Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Richard asks…

which is the best site 4 downloading english songs?

actually im in search of a good site 4 english songs…..i used emp3player but now i don’t find it much useful…..guys plzz help.

admin answers:

First thing’s first: DO NOT download Limewire. It gives a lot of viruses.

Instead I recommend torrenting, a way safer and easier way of downloading media. Download a BitTorrent client (µTorrent works nicely). Then, go on to a torrent search engine website ( is the best), and find the file you want (e.g: movies, music, audiobooks, etc). Download the .torrent file. Then, open the .torrent file with µTorrent. Once µTorrent is open, a box should appear with all the files in the .torrent file. Select the files you want, and click “ok”. Then, just let the program download it for you. If you are experiencing speed difficulties, visit for help.
It would also be a good idea to see where the downloaded files are being placed. Right-click on the file and select “Open Containing Folder.” It should take you straight to the folder with the downloads.
The good thing about is that they virus scan each torrent before they publish it. This way it’s virus free =)

If you just want individual songs, then use the following sites:

Jenny asks…

Where can I download movies at online?

I saw this link just by browsing that you could get probably three or five dvd’s for just $1. Does anyone know of this site or know where I can download movies from that won’t cost so much? Thanks

admin answers:

I think there are many websites to download movies and watch online movies.

But I always first prefer

Because this website is safe website to download movies and online movies with the best quality and sound. No need to register here! Just visit and watch movies.

Joseph asks…

Is downloading the Rehan Effects and Transitions for Windows movie maker safe?

Is downloading the Rehan Effects and Transitions for Windows movie maker safe?

Are there viruses, bugs, anything like that or is it all good/safe?

admin answers:

Rehan’s site has been around for quite a few years and I have not heard of any problems with it. Should be safe, but scan any file you download with a good anti-virus program.

Betty asks…

Can you copy and paste a font you want to your fonts?

I wanted to put a new font on my computer for aim, word pad, and windows movie maker but how do you copy and paste your font you want from a website which is please help thanks.

admin answers:

Don’t know if you are running XP or Vista, so here’s a really loooooong answer that I hope explains everything (dafont also has a help section with pretty much this same info).

From the font site, click on download. Choose Save, not Open. Save it some place you can find it on your computer (like your desktop).

Find the downloaded file on your computer. If it’s a zipped file you will need to unzip it before you can do anything else.

WINDOWS VISTA UNZIP: double-click on the zip to open it, then either click on “Extract all files” or drag and drop the files somewhere outside the zip window.

WINDOWS VISTA INSTALL: Select the font files (.ttf or .otf ) from within the Extracted Folder or where you dragged then right-click > Install

WINDOWS XP UNZIP: You should have extraction software already on your system – try right clicking on the file and selecting expand or extract if it is listed. Have it extract to where you are or where you can find it.

If you do not have those choices, you probably need to download software – there are many free applications. I am currently loving ExtractNow. Here is a link to a safe download from CNet. Http:// It is free. It is easy to install. Once it is installed, you just launch it, drag your zipped folders into it and click Extract. What is really cool about it is that you can extract multiple files at once. That is a huge bonus, especially when downloading all those fun free fonts.

WINDOWS XP INSTALL: Go to your fonts folder. Either through the start menu > control panels > fonts (make sure you are using Classic View for the control panels – it’s much easier). OR go to My Computer > Drive C > Windows > Fonts. Drag the new fonts (just the ttf/otf files) from the extracted folder or wherever they are into the fonts folder. A box should pop up showing that the font is being installed.

FOR VISTA OR XP: If the download was just a single .ttf or.otf file, skip the extracting steps and go straight to installing.

The font should now show up in the font list of all your programs. If you have any programs running you will need to quit and restart them before they see the newly installed font. Worse case scenario – if the fonts aren’t showing up, restart the computer.

Carol asks…

How do I share digital videos with family and friends?

i recently bought my first digital camcorder and want to learn how to share the videos with my family and friends.

what is the best way (i.e. -most convienent, least expensive, safest etc) to do share digital videos with my family and friends?

thank you

admin answers:

YOur camera should had come with some software. You connect your camera to your computer via some cable. Now adays is an USB cable. The operating system should recognice that the camera is on and open up the software for you. If the wrong programs opens then you may want to first open the software that came with your camera and download the movies from there. Please refer to the manual on how to do this because this changes depending on the software and camera model.

Once you have downloaded the movie from your camera to the computer then you can share them through various methids. It all depends on how big the file is. You should try to limit the file size to no more than 5mega bytes (MB). You could do more but it get anoying to download for your family. Especially if they have a slow internet connection. Here are various options to deliver the files.

1) burn it to a cd and mail a copy to them.
2) e-mail them the file as an attachment. There could be a size limit to this.
3) use a messanger service like yahoo messager. Sned it through there. I think it allows file tranfers up to 1Gb.
4) use a free web service where you can upload the movies to. Then your family members can go to the site and downlod the movie from there. Of the top of my head there is this site which has a free option. Http://
there are other such website available too. I just happen to like this one.

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Nancy asks…

How can I find online movies on the wrath of athena/minerva?

admin answers:


this site gives you the choice whether to download or watch movies online, their free and 100% legal. They do require you sign up for a 30 day trail though but this is 100% free also!

Its great been using their site for months. Once your trial runs out just sign up for another free one.

The website is

hope that helps you!

