Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Free

Joseph asksā€¦

Where can I find images to download so I can make computerized vision boards for the Law of Attraction?

Hi. I have movie maker in Windows, and I’d like to find images that I can download for free. Images of money, joy, happiness, love, romance, travel, career etc.

I know there are tons of sites out there, I just haven’t been able to find them.

There must not be any strings attached, such as: join this site and get free photos, but later you find out you need to pay more money to get more images etc.

Thank you!

admin answers:

Whenever I make my vision boards, I go to google images and type the word of whatever i want to put on and click search. Hundreds of pictures come out and I just choose whatever I want. Its free and its no hassle. šŸ™‚

At the same time, since you are interested in the Law of Attraction, did you know that there are 11 other laws apart from the Law of Attraction? It has been called the 11 Forgotten Laws and Bob Proctor is giving a free teleseminar on 9 Dec. You can sign up for free at

Sandy asksā€¦

Is it okay to watch those movies online for free?

You know those websites were you can watch those free movies?
well is it secretly downloading stuff into you computer or is it JUST streaming?

admin answers:

I have a mcafee protection for my pc and it has a site advisor that shows you if its ok or not .. I would tell you to get it cause we all go to a different site i go to ovguide The best šŸ™‚

Ken asksā€¦

Are there site where I can download audio books and movies for free?

I want to download audio books and movies onto my iPod for free.
I’m in china and the government here blocked youtube.

admin answers:

Well dude I dunno what formats ipod supports but I’ve found a pretty cool website that has a lot of movie titles… With periodic update; all are free of cost!!!

PS on youtube ur unlikely to fine any of the newest and hottest movies becuase it’s pretty concerned about the copyright issues

William asksā€¦

Whats with all the questions about downloading movies for free?

Do you notice that there are so many questions on this website asking about downloading stuff for free. to me it just seems super shifty, i never answer them. I can imagine fbi tracking the answers to see who downloads stuff for free.

admin answers:

You are right. There are a lot of stupid kids asking about free movie downloads. They are too cheap to subscribe to Netflix,Hulu or Amazon. All so-called FREE download sites are bogus scams. They are just looking for credit card info and email addresses as part of the ‘free’ registration. There are no free movie sites and no free downloads. They are all illegal and all scams.

David asksā€¦

How do i put my own movies on my phone?

i am wondering how to put my own dvd movies on my phone and so far youtube only has things about free movie sites and downloads that is NOT what im asking about. I have a android phone the samsung galaxy s2 not skyrocket though i have the cord that can be plugged into my computer if that is what i have to do from media player thank you for the help.

admin answers:

Yep put the movies on the computer then transfer them to your phone

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Robert asksā€¦

Where can I download free movies and tv shows?

Safe and reliable. Thanks!

admin answers:

Well when I moved to Spain a few years back, I was finding it hard to watch to find movies on the TV in English, I started out with a few free online websites that let you watch movies for free, but most of the time they stopped working half way into the film and also most were bad quality. I found a site on Google after looking for reviews and can recommend this one.

Helen asksā€¦

Is there some where i can go on the internet to download free music for my mp3 player and not get in trouble?

Make sure its free and no trouble and its safe.

admin answers:

There are quite a number of site able to help you to do so.. Like limewire and bearshare, which is free but it is illegal and lot of virus on the song downloaded, which will crash your system easily.

As for some paid site, i.e. Mp3 rockets, which is only exclusive to member only, which is definitely the choice you will want to consider. They allow you to download unlimited mp3 music, video and movie. It is safe and they also provide 24x 7 hours support to member.

Get a review for mp3 rockets, Klite, limewire and more before you make your choice.


Susan asksā€¦

when you buy a microsoft zune does a charger come with it?

I just got mine today and it had no charger and now the battery is low oh yeah and how do you download music?

admin answers:

It only comes with a cord that connects to a computer but you might find a really cheap one at it is not like eBay its a really good site and safe. As for the music you can use limewire it is pretty good. As for adding it to your zune all you have to do is go to settings and then go to device and then you’ll see a whole bunch of stuff then you should click the add folder button and if you want if you movies and all the other things do the same thing. When you click on add folder you’ll see a little screen pop up and look through it till you see the limewire folder you want click on it then click on OK. And do that for each folder you want. Then when you done adding all the folders you will see a OK on the bottom right Click it and now all those files will be in your list of files your zune syncs with and you don’t have to do anything but just add songs to your limewire. So just click OK then your then your zune will show and a start sync button and then your done. And for every song you want just add it to lime wire and go to device and sync it. Sorry it so much but i hope it helps.

