Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Mary asks…

What is a good legal site to buy music videos (hip-hop)?

my coby mp3 (model #:mpc7095) will not turn on, charge from my computer or still will not act right when i reset it. i have tried everything in troubleshooting. any suggestions.

admin answers:

I use this

to get my music and movie downloads.I used to use iTunes earlier but due to the copy protection I couldnt burn the songs or transfer the music to other mp3 players.So I switched to this.

Daniel asks…

can people see what sites i been on if they have my laptop?

I take my laptop to geek squad to get it fix, and I want to know if they can see what sites I been on? I delete my cookes and history every now and then, and I did not download very much. What I want to know is can they see what sites I been every if I delete my cookes and don’t download anything, and if they can how do they do it.

admin answers:

Normally as longs as you have deleted the history, the cache and the cookies the only other place is in system files, unless they find any illegal video (and i mean real depraved stuff they probably will ignore just normal movies anyway its hasle for them) then they will just fix it.

The only time they will do an in depth look (and if they did that there is no way other than a hard format of the drive your wiping it to that level)deleting cache wont work there are bits and bytes all over the drive that a proper forensic expert can backtrack.

Remember the case of mr G Glitter, he took his pc to be cleaned and spend several years in jail because of its contents… Dont do it in the first place or learn how to fix your own.

What exactly are you trying to hide, porn is mostly legal, other things sorry you should get cought for.

Sandy asks…

What are 5 websites to go to for free MP3 downloads and Free PSP accesories?(name2)?

I have an MP3 player for christmas and I only have 1 song(s) on it and since i never had one before and know nobody with one i have no websites to get free ones from and need help getting to them so please any details you have on any websites that i can use.

Thank You!!!!!

And Bye-Bye

admin answers:

So you are looking for free PSP downloads? There is one thing you need to understand first: there is nothing like a free PSP download. Of course there are free PSP download sites, but they are illegal and you will be getting into BIG trouble using these services.

But there are other sites that offer free PSP downloads that are legal. You only have to pay a onetime membership fee. After that you may download as many PSP songs, games, and movies as you can handle forthe rest of your life Membership to these donwload sites is low and varies. You will have to pay around $30 for unlimited access.

So once you paid your membership fee you have free PSP downloads for life. A pretty good deal and honestly… Don’t you think it is a good idea to stay legal?

Ruth asks…

Why does Yahoo Answers delete some of my question?

Even ones that don’t seem inappropriate.

admin answers:

Questions without answers get removed after 4 days (or 8 if you extended it the one time allowed). Questions without answers are not useful for the site, so they are removed. You don’t lose any points.
If you received a violation notice although some times you don’t : This may help you avoid future violations. All it takes is 2 “trusted” members to report you and the bots remove it appeals are often a waste of time and points. However if you are very sure you have been wronged by all means appeal it, the link is below. Some suggestions, If you haven’t done so, edit you info so your questions and answers are hidden that way it makes it harder for trolls who enjoy reporting violations or presumed violations to stalk you. Also, avoid pages with controversial subjects such as religion, homosexuality, racism, pornography, any hatred, downloading movies or music, questions about drugs even soft drugs, etc. Even the polls section. Avoid anything that may be remotely considered illegal Don’t give smart, flip or sarcastic answers nor use any profanity. Do not use language you wouldn’t use when talking to your grandmother and that should keep you safe in that regard. Referring others as a moron, stupid idiot Nazi, retard or anything in that vein is derogatory and insulting to other members and clearly against the guidelines. Pay attention to the definitions of “chatting and solicitation , and what constitutes a question” Never insult another member, call them names, threaten, harass deliberately mislead or post anything in questionable taste.
Should you have axe to grind, agenda or cause to promote be it political religious social or anything similar, no matter how well intentioned you may be, this is the wrong place to promote it.
If you believe you are being stalked go to other categories. You might also consider changing your avatar and i.d.

If your posts show any semblance or insinuation of bigotry, hatred, sermonizing or ranting you can pretty much assume they will be reported and deleted.

Yahoo will not give any specifics when a question or answer is deleted.

Here is the link to appeal:;_ylt=AqSixcLqgNB6qjbOqvw87AVs5SN4?

Donna asks…

Which satellite TV in India should i purchase?