Thomas asks…

Is downloading music from youtube illegal?

I want a straight answer from an authority and if it is legal then give the official website to use to download music from youtube to ipod.

admin answers:

Downloading song is NOT illegal. Most who people do download songs end up breaking the law, i will explain.

According to DMCA, Digital Millennium Copyright Act, it is illegal to DISTRIBUTE, SALE, MANUFACTURE copyrighted material. It does not state that having copyright material in your possession is illegal.

How would they know if you paid for it or not?

Why People Get Caught?
People who use sites like Limewire, download music, movies, etc… The giver has now broken the law by sharing this materials with you. The reason you end up getting caught is because LIMEWIRE has a feature that enables your system to automatically share anything that have downloaded. This is where you break the law. Now you are a DISTRIBUTOR of copyrighted materials.

How not to break the law:
Limewire and other software program automatically enable the feature to share what you downloaded plus other items in your PC. You must find what your system is sharing and disable this feature within LIMEWIRE.

In recent News, a lady was sued to pay the records companies somewhere around 2 Millions Dollars. She is an idiot.. I read the full article. She was sued the first time for $220,000.00, during trial she was offered the option to settle for $3000 to $5000, she said NO, like 10 other people of the 30,000 active cases today. She thought she could fight breaking the law. So she lost the first case and ended up owing $220,000.

She went back and appealed the jurisdiction and the trial went back to court again, this time the records companies sued for 2.00 million dollars, however during the trial they offered to settle with her again and she turned the offer down a second time… She lost the trial again and now owes 2.00 million dollars to the records companies.

She got caught because the records company was able to successfully download music from her machine. They traced to her PC and her email account registered on the P2P software she was using.
Http://,2933,527284,00.html (Read the story for yourself)

I do not advocate downloading music, because it does prevent you from purchasing music. But I do want to EDUCATE those who don’t know the laws…

Laura asks…

Who monitors downloads from file sharing sites?

I’m just wondering, because of the woman in US who was recently taken to court for downloading like 2000 songs from a file sharing site. How was she found out and why was she made an example of? Surely there are millions of people who download movies/songs/tv (albeit illegally?) Do the file sharing sites like Limewire, Bearshare & the rest not monitor what’s actually being downloaded?

admin answers:

All Internet providers monitor the downloads from every user. Most have a legal contract with the entertainment industry to tell them who doing what. The women you mention was singled out as a example that they will come after you weather it’s one download or 2000.

John asks…

does anyone know where to read Amon Game by Atsuya Uki online?

i’ve looked everywhere and I just can’t find out a site where I can read it…if possible, just online, without downloading, paying, or anything like that. I watched the movie Cencoroll which came from Amon Game but no one seems to have Amon Game anywhere. Anyone know where I can read it?
all right, so if I shouldn’t read it online, does anyone know where I can buy it from a store around the eastern coast of america?

admin answers:

There is no FREE and LEGAL site to read Amon Game. Any site that would have it, would have stolen it from Atsyuya Uki. Authors write to earn a living. Respect that.

Paul asks…

Where can I download/watch the first Balto movie?

I’ve checked youtube,, veoh, and just plain old searching the internet, but I can’t seem to find a place to watch it anywhere. Any suggestions?

admin answers:

I found it at I always get great quality and no viruses plus the site says it is legal.

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Daniel asks…

where can i get FREE and i mean FREE psp games?

some body please help every where i go i either have to pay when they claim its free or it a scam, im getting so mad. (PLEASE CAN SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHERE TO GET (FREE) PSP GAMES). and i mean absolutly posotivly FREE!

admin answers:

So you are looking for free PSP downloads? There is one thing you need to understand first: there is nothing like a free PSP download. Of course there are free PSP download sites, but they are illegal and you will be getting into BIG trouble using these services.

But there are other sites that offer free PSP downloads that are legal. You only have to pay a onetime membership fee. After that you may download as many PSP songs, games, and movies as you can handle forthe rest of your life Membership to these donwload sites is low and varies. You will have to pay around $30 for unlimited access.

So once you paid your membership fee you have free PSP downloads for life. A pretty good deal and honestly… Don’t you think it is a good idea to stay legal?

Betty asks…

Is it illegal for music to be sent through ichat and then played into your itunes account?

admin answers:

Copying music is not illegal per se. It depends on what the copyright holder allows. So, for instance, if you compose a song and perform it, you are the copyright holder; you can do what you want with it, and you can decide what you want to allow other people to do with it. If you say that it is OK to copy and distribute it, then it is not illegal for somebody else to copy it; if you say nobody can copy it without paying you for the copies, then it is illegal for other people to make copies and sell them or give them away (whether by copying them onto CDs, MP3 players, over the Internet, or by any other means).

This is what the music and movie studios are talking about when they talk about “illegal downloads” or “illegal copying”. They hold the copyrights, and they have not given permission for the songs to be distributed. That is what makes it illegal.

On the other hand, some artists publish some of their songs on web sites and give permission for people to download, and sometimes to further distribute, some or all of those songs. In those cases it is legal to copy those songs according to the terms that have been set up.

Thomas asks…

i need a site that i can go on to add free music to my mp3?

i need a site that is free and possibly dont have to sign up for it.and deffinetly no errors so thenit can crap up my labtop.

admin answers:


Legal (and free):
Spiral Frog

ps. With frostwire or limewire, you can also download movies.