Linda asksā€¦

How do you put DVDs in a format that iTunes will accept?

I bought a bunch of DVDs before I got my iPod Classic, and I just think it’d be kind of ridiculous if I had to go on iTunes and buy them all over again just so I could watch them on my iPod as well?

Any sites or programs you know would be safe and helpful?

admin answers:

You need a convertor to put them in MP4 format-There are many online..and I know there are some free downloads-I think Videora has free downloads,here is an example of what you need, it may help you in your search for something similar that is free to download:

James asksā€¦

Where can I watch Fast Food Nation for free?

I want to see the whole movie, not just clips of it. Please write down a link as answer. Thanks in advance.

admin answers:

I’m not sure. You can try these sites. Watch free safe and no download

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Carol asksā€¦

what is the best/safest site to download songs for free?

I have an ipod. So a place to download for free for my ipod to get onto itunes.
That is the safest to download with.

admin answers:

A good thing to download on your computer for downloading any video is the Youtube Downloader. You can download basically any video off of Youtube, and a lot of other websites. It’s really easy to use and it isn’t one of those things where its a whole complicated sign up-pay a month thing.. Its completely free and legal. You just google search download youtube downloader and then get it, then find the video on Youtube, or vevo or anywhere and copy and paste the web address from the address bar… Then download it.. Then you have to go to ‘Convert a video already downloaded’ and you can convert it to an iPod Movie (.mov) or an MP3 or many others…

Hope this Helped !

Nancy asksā€¦

is it illegal to watch new movies online for free?

i actually watch on this one site but my parents told me not to anymore because it’s illegal and the cops would come to our house or they’ll cut our internet connection. THAT IS LIKE NOT RIGHT. i am anti-socialite and i don’t like going out because i hate the sun. so if you know any sites that can let you watch recent movies free and not illegal without download and NO VIRUS. please put the link below.

admin answers:

If you’re downloading them yes. Simply watching them from a site alone no. As the site should have been targeted and shut down before things like this happened. Downloading content is illegal if you don’t own the rights to it.

PS- many people today download various products such as music, videogames, movies, tv shows, etc.. This is all illegal. But since their is so many people they cannot simply target them all thus they usually shut down the website or the websites buy the product and sell to the public making it legal. Other then that yes it is illegal.

I also don’t recommend doing this as many sites give viruses easily.

Mary asksā€¦

Is watching movies on The Pirate Bay legal?

I don’t want to download any movies I was just wondering whether it is legal to watch them on the website in the UK.
Thanks for the answers, I would rather just buy the films I want to watch. I was only asking as quite a few people have recommended it to me.

admin answers:

Its not completely illegal
its a sharing site, it’s ment to be around for people to share things and demo/try the films (or music/games) but then themselves go out and buy the movie/cd/game if they enjoy it
but pretty much nearly everyone doesnt, thats why it is still around, they even starting selling piratebay merch on it.

P.s you don’t watch it online, you download them.

Susan asksā€¦

How do i create my own runescape server?

dose anyone know how to creat your own runescape server?

i was looking into make my own runescape movie but i need to learn how to make my own server so poeple cant come in and be like “selling rune sword 30k!!!”

i didnt mean create i ment how can you go into a rpivate server i no poeple do and i know its alloud if you dont no how to go into a private server dont lecture me

admin answers:

U guys are retarted it is legal and here is how it works:: first go to

then look around the site and download the client

then search for a good server ip

type it in, then your set.. Its pretty simple

Betty asksā€¦

What is the difference between a zune pass and zune reactor?

I just bought a zune and you think they will give you some kinda instruction as to what to download for your zune!!!! Im looking for something i could purchase that will let me have music, movies, music videos all on my zune so please can you tell me what is the difference between the zune pass and zune reactor?

Or what is the best download for the zune so i can have all the features?


admin answers:

I have a Zune, and really like it.

You go to the Zune marketplace to get the music for your player (leastwise music that you don’t already own). It is competitive with other sites.

I like the monthly subscription service (zune Pass) that Zune offers (and iTunes doesn’t) – it allows me to rent/sample music. Some people like to rent their music, and some don’t. I am in the former category.