Can you please list the service providers of the satellite TV in India. Which one is the cheapest providing Colors channel.

admin answers:

Check out this site: to download Satellite TV on your PC or Laptop.
You will have a choice of over 3000 channels from 78 countries around the world.
Channel categories include: Movies, Sports, Music, Kids channel, Shopping, News, Weather, Religious and Premium Channels.
The good thing is it works from anywhere in the world. You can Instantly Turn your Computer into a Super TV!
You don’t need an extra hardware / tv card.
This is 100% Legal Guaranteed!

There is only a small one-time setup fee. No Subscription fees or recurring charges. So you can save thousands of dollars over many years on cable and satellite bills.

For easy and Instant Download Click on NOW to get it at a special price!

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Chris asks…

How do i put one of my dvd’s onto my pod?

Simply i have a dvd that i would like to put on my ipod, it is an ipod nano and i know i can watch movies just not sure how to put my dvds on. PLEASE HELP!

admin answers:

Here~ My experience~

1. Use WinX Free DVD to iPod Ripper. Fastest and easiest DVD ripper I ever use. It converts DVD movies to iPod Nano in high quality like the original DVDs. Not all DVD rippers can give such good performance. At least all my friends try it on my recommendation and then love it. Lol

Check their official site for more functions and features:

It’s a freeware. No trial, no registration, no watermark. Small file size, safe and fast to download and install.

2. After converting, you can drag the video into your iTunes library. Plug in your iPod to computer, iTunes will detect the iPod automatically, then click iTunes menu “File -> Sync iPod”, that’s all.

3. Have fun~ lol

Joseph asks…

Is it safe to download free video editing software?

I recently got a Windows 7 computer and the W7 version of Windows Movie Maker kind of sucks for what I want to do. I’ve been looking at a few different programs and I want to know if they’re safe before I download them:

AVS Video Editor from
Videopad from
Wax from debugmode,com

admin answers:

Yes, those sites are safe.

Also take a look at this editor – Lightworks – – if you haven’t already.

Ken asks…

what is a safe site to burn DVDs`s from at a reasonable rate and how do you do this?

I havent done this before and would like to record movies and also cds and need a safe site to do this from without all the spam stuff you get when you go into unchartered waters.

admin answers:

First of all go here and download bitlord get version 1.1
then go here for your downloads

Nancy asks…

a question for those of you who have made fan videos for youtube using clips from movies?

where do you get the video clips from? do you have to rip them off of the dvd, or do you download them off of a website?

if you have to rip them off of a dvd, can you please tell me how to do it, and what program to use?

if you have to download it, can you tell me what websites are best and safest to download from?

admin answers:

I get the video clips off youtube. The sites i use are and, you copy and paste the url, then download and save them. Hope i helped 🙂

Sandra asks…

Any good free video editing programs that you know of?

-something better or more advanced than the Windows Movie Maker.
-and is FREE.

admin answers:

Take a look at the tutorials for Windows Movie Maker at – it may be WMM is all you need. It really is foolproof except it’s a bit picky in what file formats it takes.

The version 2 series were probably the most versatile, you can find them here – but you may have problems installing them on Windows 7

Other free video editors are…

Wax – – this is also a compositor – a bit like Adobe’s After Effects
VideoLAN Movie Creator –
TrakAxPC –
VideoSpin –
VideoPad – the free version –
Lightworks – – I like this one
Serif MoviePlus –
Ezvid –

VirtualDub, RAD Video tools, AVITricks and Avidemux are also good tools you should look at. Although not full editors like the others they have some useful features.

Lightworks and Wax together are a very good video editing system for free.

All are safe, at least from the sites I’ve linked to.

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Jenny asks…

why do i only hear voices or music when i download films from limewire.?

When i try to play a downloaded film from limewire all i can hear is the voices, sometimes music but see nothing. When i click on the play now at the top of screen on media player all i then see is colourful swirly pattens. It also comes up with a music note symbol at the bottom of the screen instead of a movie symbol. Whats going on?

admin answers:

You need codec like DIVX, AC3 etc. For better you can download All in one type codec. You can find all codec free here:

Limewire Download is not safe because of Virus and also Fake movies. You can download faster from torrent site like:

And to watch it online try here:

Hope i Helped.

Sandy asks…

Whats an internet site where I can watch full length movies?

A safe site that won’t give me any viruses.=)

admin answers:

Download favorite Movies:

Helen asks…

What is the best video editor for free?

Looking to edit some vids. Whats the best around?

admin answers:

Take a look at the tutorials for Windows Movie Maker at – it may be WMM is all you need.