Nancy asks…

I want a psp to watch movies,browse net, play games from MEMORY CARD which one should i buy?

Just tell me the exact name. I can’t afford to buy games and movies on UMD’s now and then but can afford downloading them.Plzzzzzz help.

admin answers:

If you want to play games from memory card, you will need a PSP that has been HACKED with CUSTOM FIRMWARE, as opposed to one with OFFICIAL FIRMWARE.

Sony does not make, condone or approve of Custom Firmware, because Sony wants you to buy the UMDs, not download games to your memory stick and play them for free. It is illegal to download and play commercially distributed games which are copyright protected that you do not own, however it is legal to download games you do own on UMD for backup purposes or simply because you prefer to play your games off the memory stick. It is also legal to download “homebrew games”, which are games developed and distributed for free as “shareware”–some of these are truely great, such as “Guitarway to Heaven”, which is a homebrew game which is only available to those who have installed Custom Firmware on their PSP.

Retail stores will not sell custom firmware, nor will they sell PSPs with custom firmware installed. Obtaining and installing custom firmware requires you HACK your PSP, can be done in 1 of 3 ways.

1. Make the custom firmware and install it into a PSP with official firmware youself. To do this requires you make a “Pandora’s Battery” and a “Magic Memory Stick”. You can google these terms to learn how to do this but I warn you–it’s not that easy to do, but very easy to screw up, and if you do screw up the process, you most likely will “brick” your PSP (rendering it as useless as a brick.)

2. Buy a premade Pandoras Battery and Magic Memory stick combo off the internet–there are a number of sites that make and sell them for around $35 – $50. These can be put in almost any PSP and will install the custom firmware for you in a matter of minutes.

3. Buy a PSP with custom firmware already installed off of e-bay! If all this is new to you and none of your friends have hacked their psps with custom firmware, this is probably your best bet. To find a psp with custom firmware already installed for you, use search terms such as “psp custom firmware” or “psp cfw” or “psp M-33”. All these terms indicate custom firmware has been installed in the psp being offered for sale and many sellers will also provide instructions and/or include a memory stick already loaded with a number of games–some will even supply as many games of your choosing as the memory stick will hold.

To download and watch movies on the memory stick, again, you need a psp hacked with custom firmware and then you can play any movie which has been converted to MP4 format. There’s lots of movies already available in this format on the internet, and there’s lots of free programs which will enable you to take DVDs you own or have rented and copy and convert them to MP4 format to play on your PSP memory stick.

To browse the internet, well you don’t need custom firmware for that, just an internet server with “wifi” capability.

Hope this helps.

Mary asks…

Is there a website where you can download free full length movies?

admin answers:

This site:


free streaming movies no download or surveys needed, ANY movie or tv show EVER!!
Just enter your search and all sites playing the movie or T.V. Show will be displayed for you to choose from.
OVGuide has an awesome free movies search engine… OVGuide indexes all the free movies/tv sites and searches them simultaneously… So if a movie is out there for free, OVGuide will find it.
I haven’t been to the theater in 2 years!
And it is totally legal it even has Microsoft as an advertiser

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Lisa asks…

What are sum good movies i could watch online?

sum good movies that came out recently! plz

admin answers:

One of my favourite free movie streaming websites is 100% Safe also, never had a virus or anything. Also they provide quick downloading movies. And you don’t need to download the movie, they play ON the site =) I love it like that.


There you can get tips about how to watch megavideos without limit.

There are many ways to get around Megavideos time limit without buying a premium account. Thay have gathered some tips for you on this page. Now read and enjoy your videos!

Action, Biography, comedy, crime, drama, family, horror, kids, sci-fi, teens Movies are listed .


Helen asks…

Where can I watch Sailor Moon R movie online?

Sailor Moon R English Dubbed HD

I can find the movie in multiple places online, but it has horrible quality. I want the dubbed version with decent quality. Even a safe download would be fine. Please let me know. Thanks =]

admin answers:

Sailor moon center has the movie, dubbed AND in high quality. I can’t find it right now this quickly but it should be somewhere on their site 🙂

Jenny asks…

How to you make Windows movie maker go super fast?

I see in video’s that a person used LS maker but it is all fast, like it’s fastforwarding. How do I do this?
….. I’m not asking how to repair my computer…

admin answers:

Clean windows registry means faster PC performance. The registry is one of the most valuable sections of your PC. This is where important information and directories relating to installed software, hardware, temporary files downloaded from the Internet, created documents and folders, and other minor and minor applications are stored.

Over time, you install new programs, uninstalled unimportant programs, update software’s, install new devices, download files from the web, etcetera, hence embarking all records in the registry system. This is normal, but it is not wise to leave it untouched. Once in a while, you have to check and remove files that are no longer in use to maintain the speed of your PC.

Cleaning the windows registry however is quite risky so these reminders might be a great help before you begin.

1. Before you clean the registry, be sure you really now how and what you are doing. If you are in doubt and just plain curious, you better consult a professional IT. This is for you and your computer’s security.

2. It is very important to create a back up of all you files before cleaning the windows registry so if the worse thing happens, your files are safe.

3. Find a reliable registry cleaning software on the net. You can either download a free ware or purchase it. A good registry cleaning software is one that includes multiple features – defragmenter, PC scan, junk file remover, uninstaller, and RAM optimizer.

Now that you know what it takes to clean windows registry doesn’t mean you can do this all by yourself, unless you are an IT professional.