Microsoft still doesn’t have the same video deals that iTunes so you won’t find videos available at the Zune marketplace. There are some download sites advertising Zune compatibility. But I haven’t tried them. Zune Reactor is one of them.

There is software that allows you to makes copies of personally owned DVDs that fit the Zune format – this is legal if you use it for personal use only.

Hope this helps.

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Donald asksā€¦

Where to watch The Secret (a movie) online at a safe site?

I’ve checked video stores for the movie, but almost no one has it (the only one who has it is a good hour’s travel away). If you suggest Pirate Bay, how do I make sure I’m not downloading some virus with the movie?

admin answers:

Hello friend you can try it here.. To watch

John asksā€¦

Where to watch The Secret (a movie) online at a safe site?

I’ve checked video stores for the movie, but almost no one has it (the only one who has it is a good hour’s travel away). If you suggest Pirate Bay, how do I make sure I’m not downloading some virus with the movie?

admin answers:

You can watch it at

Hope that helps!

Steven asksā€¦

Where can I find good French dramas and movies to watch online?

trying to get my ears more used to french. I like romantic and comedy if that helps.

admin answers:

You can watch Full Movies for free online with good quality movies and safe. No download ! Check out this site

Thomas asksā€¦

When You Download Movies From the Playstation Network Do You Get The Extras?

Like sometimes they have deleted scenes, outtakes and bloopers, audio commentary and language selects.

admin answers:

Apparently not. Nobody will answer this b/c no one will buy those flicks when you can download them for free.

Try and there’s a lot more sites out there.

Check out youtube and do a search for “free ps3 movie downloads”. You’ll find tons of sites but choose a site with membership because it’s safer.

Maria asksā€¦

what is the safest torrent site?

I m looking for a secure torrent site that I can download my games, movies, software, and music from. Which site is the safest?

admin answers:

None actually.
But try downloading the “verified” torrents only.
And ya scan them after downloading.

Use and download the verified torrents only.

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

John asksā€¦

where can i watch wwe bragging rights online for free?

every site i checked is down or requires u to sign up, or take a survey. i want a working site.

thankyou very much for all of your help!

admin answers:

Maybe you can try something called ā€œsatellite TV to PC softwareā€ which is becoming popular for good reasons. It works by receiving satellite TV signals over the Internet and converting them into a live, high resolution video feed on your desktop.When I first heard of this I wondered if it was even legal. It turns out it is completely legal,because these are FTA (free to air) satellite stations which are being broadcast from all over the world. The software just allows you to watch everything at any time anywhere without a satellite dish or receiver.Once you download the software you can instantly watch 3,000+ channels of movies, local and international news, live sports, TV shows, special events, music channels, kids channels, history, education, nature, special programmingā€¦ It’s much more variety than what I was getting from my local cable company. And it’s all free. There’s a small one-time fee for the software and that’s it. There are no subscription fees or monthly chargesā€¦ Nothing else to pay forā€¦Ever.Here are the detailed reviews and comparisons of the Top 6 Internet Television Products on the market:

Enjoy yourself.You will not be disappointed.

Paul asksā€¦

Is there a good chance of being caught using Frostwire illegally?

I was told that FROST WIRE not LIME WIRE is LEGAL….then I read all the ways i can get caught! EX: downloading a LOT of songs…(ive only downloaded 5 so far) do u thik i will et caught? im kinda freaked out cuz i had NO idea!

admin answers:

Any of the sites or programs that allow free downloads of copyrighted materials (music and movies) are illegal. You can get caught and be fined or jailed.


Nancy asksā€¦

What are your thoughts about Music Piracy?

Copying music can land you in court and with heavy fines. I’m all for respecting the work and talent of artists but what is the real deal with copying music? I mean the VCR was produced with the intent of copying television programming, audio cassettes were used similarly. So what is the real issue of copying music and where is the line between legal and illegal?

admin answers:

Music is a service, meant to entertain. Regardless of the media it is on it is never really considered “yours” in the eyes of the music industry. Making a copy of a CD you have purchased for the purpose of preserving the original CD is completely legal.

If, however, you were to mass produce copies to sell, or even to give away you have broken the stipulations of a contract on the back of the CD case (also on most CD’s themselves). Says that copying for the purposes of blah blah, don’t have one of them in front of me so can’t tell you exactly what it says.

