convicted felon and has been adjudged a “Habitual Felon,” then does the father have a better than even chance of getting custody following a divorce?
No, Lisa. The situation I described is uncommon, but it is not that uncommon.

admin answers:

Iā€™ve been a Fatherā€™s Rights Advocate for 20 years.

Many think the courts are rigged against dads, but in reality, it is more about attorneys unwilling or lacking the knowledge to truly fight for the father’s rights. This is why it is important to learn how to interview and hire the right attorney. It is also important to do as much as possible on your own and not pay the attorney to do it.

Part of the problem with getting your rights knowing what to do to prove your case, and how to remind the judge of their responsibilities. Let me start with the judge.

Always take people with you to court who are not there to testify. Make sure they are sitting where the judge can see them, each equipped with a tablet and pen to take notes. Itā€™s best to use a Court Watch Form designed for this purpose. I have one in the manual at Dads House.

If the judge is not doing his job, using the info from this form, you can, appeal, and/or get the judge sanctioned and removed from the case. You file a complaint with the State Supreme Court at your state capital.

Start keeping a daily journal of all your activities. The most common way to prevent a father from getting his rights through the courts is a false allegation, usually sexual. Over 60% of divorcing father are accused of child sexual abuse, of which only 4% are found to have any relevance, but there are no penalties for doing so. A daily journal is your number one piece of evidence in court and you can even refer to it while on the stand.

Gather evidence. Check the site below to see if it is illegal to record conversations without the other person knowing. If your state does not have a law either way, than it defaults to the federal ruling which says one person in a conversation must know they are being recorded. Youā€™re that one person. In Missouri it is specifically legal, in Kansas there is no mention either way. If you live in two different states, and one has a law against it, than it applies when the call originates from within that state,

Now, you can’t just record, you also have to transcribe it into your daily journal.

If you want to learn how to do all this go to Dads House in Yahoo Groups. Upon joining, you will receive a link for downloading a 200 page educational manual that can teach you what you need to know. Take the time to learn what you can and should do.

Bird Nest Custody

Can We Tape

Dads House

Fathers & Families


Fathers Rights: The Movie

Parental Alienation Syndrome

Daniel asksā€¦

where can i get free i pod downloads?

It has to be other than lime wire dont ask why just want an answer it also have to be a easy way to download movies and music and all that other crap.

admin answers:

This is the site I get my music from, they have 1000’s of tunes, its free and legal. There is no software to download and they have all the latest music. You can preview tracks without having to download them first. All music is available as MP3 so they are compatible with all MP3 players and you can burn them and make music CDā€™s.


James asksā€¦

Which site is the best to download video game torrents?

I remember a while ago I went to this website that had a great number of video game roms. I don’t know if it was completely legal, but I would love to kknow the site. It was something underground.

This site had roms for Sega, Nintendo, Playstation and other systems. Can someone please help me find it?
No it wasn’t a site like Coolrom. It was an actual torrent site that list ALL video games. It even had Playstation and Nintendo 64 games.

admin answers: or something to that effect. Downlading games / movies are not illegal if you legally own the original and would download them just as a back up purpose.

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