The version 2 series were probably the most versatile, you can find them here –

Other free video editors are…

Wax – – this is also a compositor – a bit like Adobe’s After Effects
VideoLAN Movie Creator –
TrakAxPC –
VideoSpin –
VideoPad – the free version –
Lightworks – – I like this one
Serif MoviePlus –
Ezvid –

VirtualDub, RAD Video tools, AVITricks and Avidemux are also good tools you should look at. Although not full editors like the others they have some useful features.

Lightworks and Wax together are a very good video editing system for free.

All are safe, at least from the sites I’ve linked to.

Lisa asks…

How do I keep people from stealing my custom built backgrounds?

I create fun and exciting backgrounds and people come and take them w/o asking, if they are not personalized I don’t care if they are I wish they would not take them……Can I prevent this on yahoo.360???

admin answers:

If they click the “Make this theme mine” link under your personal profile picture, then that does not include background images that you uploaded. They can try to save the entire web page, but that’s a bit much for a background.

You can add a watermark to any image that you make, which is the best option. UPDATE: Here is site that shows you how to do this with Microsoft Paint, which is on most Windows computers – .

However, nothing is safe from download on the internet (maybe except images in Flash movies). There is code that can be used to prevent downloading (not in Y! 360), but there are ways to get around it.

Nancy asks…

Are there any websites that i can go on to watch a movie without paying for it-in cash or virus?

I want to watch movies and tv shows on the net when i got the free time…. found an almost perfect site, that made me watch a few things i’d wanted 2 see, however after a while it sent viruses 2 ma pc… so now i want another 1 that shows me the whole movie. without paying for any subscriptions and downloading….

admin answers:

Youtube, Hulu and Fancast. They are safe even though they stick in some commercials.

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Lizzie asks…

What does spyware really do to your computer?

I was told it can keep you from seeing web pages… but I thought it only tracked sites that you went to I was also told that it could kill your computer…

admin answers:

Spyware? Adware? Does it really matter?…

NO! – It’s what you do not want on your PC that matters.

The spyware/adware controversy currently taking up most of the world’s IT columns is looking more and more like a Marx Brothers movie or a Christmas pantomime with the anti-spyware crowd shouting “Oh yes it is!”, while the adware/spyware producers attempt to drown them out with their own chant of “Oh no it isn’t!.” Meanwhile the lawyers fire off injunctions as the legislators attempt to define the rules of engagement and, every now and again, someone crosses the no-man’s land to join the ‘enemy’.

Confused ? You will be. It’s why they invented small print and end-user license agreements.

Any legal definition of spyware will be good for about a week. By then the producers will have made enough changes to allow their lawyers to argue that they’re now making something else. It’s already happening. Only the very worst programs will get caught in that net.

But wait a minute; let’s just step back a bit and ask ourselves a simple question… Does it really matter what you call it ?

Seriously ? I mean I know there’s a whole industry growing up around the argument and I’m sure all the people involved have families to feed and mortgages to pay. But the truth is, your PC – anybody’s PC – has a whole bunch of stuff running on it that you don’t know about and it’s not just the adware or spyware that can cause you problems.

Take right now. I’m writing this on a PC running Windows 2000; I’m using Microsoft Word to write the article and Novell GroupWise in case anyone wants to email me. So I’m using two applications and an operating system. So how many actual programs do I have running ? Answer: Thirty. That’s right, 30, as in three-zero. And that’s with a carefully cleaned system !

I’ve got antivirus update and support background tasks, a PDF print manager, device managers, service managers and, quite possibly, manager managers. They’re all using up memory and resources and, if not properly configured, could get in each other’s way and cause problems. Some even report back to the company that made them.

What any PC user really needs to know is :

What programs are running on my machine ?

What do those programs do ?

Which programs I do NOT want on my PC, any day, any time ?

Which programs I do not need running for my type of PC utilization ?
And they need all those answers in plain, easy to understand, language. “Smoothing my web access while enhancing my Internet browsing experience” doesn’t tell me anything. Telling me that a program will send information about my browsing habits to a company that will then send me related adverts in return, does. It doesn’t need to be labeled spyware, adware, malware, scumware, or any other ware as long as I know what it does and have an easy way to stop it doing it.

Ideally all this would either be on the packaging or the download page so that we could make a choice before we parted with our money or hit the download button. Sadly that isn’t the world we live in and, as ever, it will be the programs we most need to know about that will give us the least amount of information in the most confusing form.

With the legal arguments already flying thick and fast, the likelihood is that anyone producing an anti-anything program will find themselves spending most of their time in court defending a dwindling database.