Strangely enough sites such as MinMX and whatnot are not technically illegal; they are a file sharing host site. They don’t provide the media, only the means to transfer it, so it isn’t really illegal. Since they are a main entity though the music industry has gone after them first as they are the largest and most accessible target.

In reality it is the people utilizing the site in order to upload/download music that are breaking the law, or at least as I understand it.

The argument has been made that “back in the day” kids would stick their cassette recorder up to the radio in order to record their favorite songs and no one ever said anything about that. Thing is that while that seems pretty innocent under the law it is still technically considered illegal, though was never a issue to the point of what the internet has provided.

Also of interest is the argument that the music industry simply charge too much for CD’s so it’s ok to get a freebie from time to time via download failing to realize the loss of revenue from illegally downloading on such a massive scale is what has help to contribute to the increase in price to begin with.

All in all, imo, I consider it stealing, same as pirating a movie or say stealing a piece of art. It’s their songs; they just put them on CD and such to share with you for a fee.

Donna asksā€¦

How to get home videos onto the computer?

They are currently on VHS. So I assume I have to get them transferred to DVD’s. After that though, how do I get them uploaded to my computer?


admin answers:

It takes a LOT of time to transfer movies and the the quality sufferes. The best way to get older movies onto yoiur computer is to go to a legal download site and download them. It is fast and a lot of places upload in HD

Go here to explore a whole bunch of download sites or simply

Mandy asksā€¦

Is there any legal websites that you can download music that are compatible with iPods?

^^ Like, instead of using iTunes, can buy free songs and they go into your iPod. There probably isnt, but I just wanna know.

admin answers:

As a personal suggestion, I will recommend you iPod download site, as a member of this site, you can download unlimited music, video, movie and game with no extra cost. The life-time membership only cost you $35. Once you are the member, you are in the exclusive member area and all music download is free

read more review on

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Free

Susan asksā€¦

How Can I Download Twilight The Movie For Free?

I want to download the movie but i don’t want to pay. What site can i go on that it be for free?

admin answers:

Go to

Charles asksā€¦

Does anyone know any good and free movie download sights?

It has to be free, and It would be even nicer If you could tell me a website where I can download bootlegged movies for free..But if you can’t its cool..regular movies are cool too! Thanks!

admin answers:

Yeah theres loads of sites out there!!

Heres a few!

And thats just to name a few FREE ones theres thousands more out there!!

Oh also

Helen asksā€¦

Where can I download a good movie maker?

Is there a better movie maker (besides Windows Movie Maker) that I can download for free? I have a dell with Windows Vista if that helps.

admin answers:

Movie maker is best free movie making software,I think,
If you want to make better slideshows you may find more advanced and professioanl but still user friendly commercial software,here i will recommend photo story platinum.
You can get the free trial version on its offical site:

Jenny asksā€¦

Where to download latest bengali movie for free?

Can anyone suggest site to download bengali movie for free as i am not getting it from any torrent sites
Name of the Movie is – Icche – the Desire (2011)

admin answers:


Do u want more ???

George asksā€¦

How do u get free movies with downloading and not register?

I want to watch movies on my pc and i wana know how u get free movies with out registering

admin answers:

Ok download this program and u can download movies on torrent sites like btjunkie, mininova, pirate bay, isohunt. If u want good quality movie i wud recomend dl either dvd screeners,dvd rips or r5’s. Hope this helps

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Carol asksā€¦

What is a good site to download music from?

I have a psp that i would like to down load music to what site is the best site to use even if there is a monthly fee that is fine I just want a site that has a good selection maybe even a site that offers movies. We do use lime wire but for some reason it does not let me download songs on to the psp.

admin answers:

Limewire is illegal.
Dont use it.
You could go here:

it says you get free downnloads on your psp.



^^just go to the actual website, its safer, you wont be worrying if its legal or not.

But you could go to where you bought it and ask where it would be good for internet downloads.

I asked that, but it was for me ipod.

Sharon asksā€¦

What jobs can a 13 year old boy get?