For more information on free Windows registry repair visit our site.

James asks…

Does any one know a safe non download free website where I can watch Jackass the Movie?

It’s my favourite movie. 😀

admin answers:

This site has different options to watch it from.
I just watched it on this site a few days ago!!



David asks…

Video maker from photos and videos with subtitles and background sound track?

i want a video maker where i can add photos and videos, add subtitles and a background sound track to them, and upload on youtube.
Something that has good transitions and is easy to understand and quick in working and most importantly FREE Lol.
Please if anyone knows about anything like that, send me the link to download it , i’ll be veryyyyyyyyyyy thankful to you 🙂

admin answers:

Any video editor can do this.

Take a look at the tutorials for Windows Movie Maker at – it may be WMM is all you need. It really is foolproof except that it’s picky in what file formats it takes and the lack of native support for multiple video and audio tracks are a definite disadvantage (but there are workarounds)

The version 2 series were probably the most versatile, you can find them here – – but you’ll have problems installing the older versions on Windows 7.

Other free video editors are…

Wax – – this is also a compositor – a bit like Adobe’s After Effects – – unlimited video and audio tracks
VideoLAN Movie Creator – – up to 64 audio and video tracks
TrakAxPC –
VideoSpin – – just 1 video track so you may as well use WMM
VideoPad – the free version –
Lightworks – – I like this one – unlimited tracks ?
Serif MoviePlus – – unlimited tracks ?
Ezvid – – 32 video and audio tracks

VirtualDub, RAD Video tools, AVITricks and Avidemux are also good tools you should look at. Although not full editors like the others they have some useful features.

Lightworks and Wax together are a very good video editing system for free.

All are safe, at least from the sites I’ve linked to.

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Donald asks…

How do I download and burn movies on the internet? Whats the easiest site to get them?

admin answers:

Try these (they said it is legal )

Lisa asks…

What are some of the best Hank 3 songs?

I’ve recently just started listening to him. I always listend to Hank sr and Hank jr cause I heard Hank 3 only did punk n metal but it turns out he’s really good. If you know some good Hank 3 songs lemme know. Only the country songs of his though.

admin answers:

Hi, I really like Hank III also, Hank III has also done songs with Joey Allcorn, Bob Wayne, Little Lisa Dixie, and Rachel Brooke which I mention below. Also at the very last link at the bottom “archive” site you can find LEGAL Hank III live concert bootlegs which he has personally gave written permission to freely download from the archive website. I mainly like the old outlaw/alternative style country music. Some of my favorite Hank III songs not in any peticular order from his country albums are,

1. Hank III – D. Ray White (Stone Cold Country Here) (Hank III – D. Ray White) Stone Cold Country Here!

2. Hank III – Mississippi Mud
3. Hank III – The Grand Ole Opry (Ain’t So Grand)
4. Hank III – Wild & Free
5. Hank III – Me And My Friends
6. Hank III – Six Pack Of Beer
7. Hank III – Candidate For Suicide
8. Hank III – I Wish I Knew
9. Hank III – Stoned & Alone
10. Hank III – H8 Line
11. Hank III – P.F.F.
12. Hank III – 3 Shades Of Black (I really like this one here.)
13. Hank III – Workin’ Man (Hank III Featuring Bob Wayne & The Outlaw Carnies)
14. Hank III – Gettin’ Drunk And Fallin’ Down (Good Song Here)
15. Hank III – Rebel Within’
16. Hank III – Lookin’ For A Mountain
17. Hank III – Moonshiner’s Life
18. Hank III – Lost In Oklahoma
19. Hank III – Thrown Out Of The Bar
20. Hank III – Country Heroes
21. Hank III – Low Down
22. Hank III – Pills I Took
23. Hank III – My Drinkin’ Problem
24. Hank III – Crazed Country Rebel (Great song here, however I like one of the live versions better.)
25. Hank III – Not Everybody Likes Us (His infamous cutdown of kid rock in this song.)
26. Hank III – Louisiana Stripes (Another one of my favorites.)

If you like Hank III as you say you do you may also enjoy these newer but barely heard of artist,

Tonya Watts, Rachel Brooke, Little Lisa Dixie, Joey Allcorn, Dale Watson, Hank Williams III, Wayne The Train Hancock, Scott H. Biram, No Speed Limit Band, Bob Wayne And The Outlaw Carnies which is similar to Hank III, Jamey Johnson, Dixie Bee Liners, Tanner Flowers (AKA: bigdaddytanner), Curtis Lyn Cook who is similar to Toby Keith, Adrienne Young & Little Sadie, and on and on and on! Theres also a modern day drifter/Woody Guthrie called Pokey Lafarge he’s a mix of blues, country and folk music.

Some of my favorites are Hank III, Little Lisa Dixie, Rachel Brooke, Tonya Watts, Joey Allcorn, and so on. This is as real as it gets to the older style of country you can find. You can find more songs on youtube and reverbnation by all these artist.

Http:// (Joey Allcorn – 50 Years Too Late) Another good one is “Alabama Chain Gang” this guy has also done songs with Hank III (Dale Watson – Hollywood Hillybilly Featuring Johnny Knoxville. They should have gotten Dale Watson to play Johnny Cash in the “Walk The Line” movie.) Dale Watson has also done songs with Little Lisa Dixie.