Another problem with most ‘anti’ programs is that they only tell you when they’ve found something that fits the definitions they are using – which can sometimes pick up legitimate programs as well. They never give you a list of all the stuff they ignored and yet your problem could be with one of those tasks.

There will probably never be a way in which you can be totally safe and still be connected to the Internet. But you have a much better chance of avoiding malicious programs and keeping your PC running at it’s best if you know everything that’s running on it. Dentists have always recommended brushing after every meal. How about “brushing” after every Internet session especially if your children have been on it ?

Making certain types of programs illegal will certainly help as long as the laws are enforced, but deciding what’s best for your own PC and your own needs is always going to be the smart choice in the long run.

What we really want is for software vendors to supply the information we need in a language we can understand.

Maurice McElroy
©, July 2005.

George asks…

Vuze Plus issues- Copyright laws for downloaded movies through Vuze Plus?

I have been with Vuze Plus for a few years and never had any issues. Recently, I received an email regarding copyright laws for downloaded movies. I am confused as to why this is happening due to the fact that I have paid for my subscription with Vuze Plus. I was under the assumption that I was legally downloading movies through this program. If anyone has any information regarding this please comment. Thank you!

admin answers:

They’re not a fully legitimate site. They appear to base things off of torrent downloads and leave it to users to represent that what they provide isn’t copyright infringement. Only some of what they provide is clearly legal — and probably a small fraction at that.

No, you have not been legally downloading movies through their program. You’ve simply been paying somebody to facilitate your access to pirated materials. You’re responsible for what you download (and upload) through them, and you’ve been using the service inappropriately, apparently.

John asks…

Is there any legal film sharing site?

Is there any legal and safe site to download and such, or is this not legal?

admin answers:

Http:// has TV shows and some movies that you can legally watch online. There are also some sites now that charge a monthly fee for the privilege of downloading movies.

Donna asks…

What site can you suggest w/ movie and audio files readily convertible to iPod?

admin answers:

I recommend either Limewire or Spiral Frog. They’re both free and legal. You can download Limewire for free at or for Spiral Frog. They both work well, but Spiral Frog, you have to give a little personal info. You can easily find a movie and audio converter on Google.

Mary asks…

What are some anime resource ideas?

I’m making a hand-out that gives suggestions about ways anime fans can congregate, watch anime, and purchase anime in my local area. I’ve listed some clubs, conventions, stores, and websites for legal watching. Is there anything else I could add or any suggestions you can think of?


admin answers:

Otakuusa is a magazine for anime in united states
funimation also has on demand content for various cable companies, charter and comcast i know of, fios has the funimation channel
anime network is on demand for some charter customers
for manga ..surprisingly some libraries carry it now
your also can get cheap anime off ebay and at half price books
friends are the greatest asset .. With my friends we have done a anime exchange thing ..they give us some we give them some, i used to do that with another pal with manga.
Netflix also streams anime and with new 7.99 a month is pretty well priced.. Also they have more popular ones on dvd will allow you to download legally anime from them some choice anime are dl by donation only is a great high quality site which uses divx however u must register for free with site to keep it legal they sell t-shirts and u can subscribe for faster loading and no ads also is a monthly fee but unlimted use is a great site for dubbed anime u can donate to site

on cartoon network u can watch anime on saturdays on adult swim, i know naruto is on alot on disneyxd, syfy channel often has anime at various times( i’ve found gundam and others on that channel) some libraries have anime dvds or vhs…
Those whole in the wall comic book stores you might find more older anime and manga, some yu gi oh players often will be anime fans so u can meet anime friends.. Or better yet if in school say im a anime fan! Anyone else? also has j-pop and j -rock streaming all day
used book and used movie stores are a great resource for cheap anime

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Ken asks…

What’s the best video editing/creating software?

I want to make a video from clips from a DVD (a legally bought feature movie), so what program is the best/easiest to use? Also, should i rip the dvd or dl from tmdmoviez or something?

admin answers:

For Mac, I will go for Final Cut Pro to do editing
For windows, I prefer Adobe Premier

To rip dvd, it is legal site and free software
DVD Encrypter (rips DVD to .vob files)

DVD Decrypter download DVDDecrypter

AutoGK (VOB->avi converter)

Betty asks…

Can i download the virtual console on my computer?

Is it possible for me to download the virtual console and games (illegal or legal it dosent matter) on my computer so i can put it from my computer to my sd card then to my wii. If it is then how can i do it

admin answers:

No you can’t.