Hello. I want to participate in the Play! Pokemon spring regional championships. But I live in San Antonio, and the nearest place where the event is held is about a 1000 miles away, and my dad is too much of an ass to drive us. So, to get plane tickets to Salt Lake City, I need to make money. Im gonna be honest. I cant push more than 10 lbs. Id like to find a legal job that does not require me to lift,push, or pull something and preferably something that requires brain power since Im amazing at that. Any suggestions?

admin answers:

Here is my freebie business idea for you. If you want to do something at home involving computers just tell your friends and relatives that you are doing a PC and laptop virus cleaning service for $25-$35 and they must bring the computer to you. Go to the McAfee web site and download the Stinger.exe free tool and get a small thumb drive that you can copy that program to. When they bring the computer over you download the newest version of Stinger to the thumb drive and stick it in their computer and start the scan running. It may take a few minutes or a few hours depending on the computer’s disk size and utilization. It requires no interaction so you just start it running and go do other things while it runs. After it is done it will list any stuff it found and you can report that to the user. Charge them an extra $5-$10 if they want to have an anti-virus program installed and you go out to Microsoft and install Microsoft Security Essentials (a free program). If they want an anti-malware program, charge them a few more dollars and download and install the free version of MalwareBytes for them. This cleanup is not technically hard and you can try it on your own computer to get the hang of it. Don’t plan to fix the computer at their location as the Stinger scan can take 2-3 hours.
Also, you need to coordinate this business venture with your parents so you don’t get yourself into any difficult situations where people won’t pay you or where you have to deal with creepy people. Putting ads or flyers out can be good and bad news as it may get you business but it may get you the risk of dealing with strangers. Honestly once the word gets out that you are doing the service you may have family and friends enough to keep you busy.
Another thing to keep in mind is that sooner or later your customers will click on some link or go to some bad web site and pick up another virus that may bypass the free protection you installed. If you have done a good job they will be back for more help – and make you another $25 to fix it all over again. This is called repeat business!

Also, you can contact all the pawn shops or thrift stores in your area and tell them you can do these same virus cleanup services for them. A common issue they have is getting in any computers that the password has been lost on and you tell them that you can break into those for them. Sometimes people will pawn a computer and then not get it out in time. When the pawn shop gets ready to sell it they discover the computer is password protected and they don’t have the password. To perform the break-in you will download the free Trinity Rescue Kit and create a CD that will let you boot the computer and change the password without you needing to know the old password. The pawn shop may pay you in cash or store credit. You can work out a trade deal with them for music CDs, DVD movies, electronics or other items they may have for sale.
These could be some baby steps for you to start into a career in computers!

Sandra asksā€¦

Why does yahoo get offended when someone posts helpful information?

instead of just a simple question. I bout saved 8 people’s lives on something I posted about how Scientology is bad and the idiots who run this site, who obviously dont know how bad it really is, deletes my question and says somethin about suspending my account. Ignorant right?

admin answers:

It isn’t Yahoo. This may be of some help it is long but covers most everything.

Questions without answers are removed by Yahoo after 4 days 8 if you extended it or no best answer” won the vote. You don’t lose any points.
If you received a violation notice and sometimes you don’t : All it takes is 2 “trusted” members to report you and the bots remove it. If you are very sure you have been wronged appeal it, the link is below. Some suggestions, If you haven’t done so, edit you info so your questions and answers are hidden that way it makes it harder for trolls who enjoy reporting violations or presumed violations to stalk you. Also, avoid pages with controversial subjects such as religion, homosexuality, racism, pornography, any hatred, downloading movies or music, questions about drugs even soft drugs, etc. Even the polls section. Avoid anything that may be remotely considered illegal Don’t give smart, flip or sarcastic answers nor use any profanity. Do not use language you wouldn’t use when talking to your grandmother and that should keep you safe in that regard. Referring to others as a moron, stupid idiot Nazi, retard or anything in that vein is derogatory and insulting to other members and clearly against the guidelines. Pay attention to the definitions of “chatting and solicitation , and what constitutes a question” Never insult another member, threaten, harass deliberately mislead or post anything in questionable taste.
Should you have axe to grind, agenda or cause to promote be it political religious social or anything similar, no matter how well intentioned you may be, this is the wrong place to promote it. Check the links below for more info.

Here are the guidelines and terms of service.

Here are some links regarding common violations and the appeal link, they may help in the future.


Question and Answer format

You might take the test to determine if something is reportable.


To Appeal:

Just follow the prompts.


Donald asksā€¦

Good site to download drum loops for free?