Http:// (Dale Watson – Justice For All) Notice his similarities to Johnny Cash?

Http:// (Little Lisa Dixie – The Person You Love) Now keep in mind this is a rough cut/practice version before she refines it for an album. Some good songs of hers are Woke Up Broke, Stoned Again, Bonnie And Clyde, Devil’s Gate, Living To Survive, Getting Over You. (Stone cold country here again!)

I hope this helps you out and you enjoy some of these artists. Good luck!

Ruth asks…

Does any one know were I can watch the movie spykids the first movie and for free?

I really love this movie and i want to see it for free on my pc

admin answers:

This site:


free streaming movies no download or surveys needed, ANY movie or tv show EVER!!
Just enter your search and all sites playing the movie or T.V. Show will be displayed for you to choose from.
OVGuide has an awesome free movies search engine… OVGuide indexes all the free movies/tv sites and searches them simultaneously… So if a movie is out there for free, OVGuide will find it.
I haven’t been to the theater in 2 years!
And it is totally legal it even has Microsoft as an advertiser

Maria asks…

What are some websites you can watch veggietales and/or other movies?

for free and without downloading!

Thank you people!! 😀

admin answers:

Thats usually not legal. I dont know if hulu is free anymore but try that. Another site that might have it is its like hulu but with also shows from other countries

Joseph asks…

Putting RENTED movies from i tunes onto a USB stick?

Is there a way to put a rented movie from itunes onto a USB stick?? HELP, I think I just wasted $4!

admin answers:

You probably didn’t just waste 4 bucks. If you get a downloaded file, you can probably just put it on the USB stick and take it to another computer to play. You will need iTunes on the other computer you want to play it on and you’ll probably need to authorize the computer for your account (meaning that you might need to de-authorize another computer). But it should still work.

PS – Rolandas is full of it. Renting movies on iTunes is perfectly legal. Though the sites they link to might not be. It’s a spam response, just ignore it and Y!A will remove it at some point.

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Betty asks…

What kind of torrent should i downloads if i wanna download games, movies, music and etc.?

utorrent, bittorrent or pirate bay. pls mention others thet you know andd are safe to donwload
and i also wanna download

admin answers:

UTorrent and BitTorrent are bittorrent clients. Both are good and there are other good ones also.

The bittorrent client does not matter much in terms of finding content, only in obtaining content once the content is found at a search site like PirateBay. PirateBay is a good site, but I prefer torrentz, but that is a matter of personal preference. There are some good search sites listed here:

Thomas asks…

What will happen if i watch films online for free?

not sayin that i do, and i know its illegal, but what actually happens if u do? do the police come knockin on your door or what?
Ta Xxx

admin answers:

Usually its the people that control the site that get busted. Sites that offer file sharing can be worse. If you have a lot of files that you are sharing they may come after you with fines and some jail time. But, for the person who wants to download a movie or two here and there, the biggest problems are spyware, malware, phishing, and all sorts of other viruses that you can get by going on the sites and watching a movie. Remember, you usually can’t get something for nothing. With Redboxes and other ways of getting movies very easily these days I think its much safer to just rent them and avoid all hassels mentioned above.

Steven asks…

Does downloading slow down your computer?

Now I like to download music and other things from time to time and everyone annoys me that it slows down the computer. Anyway does downloading slow down your computer over time even if you delete the stuff you downloaded?

admin answers:

If you download big files, like songs or movies, it’s possible to se a little slow down after time, even After you delete what you have download. And that happen because hard disk become fragment.

But this can happen even when you write and delete things in every day use, so there isn’t just a downloading problem.

Also files you download if there aren’t from a site you can trust they can contain malware (viruses-spyware) and these can slow down your computer.

So to be sure that you can have your PC and hard disk in perfect condition:

A) Create a folder on your hard disk with name “downloads”

B) Put everything you download in this folder

C)Let your anti-virus check this folder before you use anything from it.

D) If you have let it check the folder for spyware (If you don’t have it download it from here: )

E) Defrag your hard disk at least once every 15 days
and you can keep your PC in good condition.

Happy HHolidays

Nancy asks…

how do you download games and songs into an iphone?

does anyone know how you can go online and download songs and games into an iphone? can you give me the exact steps?

admin answers:

Easy, there are ways to pay and ways to get them free. There are also membership sites which offer safe downloads of iphone games, music ,movies etc etc. Check out the link below it is an iphone blog i read lots of good info on there.

Ruth asks…

More effects on Windows live movie maker?

I like to make videos but the only editing software i have is windows live. I know how to work it and i know every feature on it. But i would like to add more effects to videos. Is there any possible way i would be able to get better, and more, effects?

admin answers:

Unfortunately, there aren’t as many additional titles, effects and transitions for WLMM as for the earlier versions because Microsoft didn’t release the code to developers;-( Those listed at this link are all there are so far as the wonderful guys who’ve developed for past versions work hard to develop new things that will work with Windows Live MM.

If you have Windows 7, you can download and install the Vista version (6.0) of Movie Maker that has a lot more add-ons. You don’t have to uninstall WLMM. Because WLMM has some functions that earlier versions don’t have, some people keep and use both versions. The author of the v6 Windows 7 installer, Blaine, is one of the guys who are doing so much to create additional, fun add-ons for Movie Maker. Downloads from his site are clean and safe. (I’ve downloaded many of his creations.)