You need your Wii to be modified with a mod-chip before you play games or movies.
Of course it can play any game of your own, and any movie (also DivX as you asked) as you wish after you get your wii mod-chip installed!

It’s a very mature technical now so it won’t have problem if you get your wii modified.

Also you can download any PAL or NTSC Wii game as you wish online now.

About the downloading and backup and copy games service: There are serveral sites providing such download services. They are very excellent on the contents, not only Complete big Wii games like Metroid, LOR, American Idols and Guitar Heroes etc. But also many movies, Wii tv shows, music and videos much more!!!

All you need is to join one of those sites to download so many resources. So you can download all those media as you wish!

And some sites can provide simple software help you to burn the ISO Games into DVDs, it is very easy and fast. After the instructions by them, you can go ahead to play those games you burned onto your Wii.

Maybe a good review site to those download sites might help you very much on judging which is one is the best for you:

Good luck and have fun with your Wii!

Chris asks…

want to watch a movie online without all the BS scams?

Outside of the USA legal website to stream and download with monthly fee? Please help live in Thailand !

admin answers:

No such animal, all these sites are scams , as is the one above. They’re all about putting adware on your machine

Mandy asks…

so what if you pay a membership fee for utorrent?

so whenever you download copyrighted material using utorrent, ares, or ohter p2p software is illegal right?
so there is this site that offers movies, music, tv shows etc….
but you need to pay a membership fee. When you pay the membership all it does is offer you this p2p softwares and show you how to use them. Does this sound like scam or is it a legal way of downloading using this softwares?

admin answers:

Lol paying for free stuff… Piracy is illegal, whether u buy a subscription or not, so if you’re gonna download stuff, do it for free 🙂

Ruth asks…

I’m moving to Germany and i’m wondering if I can stream videos online there without running into legal issues?

Its just as the title say’s.

admin answers:

You should be fine, in Germany, as of right now but it might change soon, watching movies online isn’t illegal, downloading is. If you’re concerned about things like Youtube, then no there won’t be any problems. If you’re talking about or others then, you need to be careful with what site, for example, is illegal, but project free tv, isn’t.

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

John asks…

Are there any free and safe DVD ripping software’s that work on encrypted/protected DVD’s?

I’d like to get some clips from my DVD’s to use with Windows Movie Maker but all of the DVD ripping software that I’ve looked at won’t work on protected DVD’s. Is there anything that will work? Please help. Thank you.

admin answers:

A DVD ripper is a software program that facilitates copying the content of a DVD to a hard disk drive. They are mainly used to transfer video on DVDs to different formats, to edit or back up DVD content, and for converting DVD video for playback on media players and mobile devices. Some DVD rippers include additional features, such as the ability to decrypt DVDs, remove copy preventions and make disks unrestricted and region-free.
Backup your precious DVDs in your computer in case of accidental damage, and save them for future use. Download DVD Ripper Standard free trial right now, and experience the quality of this software!

Helen asks…

What is the difference between a Mix Micro, Mix Stick and Mix Max?

I want to buy one of the Disney mix things, but I want to find out wich one is cheaper and the best.

admin answers:

The Mix Stick plays JUST music. It’s very basic. Like an Ipod shuffle I would assume. (We have a Mix Max so I’ll speak mostly about that in a minute.)

I’m not familiar with any “micro” other than the Micro digital camera. My son has one and loves it. It is great for little ones. It is a REAL camera, and true to form for this product is VERY sturdy. It can be dropped, WELL-LOVED and still works…well. It takes great pictures for it’s quality (CIV 320×240 Pixel Resolution). It also allows you to put a lanyard through so it can be carried on a wrist or neck. (They say key chain or backpack, but my son is too young for that. He just keeps it on his neck like I do my camera.)

Disney Mix Max is the most versatile of the 3 allowing you to play video and pictures as well as music. However, FAIR WARNING….MIX MAX is NOT USER FRIENDLY in the video department. They have designed it WANTING YOU TO PURCHASE THEIR VIDEOS!!! Hopefully they have changed, but when we purchased ours two years ago, they had NO instructions on how to download video, no help could be found online, and no tech help ANYWHERE could be found. They included software for downloading the songs ONLY. If you know your way around a computer, however, you may be able to figure it out yourself. It does NOT function like a normal player where you can just drag & drop if you own the files and have them on your computer.

That being said, we LOVE our mix maxes. We LOVE that we can charge them either on the computer OR through a DC line. (Allowing us to charge them even when traveling without our computer.)