I want to make a blues song but I don’t play drums. Does anyone know of any good, legal sites to download drum loops for free? Thanks a lot.

admin answers:

This is the site you can download free any anything you need

Music, software, movie, and more

Donna asksā€¦

someone i know is downloading movies before they are realeased in theaters. How is that possible?

I’ve heard of people taking a camcorder in the theater, but these are good quality. And is that legal?

admin answers:

It depends upon where you’re located. If you’re in the UK like me, then you should be aware that the USA and other parts of the world get movies before we do. If it is a USA release, then often it’s reached DVD there by the time (or shortly thereafter) it appears in cinemas in the UK. Bit torrent clients allow people to share DVDs with other individuals across the Internet. Peer-to-peer file sharing (P2P) isn’t illegal however, sharing copyrighted material is. So, it’s a fuzzy line. But, in the end, if he’s (she’s) dowloading them, then it’s probably through torrents.

I predict that P2P file sharing will be regulated to death or eliminated all together in the next couple of years. The federation against copyright theft (FACT) logs IPs attaching to some of the torrent sites by court order from an American court. These people have their downloads recorded along with their addresses; therefore, copyright enforcement authorities know who downloads what. It’s a matter of time before you get into trouble, unless you mask your IP address–but we won’t go into that here. šŸ˜›

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Ruth asksā€¦

What is a really good video-editing software that’s free?

Like the question says above. I’m using windows movie maker right now, and it doesn’t have all the options id like.
Thanks in advance!!!

admin answers:

You probably don’t realize what WMM can be made to do. Take a look at the tutorials for Windows Movie Maker at – it may be WMM is all you need.

The version 2 series were probably the most versatile, you can find them here –

Other free video editors are…

Wax – – this is also a compositor – a bit like Adobe’s After Effects
VideoLAN Movie Creator –
TrakAxPC –
VideoSpin –
VideoPad – the free version –
Lightworks – – I like this one
MoviePlus –

VirtualDub, RAD Video tools, AVITricks and Avidemux are also good tools you should look at. Although not full editors like the others they have some useful features.

Lightworks and Wax together are a very good video editing system for free.

All are safe, at least from the sites I’ve linked to.

Donna asksā€¦

Where can I download The Human Centipede II?

Where can I download The Human Centipede part two? I don’t want a torrent please. Also can you provide me with a link?

I know I’m pirating deal with it.

admin answers:

TIP: It is illegal to get a free download. You could subscribe to Netflix and watch unlimited movies free online and order them to your house in the mail.
There are also sites that charge not too high prices to download movies legally and safe without viruses.
Usually free downloads come with a price like Malware and Spyware e.t.c…
It is safer to download it online with a safe sight.
Also you could buy it from ebay for a pretty good price.

Mandy asksā€¦

On my other computer I think I’ve got a virus of some sorts. How do I get rid of it?

Basically been downloading movies and music off torrents sites. Some app opened up and switched the computer off. When I turn it back on there is a white page that says I’ve been downloading music illegally and I have to send 50 euros.

I try opening up task manager, pressing the windows page and nothing comes up. Can’t get this page off.

What should I do?

admin answers:

It’s a ransomware infection. Everything it says is a lie.

Try this:

Firstly, boot your computer to the Safe Mode menu screen. You do this by repeatedly pressing F8 as soon as you boot up. Once there, use the arrow keys to highlight Safe Mode with Networking. Continue to boot from there, by pressing Enter. You will now see some drivers being loaded. There will be a pause at some point. This usually lasts for no more than 30 seconds.

Now open your browser and download TDSSKiller.exe from Kaspersky Lab. It’s tiny, and takes just a minute to run. It hunts down and kills a specific family of rootkits.


Regardless of the resultsā€¦

Download this package.

When you click on the download button, wait for a few seconds and the download box will appear, without you having to enter your name or email address.

Save it to your desktop, unzip it…click on start.exe…then click on Emergency Kit Scanner. Wait for it to open (this may take a couple of minutes), then get updates and run a Deep Scan (the scan may take a while):

If that failed, use a working computer to download and burn a file to create a live CD/DVD/flash drive. You then use it to boot your problem computer.