Here’s a listing of add-ons for the Vista version. And there are many more custom add-ons that Movie Maker users have requested in the forums at
(Notice that this forum’s moderator, “considerate guy”, is Blaine.)

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Chris asks…

How do I find a lawyer for child custody that is reasonable?

admin answers:

Do a lot of the work yourself.

Child Custody

I’ve been a Father’s Rights Advocate for 20 years.

Many think the courts are rigged against dads, but in reality, it is more about attorneys unwilling or lacking the knowledge to truly fight for the father’s rights. This is why it is important to learn how to interview and hire the right attorney. It is also important to do as much as possible on your own and not pay the attorney to do it.

Part of the problem with getting your rights knowing what to do to prove your case, and how to remind the judge of their responsibilities. Let me start with the judge.

Always take people with you to court who are not there to testify. Make sure they are sitting where the judge can see them, each equipped with a tablet and pen to take notes. It’s best to use a Court Watch Form designed for this purpose. I have one in the manual at Dads House.

If the judge is not doing his job, using the info from this form, you can, appeal, and/or get the judge sanctioned and removed from the case. You file a complaint with the State Supreme Court at your state capital.

Start keeping a daily journal of all your activities. The most common way to prevent a father from getting his rights through the courts is a false allegation, usually sexual. Over 60% of divorcing father are accused of child sexual abuse, of which only 4% are found to have any relevance, but there are no penalties for doing so. A daily journal is your number one piece of evidence in court and you can even refer to it while on the stand.

Gather evidence. Check the site below to see if it is illegal to record conversations without the other person knowing. If your state does not have a law either way, than it defaults to the federal ruling which says one person in a conversation must know they are being recorded. You’re that one person. In Missouri it is specifically legal, in Kansas there is no mention either way. If you live in two different states, and one has a law against it, than it applies when the call originates from within that state,

Now, you can’t just record, you also have to transcribe it into your daily journal.

If you want to learn how to do all this go to Dads House in Yahoo Groups. Upon joining, you will receive a link for downloading a 200 page educational manual that can teach you what you need to know. Take the time to learn what you can and should do.

Bird Nest Custody

Can We Tape

Dads House

Fathers & Families


Fathers Rights: The Movie

Parental Alienation Syndrome

Joseph asks…

on what website can i download movies free online with greek subtitles?

on what website can i download movies free online with greek subtitles?

admin answers:

Well Natalie Smith . The makers of XviD have a secret new beta edition. Its not supposed to be out but one of the disgruntled workers leaked it after he was fired. The best part about the beta is since a ton movie streaming sites went down because of megaupload this beta is basically a pool of every movie you can want. Its 100% legal too. They found a massive loophole in the law but decided to not release it quite yet because of all the SOPA and Megaupload cases in the news. This new way of streaming movies online can not be stopped by SOPA or anyone and is currently up and running. I just watched Big daddy using the new beta so it actually does work. Luckily the direct download link is still up so get it while they dont know its floating around. For some odd reason this only works with people that live in the US which is understadable because its a beta I guess (Still dont get why). If I find an international edition I will repost it here. BTW it looks like the normal version when you are installing it but after its installed it will prompt you to “try the new platform” Anyways Heres the link:

William asks…

Following my previous question: Downloading Videos from Youtube?

I have another question.
Since I found it really isn’t illegal to download a video from youtube, I need help now with downloading it. Haha, sorry, I’m kinda new to this.
Basically: How do I download it?? I’ve heard of some converter sites, but are they legal?? And how do I use them? I want to make sure I won’t get in trouble using a free converter site, as in, I won’t get my computer infected and it isn’t illegal. Any recommendations for a certain site?

admin answers:

Firefox and Google Chrome have some Extensions that make it easier to download movies from youtube and other sites, with one click. What browser do you use?

If you use Google Chrome then download Flash Downloader 1.3.1 (Add-On)
If you use Firefox then download Flash Video Resources Downloader (Add-On) (it doesnt work with the new firefox updates)

Its faster and easier to use with just one click and you don’t have to be afraid of scams. =)

Ken asks…

Is there a screenplay writing website that can help me write better?

I can’t decide how to start my screenplay movie idea. Should i just write the story out and then format to screenplay form or should i just write in a screenplay form straight forward? Should i buy Final Draft 7 also? Please help!!

admin answers:

There are many screenwriting sites to help the beginner. For the basics, try the scripts board at Absolute Write or Shop Talk Writers board at IMDb (and its sister board ).

You’d be wise to first read at least a half dozen scripts, to get used to the format. Make sure they’re plain scripts, not shooting scripts with numbered scenes, camera directions etc. Try Drew’s Script-o-Rama for a large selection, most of them recent.

Then plan your story. Know exactly how it plays out, scene by scene. This can take a while. Failure to plan accounts for scripts that are never finished.

Finally, write your script. While Final Draft and other programs are nice, you can do it in Word with proper tab settings, or download the free and legal screenwriting program Celtx, which is supposed to be pretty good.

John asks…

How to watch movies on iPhone 5 without wifi?

Okay, so I’m going on a road trip this Monday, and I wanted to watch movies from my iPhone (LEGALLY thank you very much) and iTunes movies are too expensive for my taste. I have Netflix, which can work without being connected to wifi, but it takes up a huge chunk of my very small data plan.

Therefore, I was wondering if there were any legal sites, apps, etc. that can download or sync movies/TV shows onto my phone? And without need for wifi connection?