Also, the units we purchased two years ago are NOT compatible with Vista. We can still charge on our Vista, but we cannot load on our Vista. We have to load on our XP computer. If Vista is your only computer, make sure the newer models are compatible. I would assume they are now, but it wouldn’t hurt to double check as there is NO site with software updates online.

We have also been very pleased with the durability of our mix maxes (as we have with the micro camera). They INCLUDE a wrist lanyard although you could attach a neck lanyard should you desire. Although one daughter has an actual mix max case and the others now have regular MP3 cases which they keep them in (we have 3 total), they have been dropped while NOT in the cases and are not in the cases when not being used. They are WELL-LOVED. The battery life is MUCH longer than stated online. They only use the music feature when we’re traveling to conserve battery use although the battery life with video is also longer than stated online, it’s still only enough for a couple of movies. They can easily get 15 hours of battery life by just listening to music. (It is longer, we just haven’t tried to see how much longer than that it will go. It is still going strong, but after we arrive at our destination we charge it to be “safe” on the way back.)

The Micro camera retails at Target for $19.99 although we purchased ours at Target on clearance 6 months ago (75% off for $7.50). The regular price has now gone down, but they are still selling the EXACT one we purchased on clearance 6 months ago.

The mix stick currently retails at Target for $39.99

The Mix Max retailed for $100 when we purchased them. However, they were on clearance for 75% off so we only paid $25 each. They currently retail for $79.99. According to the signs at Target (we were just there yesterday), that is a recent price drop. They still sell all 3 of the ones we bought on clearance 2 years ago at regular price now.

The reason I tell you about the clearance prices I bought them at and the fact that they are again selling the EXACT ones I bought on clearance at regular price is so you can know that you really should check for compatibility if you have a Vista and also so you can consider whether you want to wait for them to go on clearance yourself or not…because they will. It’s Target. Everything eventually goes back on clearance at Target.

Enjoy your new purchase!


Mary asks…

How can I Sync Ringtones On My Iphone 4 without deleting all my songs?

I have alot of songs on my iphone 4 and i downloaded ringtones so when i pressed “Sync Ringtones” this message pops up ” Are You Sure you want to sync ringtones? All existing songs, movies will be removed” and i have too many songs to be downloading them again, Help me please :[

admin answers:


great FREE ringtone creating and sharing site.
You can even make your own ringtones and wallpapers
and they send them by text, customized for your exact phone model.

Its 100% free and safe

Thomas asks…

where can I watch Futurama benders game for free on my laptop?

I just want to watch it without any spams viruses and without having to download it onto my desktop

admin answers:

I personally recommend HTTP://WWW.CINEMAHAVEN.COM its free, has no surveys, doesn’t require you to install anything. The site is google video certified meaning that if you go to google video type in they’ve include a small batch of videos from the site as they have crawled it and found the videos valid and perfectly safe. You can also see reviews about this site on various online movie site review sites such as ovguide and topmoviesites

Joseph asks…

It appears my memory is full and my computer is working slower than I want?

How do I check the level the memory is at and can I put pictures into my computer at this point? How much is more is additional memory and is it an easy install that I could buy it and put it in myself?

admin answers:

Memory is RAM and has nothing to do with how much disk space you have!

You can check how much free space you have by right clicking (My) Computer and then Properties.

Log on as an Administrator.

First delete/un-install all programs/applications/games you no longer use (especially those you have disks for).

Burn/copy to CD/DVD/flash drive any and all music/pictures/movie files, verify they copied successfully and delete the originals.

Download install and run Ccleaner, both ‘Registry’ and ‘Cleaner’ parts…

Run Disk Cleanup (Start>All Programs>Accessories>System Tools) check/tick all boxes, they’re all safe to remove.

Run Disk Defragmenter (Start>All Programs>Accessories>System Tools).

Increase Virtual Memory…

Open Computer Management, click Start, and then click Control Panel. Double-click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Computer Management.


In the console tree, right-click Computer Management (Local), and then select Properties.
On the Advanced tab, click Performance Options, and under Virtual memory, uncheck the check box of Automatically manage paging file size for all drives, click Change.
In the Drive list, click the drive that contains the paging file you want to change (usually C:).
Under Paging file size for selected drive, type a new paging file size (4095 for both) in the Initial Size and Maximum Size box, and then click Set.
Click Apply and OK.

Vista/Win 7

1.Open Control Panel>System and Maintenance>System.