This link is for the download of Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10. It’s primarily designed to boot and disinfect computers that have been rendered unbootable due to an infection, but it’s fine to use it on an uninfected machine. The .ISO file is 262MB in size, and it’s easier to burn it to a CD/DVD than a flash drive:

If you don’t have burning software installed on the working computer, download and install Ashampoo Burning Studio 6. It’s free, and I recommend it…I use it myself:

Start up Ashampoo and select Create/Burn Disc Images…then select Burn a CD/DVD/Blu-ray Disc from a Disc Image.

Burn the CD or DVD, and use it to boot your faulty computer. You may need to enter your BIOS (Setup), and change the boot sequence to boot from CD first, but this isn’t always necessary.

Once the CD or DVD has got you to a desktop, select the WindowsUnlocker function. This explanation link and video should prove useful:

Once your computer is unlocked, try again to run the Emsisoft Emergency Kit.

Hope this helps.

Richard asksā€¦

I would like to know about some of the safest websites to download free Bollywood music?

Which are safest websites,where we are not afraid of virus etc,to download free hindi music?

admin answers:

Here are the most popular free downloading sites for Hindi songs- ( very nice site,,,but little bit difficult for me to download the song ) ( download any song hindi movies/pop n remix in mp3 format,great site ) ( very simple and easy site,in (rp) realplayer format ) ( just search any song u want hindi/english,click it n download ) ( good site )
i have use these sites for many many years
so they are safe,easy and good sitea
if u dont believe than used free antivirus program and scan it šŸ™‚

Sharon asksā€¦

How can i play ripped games on PSP 3004?

I have a latest PSP 3004,got it over a week ago.I heard a lot about something called Custom FirmWare(CFW) and don’t know what is it.So, please tell me what it is and what are its uses? What CFW is mine?Also, can i play ripped or downloaded games on my PSP 3004 and how?

admin answers:

You need to first find out what version of firmware you’re running. You can only unlock PSP to play ripped games that has version 5.03 firmware or earlier.

Here is how to check your firmware version:

1. Go to the main XMB screen where you would load games, movies, etc.

2. Find the “settings” option.

3. Scroll down to “system settings”

4. Find the “system information” option and click on it. This is where you will see all your PSPs information such as Name, Mac Address, and Firmware Version (It will probably say System Software and have a number after it. That number is the firmware you have.)

If you have anything less than 5.03 you’re good. If not, you will have to downgrade.

Now you need to actually unlock the PSP to play the ripped games. In order to do this you will need a certain set of files that you save to a memory stick and upload into your PSP. To find a good and safe place to download the files, check out the site in my source box. That is what I used and always recommend to people.

If you have any other questions let me know.

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Free

Sharon asksā€¦

What Is a good site for watching FULL movies without downloads?

I want to watch a movie,but i can’t get close enough to my brother’s computer to see what site he uses.

admin answers:

Check this list and pick what ever your heart want.

Monsters vs Aliens (Animation | Action | Sci-Fi 2009)
The Haunting In Connecticut (Horror | Thriller 2009)
Knowing (Action | Mystery | Sci-Fi | Thriller 2009)
I Love You, Man (Comedy | Romance 2009)
Race to Witch Mountain (Adventure | Fantasy | Sci-Fi | Thriller 2009)
Watchmen (Action | Fantasy | Sci-Fi | Thriller 2009)
Taken (Action | Crime | Drama | Thriller 2008)
Crank 2: High Voltage (Action 2009)
Ice age 3 (Animation | Action | Comedy 2009)
Fast and furious 4 (Action 2009)
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Adventure | Fantasy | Mystery 2009)
17 Again (Comedy 2009)
and many many others, but these are hot now

I watched all these videos in HD with my boyfriend. All movies are good, fresh.
You can watch them for free here:
www.sharpurl.c o m/movie247 (without space) You can both watch and download movies.
From time to time you have to complete a survey in order to watch them but movies are DVDRIP so 30 seconds won’t hurt.
Have fun,

Donald asksā€¦

Where can I find a site to download new movies?

Where can I download new movies, to copy to a DVD , and play in my DVD player?

admin answers:

Free movies on the Web? Sure, if you know where to look! Here are dozens of high-quality sites where you can find free movies to watch.
Free full-length Movie Sites:
* Hulu: Hulu is the first place I go online when I want to find quality, free, full length movies.
* : no account, no virus, free high quality movie in ipod format, iphone format ……
* Surf The Channel: Surf The Channel has literally hundreds of movies.
* IMDB: IMDB, also known as the Internet Movie Database, has added free full length movies and TV shows to its’ already large and informative site.
* Joost: Nicely organized by category and each movie is in very high quality.
* Babelgum: Babelgum has plenty of great free full length movies.