It’s a longshot, but just thought I’d ask.

admin answers:

You can down the VDownloader+ from the app store for 0.99$, I think.
This app will allow you to download movies from YouTube that you can watch offline later. I’m not sure if you are aware of this but there are thousands of full feature movies on YouTube which are completely legal to download but lie within the gray area of ethical since those movies were pirated in the first place but hey YOU didn’t upload them on YouTube.
Your question doesn’t specify if you want to watch movies on the iPhone itself or on an external monitor (car DVD player monitor, tv screen, etc) but the app I mentioned will allow you to ONLY play movies and clips on the device itself. If you would like to play them on an external monitor then you will have to jailbreak your device to install an app that allows you to bypass the stupid Mac OS restrictions.

Another option you can try is to convert movies from your hard drive into a format compatible with iPhone (I think mp4 and some avi) then sync through iTunes. I did this with my music video clip library, using RealOne to convert them then sync but I have never bothered with a full length movie; converting and syncing takes way too much time than I care to waste.

Last note from a former Apple fanatic who finally returned to sanity, junk the iPhone and get an android that will let you download all the movies and music you want without having to freaking turn it into a science project. See, on my droid I just download the movies I want from YouTube directly and i have never tried it but you can even rent movies from amazon and watch them on your device (3.99$ sounds like a reasonable price for 3 day rental).

Hope this helped

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Linda asks…

How can I watch movies online in sites like Ovguide (Your Online Film Guide)?

Are these sites and their applications trustworthy?

admin answers:

You need to have a site adviser like mcafee or norton if its green youre safe but your watching flash is safe downloading can be unsafe if the site is not green also and

Susan asks…

Where can I watch Romeo and Juliet 1996 online, free?

And in good quality? I’ve tried stagevu and divxstage and ovguide and youtube! Youtube was the only place I could find with the full video but the quality was awful 🙁 and I can’t download anything.

admin answers:

Http:// this site is good to watch romeo and Juliet movie free

Donald asks…

What is LimeWire, FrostWire, and every other “wire” that has a ton of controversy surrounding it?

I’ve heard of LimeWire and FrostWire a million times but I never found out what it was. Can you please explain to me (in depth) what it is AND what happened to it?

admin answers:

It’s a program that allows you to download things illegally. It basically takes downloads from all over the web and puts them on one screen, and you choose to download them. So you could search a movie and it’d show you downloads from thousands of sites. You can then click on them and download instantly (though it is usually slow).

The main controversy is that this spreads viruses like wildfire. You are taking things from websites that are not confirmed to be safe. Limewire was used years ago when pirating was more difficult. Now, people go to forum websites where they can trust and comment on the software they are downloading.

Donna asks…

Where can I watch The 24th Day online for free?

I want to watch the movie “The 24th Day”, starring James Marsden and Scott Speedman, online for free. I’ve tried all the safe sites I know, so can someone please give me a suggestion or link? No downloads please! Thanks! <3

admin answers:


im sure youl find it theree ! 🙂

actually here the direct link to it !

Sandra asks…

Where can I download the movie Pokemon giratina and the sky warrior?

And also give me the link

admin answers:

I have been download from Then I am in a position to watch any movies or Tv Shows online and safe. Maybe you can look at it like my.It absolutely was excellent experience personally learned that site.

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Ruth asks…

How do i put a full movie on my LG Xenon?

i really dont know how so please tell me if anyone knows. . . .

admin answers:

You need to convert the format. I use a free software called Super from / You can download it from this link: / It is difficult to find the free version from the website, and easiest to use the direct link. It works, it’s safe, and it’s free

the whole site doesn’t show up, it gets cut off. It is: erightsoft. /GetFile.php? SUPERsetup.exe all put together as one site

Sharon asks…

is downloading from the piratesbay save?

so there has been some new changes in the pirate bay i heard.that it runs much slower and that there is a new Anonymous download.What does the Anonymous download do?? and is piratesbay still save to download movies,games etc. im not going to say or i did ever download something from the piratesbay site or not.
lol i ment SAFE
plz also explain the anonymous download ty.

admin answers:

PiratesBay is the most safest Torrentz website but I suggest to look for the comments posted by the other users before downloading as sometime it can harm your PC due to virus and the quality of the movies or videos is also good.

Sandra asks…

What is a good free video editor that supports Quicktime MOV. format that you can download online?

I used to have a CoolPix Nixon camera and I’ve been editing videos from it on Windows Live Movie Maker. But for Christmas I got a new Canon Powershot camera and Windows Live Movie Maker doesn’t support the MOV. format of the files from the new camera.

admin answers:

How about three very good freeware video editor programs, Freemake, FileLab, or VSDC? Each is safe, fully functioning, no watermarks, will not ask for money, and are recent releases that are HD (and more importantly Canon MOV) capable.

They are listed in order of increasing capabilities. Freemake provides merging of video clips, and simple editing such as cutting and splicing. It will also automatically upload your video to YouTube if desired. It is also capable of converting your video to just about any video format in existence. FileLab has much more features, such as color correction, title editor, and special effects. FileLab also runs on both PC’s and Macs (no-kidding)! VSDC is an advanced editor, capable of effects such as green screen editing. The following link has more info, but make sure to also view other articles on this site, as they outline other capabilities of these three programs.:

Joseph asks…

How do they find out if you copied a movie to your computer?