2.In the left “Tasks”, click on ‘Advanced System Settings’.

3.Click the “Advanced” tab. In “Performance” section, click on ‘Settings’ button.

4.Click on ‘Advanced’ tab.

5.In the “Virtual Memory” section, click on ‘Change’ button.

6.By default, “Automatically manage paging file size for all drives” setting is selected so that Windows Vista system can manage the paging file without user’s interruption. If you want change the paging file size,uncheck the check box of Automatically manage paging file size for all drives.

7.Select and highlight the appropriate drive that users want to change the paging file settings under the box of “Drive [Volume Label]“ Usually ‘C:’.

8.To fix a permanent size for the paging file, click on Custom size button, and set the values of Initial Size 4095 (MB) and Maximum Size 4095 (MB). To make the size of pagefile.sys static. Then click on Set button.

Click Start>Run (or type in search bar) and type “msconfig” (without quotes ” “),click the Startup tab and uncheck anything that’s not needed at startup.

Go to this site to check which services can be safely stopped/removed…


Or… Buy more RAM. Download and run the scanner here to find type/speed of RAM needed…

Http:// 🙂

© arou42

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Free

Sandra asks…

Is the a site i can download the FULL watchmen movie?

Is there any site that i can download it for free withoutn taking surveys or taking me to different sites?

admin answers:

I just checked and it is at Hope that helps.

Ruth asks…

How to download youtube movies. It does not work on any savevid, or keepvid site always has an error?

Thats a url for downloading, if it downloads tell me on any site. How do you download movies from youtube. I looked in pagesource and activity and couldnt find the loading video

admin answers:

Maybe you can try to use this free YouTube Downloader( ), it can download video from any video websites, and save as different video format like as ipod video format, avi, flv, mp4 etc.

Betty asks…

where can i download any updated popular movies free?

i want to download some good movies but i don’t know where, give me some sites!

admin answers:

I like Really easy to use and lots to choose from.

Mary asks…

Where can i find a site for psp movie dowloads?

i mean i need a site like i dont need to register and pay for the membership. i need a site like i just have to register and get an account and download the movies i want with no installation of programs help me please.!

admin answers:

It’s free here, please go here to download your movies =)

Mandy asks…

Does anyone know a free site i can make a slideshow like thing?

I don’t want a program I have to download I want a really simple and free site I can make like a 60 sec movie.

admin answers:

Photo MovieTheater. But you have to download it.

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

James asks…

What is BitTorrent, is this site legal? copyright infringement?

I have a couple copyright infringements. My son tried to view some movies with this BitTorrent site. Is this illegal and if so what will happen? What should i DO? How do I uninstall it.

admin answers:

BitTorrent isn’t a site, it’s a software, what you download with that software could have copyright infringements, not to mention other security related problems if you’re not careful.


Just go to programs and features to uninstall it if you don’t want it.

Laura asks…

Is there any good site where you don’t have to download for movies?

I hate having to download because it takes forever. Some sites make it even worse when i have no idea where to go.
-no downloading
-no memberships
-completely legal
i really want to watch twilight but i think any site will do :]

admin answers:

Well theres
but im not sure it has twilight
hope this helps

Donna asks…

what are the sites where you can watch movies online without downloading or anything?

i want to watch a movie without downloading it please help

admin answers:

There’s a review and comparison of the features of the top movie download sites at . I would personally recommend taking a look at the last review of Movies Capital as they offer immediate streaming, are completely legal and had all the movies I wanted in DVD quality so I’d definitely recommend checking that out before you make your decision. Good luck 🙂

Sandy asks…

Where to download free games for wii?

I would like to download free games for wii . Please give sites that doesn’t need to sign up or pay any money

admin answers:

One of the legal ways would be to try a service like Unlimited Wii Downloads. They allow you to be able to download Wii Games along with music and even movies right to your Wii.

Check it out:

Mandy asks…

can you download more movies from graboid free if you reinstall it?

i really dont want to pay.

admin answers:

Use the free and legal sites.

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

James asks…

Where can I download movies that are safe to download and does not use torrent?

I want hairspray 2007!

admin answers:

I found it at my favorite site. Http:// Very safe, no viruses to worry about.

Joseph asks…

how do torrents and bittorrents work?

i have download utorrent and im just wondering how it works and what peers, seeds, leaches mean. also whats the best and safest website to download the torrents from?

admin answers:

Hey – im an expert on this topic – here is a detailed answer.