Ken asksā€¦

Where and how can I download the Pinnacle software completely free?

I’ve been from site to site but haven’t had any luck finding it.
I’m really not concerned with the versions of either download. Just as long as it works and is alot better than Windows Movie Maker like they say it is then thats good. ^^
Remember! Must be free!

admin answers:

It is commercial software; it is not free. You can download a free trial from the Pinnacle web site.

If you want free software, then get software that is offered free by the producer(s) of the software. Open source is one such source.

If you want to use commercial software, then pay for it. If you don’t, that is stealing. People have worked hard, often for months or years (yes, it takes that long) to create their products. They deserve to get paid for their efforts. How would you feel if you had worked on something for months, planning on making a living with it, and somebody started giving it away free, and you didn’t get a penny for all of your effort?

When people download material illegally (songs, movies, software, etc.) that gives the big companies more ammunition to take to Congress when they next try to take away more of the few rights we still have under Copyright law. So you are hurting everybody, even those who do not do illegal downloads.

William asksā€¦

how do i download movies what kind of software would need?

i want to download movies free but im not sure how….or what kind of software i would need..If someone would be kind enough to explaine and also tell of a GOOD site all free that would be sweeeet.Thank you
oh yeah and also how do i burn them to a dvd-r?

admin answers:


Daniel asksā€¦

How do I download free dvd movies?

How do I download free dvd movies ? I really wanna see free movies online .

admin answers:

Do not use any spam sites where they ask you to fill in a questionnaire. Your best option is to join a legitimate movie download site where you will get access to unlimited movie downloads. Free movies online are only available from torrents, which can be harmful to your computer. You never know what you are downloading is safe, and can contain a virus or trojan.

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Free

Sharon asksā€¦

Where can I get a completely free bootleg movie site. that i dont need a credit card?

Some of my friends that i dont talk to anymore know some boootleg sites. I want to put a movie on my Ipod but i want to get it for free on bootleg which i know is possible. help please!

admin answers:

I’ve never downloaded anything because it can really screw up your computer if you don’t know the torrent you’re downloading from. Here’s my favorite bootleg site. You can download but I never have. The films just stream beautifully and it is by far the best site around.


John asksā€¦

Is it possible to download movies from Limewire?

if so, how? where do we click? or do u know any sites that we can download movies for free?

admin answers:

It is but its slow as hell has all the torrent movies you need. Or use to watch on the internet.

Ruth asksā€¦

How can I download supernatural episodes for free (compatible for Windows Media Player)?

Does anyone know of a program that would allow me to download videos such as youtube that plays on windows media player? I have tried several programs but none work on it.

If there is no program, then at least a site where I can download it for free please šŸ™‚

I am trying to make a supernatural music video so please help me out!

admin answers:

Heres what I do
first I download jdownloader at
then i go to
then i pic the show/movie (they have the latest movies and the newest episodes of tv shows)
then i pic a link to the show/movie and copy and paste the link into jdownloader. Then i let it downloaad

if u have a fast interent connection it will download really fast like i can download a season of family guy in a half hour

Michael asksā€¦

What is a good website to watch movies for free?

I used to watch movies on which was fast, convenient, free and didn’t have any viruses attached. Now that the site is deleted I was wondering if anyone had another option.

Thanks in advance!

admin answers:

Http:// is the best of all of these sites for watching movies online. No subscription fees, and there are many free movies, documentaries, shorts, animations, celebrity interviews, concerts, and animations. You can also have screen on screen video chats with your friends for FREE. Premium movies are either watch online in HD full screen for only 1.99, or you can download them to your computer and watch them offline for only 2.99 a great deal. The site is totally cool as it looks and works like a video game.

Maria asksā€¦

Is there a reliable site for watching and downloading online movies?

It is a latest trend to watch movies online as many gets bored by watching it on TV. Please give the link where I can watch movies online for free and download them. There should be adult movies and action movies.

admin answers:

Google is the best source you can find………their isn’t any site more reliable than google. Just type in movie name and with keywords of online including.

If you prefer a site which does google work for you then my choice is:

if you know how to google then you can find any thing online……..

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