You know how at a movies start it talks about illegal distribution/copying of the film could lead to a 250,000 dollar fine of 5 years, how would they find out you copied a movie to your computer, like would they have to come to your house and scan your computer? (By they i mean law enforcement)
Also i am not talking about downloading from the internet, i am talking about having a physical copy of the movie, puttig the disc in a computer, and copying the content from the disc onto the computer and never giving it to anyone else or sellng it

admin answers:

As someone who has downloaded over 2000 movies I say if you download off the right site or use a program to remove ur tracking on the website your safe and still then you would get a warning for copying. Piracy is too popular these days the chances that you would get fined near that much is near impossible

Linda asks…

Where Can I Get a GTA Vice City PC Play Disc iso Without Using PirateBay?

My dad told me that thepiratebay sends viruses on your computer, so where can you get the iso torrent that is NOT on a harmful website like that?

admin answers:

Every torrent site got harmful torrents, it depends what your downloading and how popular it is.

Before downloading a file, check the comments and ratings to see if it’s legit or fake, that’s what I always do and get legit downloads.

Use, it’s one of the best torrent sites and it’s safe if you know what to search for.
I use it all the time, all my games/movies/music/programs I download from there, and i never got a bad file cuzI knew how to search for good files.

Hope I helped!

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Chris asks…

Why does a porn site pop up?

I got on animeratio which is a eng dub website. And I clicked on a anime to watch then it takes me to a porn site called badoink or punish tube . Why does it do this?

admin answers:

It happens a lot, especially when you’re watching/downloading movies and anime online. Porn is everywhere on the internet, plus sex sells.

Actually it’s not legal to watch/download anime and movies online, but I know a lot of people do it anyway. Just don’t go to sites that look fake and you don’t trust.

Donald asks…

what is the best videos on demand website?

i am currently using vongo they have alot of movies but there is alot of junk on this vod site as well are there any other good and affordable sites out there?

admin answers: they are reasonable in price and all you have to do is download the movie plus its legal

Susan asks…

If it is illegal to download music from Limewire, why isn’t it illegal to copy LPs to cassette tapes?

And why isn’t it illegal to copy TV Programs and movies on to video tapes? It has been in the supreme court, many times, and they ruled that people have the right to copy such entertainment, as long as they use it for personal use, and not for distribution.
Apparently, many misunderstand. One can go to a public library, and borrow LP records and copy them to Cassette tapes. It is NOT stealing. It is for personal use. And by copying from Limewire, and using it for personal use, is NOT like copying thousands, or even hundreds of files. And YES, it has been ruled “LEGAL” to copy from LPs to cassettes and from TV to Video tapes.

admin answers:

It’s legal to copy a LP for your own personal use. It is not legal to copy an LP to 1000 tapes and sell them.
It’s legal to make a back up copy of software cds etc also. The legality comes into play when you share these things with people who did not purchase them.
Therefore if you go to a site and download music you didn’t pay for and the royalties aren’t making it to who it belongs to it is pirating/stealing and illegal.

Sandy asks…

Why is limewire illegal but youtube converts aren’t?

I understand youtube converters are only legal if you use them for personal use, but why is Limewire illegal in any situation?

admin answers:

People who tell you that Limewire isn’t illegal do NOT understanding the whole concept. Limewire itself is legal and using the service to share your own documents and files is an acceptable use of the service. However, using Limewire or any peer-to-peer service to share copyrighted materials like music or movies IS illegal. Just read the terms of service for Limewire oe visit the site and you’ll see.

It is illegal to upload copyrighted materials to YouTube. That’s why they are working so hard to delete copyrighted materials and prevent them from being stored on their servers. YT has many policies against using copyrighted materials. Therefore, converting illegal YouTube content is the same as receiving stolen property (you didn’t pay for it , did you?).

Converting YT content is illegal… Don’t let anyone tell you different.


BOSTON — A federal jury on Friday ordered a Boston University graduate student who admitted illegally downloading and sharing music online to pay $675,000 to four record labels.
Joel Tenenbaum, of Providence, R.I., admitted in court that he downloaded and distributed 30 songs. The only issue for the jury to decide was how much in damages to award the record labels.
Under federal law, the recording companies were entitled to $750 to $30,000 per infringement. But the law allows as much as $150,000 per track if the jury finds the infringements were willful. The maximum jurors could have awarded in Tenenbaum’s case was $4.5 million.
Jurors ordered Tenenbaum to pay $22,500 for each incident of copyright infringement, effectively finding that his actions were willful.


Minnesota Mom Hit With $1.5 Million Fine for Downloading 24 Songs
Posted Thu Nov 4, 2010 10:38am PDT by Daniel Kreps in Amplifier
What’s the value of a song? Jammie Thomas-Rasset has spent the last few years in court debating that question. The Minnesota mother of four is being penalized for illegally downloading and sharing 24 songs on the peer-to-peer file-sharing network Kazaa in 2006, but how much she owes the record labels has been in question. The jury in her third trial has just ruled that Thomas-Rasset should pay Capitol Records $1.5 million, CNET reports, which breaks down to $62,500 per song. It’s a heavy penalty considering the 24 tunes would only cost approximately $24 on iTunes

Joseph asks…

Where can i watch movies online for free?

i don’t want to download any films just watch them, so if anyone knows any good sites please tell me

admin answers:


Not necessarily legal:

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