1) P2p networks – youve probably heard of this before – this means that you are downloading the files (using utorrent) from somebody elses computer. Thats what torrents are all about – you get the files from someone elses computer without a medium involved.

2)Seeds – seeds are people who have downloaded the file you are downloading – fully 100% – they are uploading the content to you

3) Peers – other people who are downloading the files – more of these @$$holes – slower you downloading – but remember peers can upload to you as well based on the percentage of the file they have downloaded for ex. If i have downloaded a file 10% – and there is a peer who has dl. 50% – he can upload that 40 % to me.

4) leechers are the same as seeds – just a dif. Name

5) Guide to loading torrents
1) Always choose the correct websites – thepiratebay, mininova, and isohunt – nothing else NO MATTER HOW DESPERATE YOU ARE – as almost all other sites give crappy virus filled shit like sumotorrent torrentz …. Blah blah blah

2) Get files that have more seeds that peers – a 500 seed 300 peer is good – but a 500 peer 150 seed is NO NO>

3) ALWAYS CHECK COMMENTS ON TORRENTS – NO MATTER THE AMOUNT OF SEEDS A TORRENT HAS – if it does not have any comments on it – it may contain a virus – i hav had exp before and plz dont try it – comments tell u if the torrent is crap – or excellent.

4) Choose the good torrenters for popular content like hit movies – popular games – good torrenters are: aXXo – dopeman – fgx – yeah these r the main guys – other ppl r good as well – it all matters about the comments

Good luck in torrenting – but remember dont take advantage of all the free content out there and be carefull…

Nancy asks…

From where I could download free ebooks for children and youngsters?

Can any one plaese tell me where i could get free ebooks of novels and stories written by Ruskin Bond, Rudyard Kipling, Enid Blyton etc for childrens and youngstersplease mention any website, if present. Kindly study for it this will your great help if the ebooks could be downloaded in pdf format, but it is the secondary need.

admin answers:


Its really easy. You need to use BitTorrent.
Here, first of all, go to this website and download a free BitTorrent client called ABC:

If the link doesn’t work, go to Google and search for the keywords “ABC BitTorrent Download”

Now tha you have sucessfully downloaded and installed, ABC, its time to download some “Torrents”. With torrents, you can download movies, softwares, games, books, music and everykind of file. Plus, its really safe, not like Kazaa or other P2P File Sharing programs.

Now, to search for programs and other stuff, go to a torrent website and try to find the software or movie or whatever you are looking for:

Here: —> — I really recommend you Demonoid, its the best one and you can see what other users way about other torrents. Its the best torrent site, I believe. However, you need to register, and registration is only open on Fridays, so don’t miss that, I find almost any software for Macintosh there, and for PCs there is even even even more. I downloaded Windows XP, Vista ( Beta ), Adobe full collection of softwares, Office, and all the expensive programs. Its great hope you enjoy it.

Use all of those sites to seach for downloadable games, music videos, movies, music, books, videos, software and everything… And then you will use the BitTorrent Client ABC to download them.

Hope this was pretty helpful to you. Have a nice day and a happy new year.

Laura asks…

Is softonic a safe website to download from?

I just got a new laptop with windows 7 on is and it only comes with windows live movie maker which I really don’t like that much. I saw that softonic has a download for windows movie maker and I was wondering if anyone knows whether this would be safe to download it from?


admin answers:

Yes. I use it all the time. I use this site for every download. Its 100% safe and I recommend it

Daniel asks…

where can I watch or download this movie free?

Before I hang 1940, looking for thios movie for a long time and cant find it anywhere, I wanna watch it free, because I dont use any online payments and dont really wanna go out and try to find dvd xD I wont find any. Any ideas where I can watch or download it?

admin answers:

You can download this film.

Please blast off to the following link;

on reaching the site,PLEASE CLICk “Get thiss Torrent”

its completely safe,i have downloaded the film.
Glad to help you 🙂

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Joseph asks…

Will Downloading of DriveCleaner clear all evidence I have in my computer?

I often get the following Windows Internet Explorer warning.
” Your computer tracked all your actions and stored the evidence on your hard drive. Anyone could see where you had been on the Internet, the images you had looked at the sites you opened, the movie you had viewed etc., we recommend to Download DriveCleaner to erase all evidence you have on your PCI.” I wish to know whether the downloading will resolve this problem.

admin answers:

Do not download that. Its a trick to get you to buy it. You may want to scan your PC and check for adware/spyware.

All of these are ones that I personally use and all are free.
Try this scan, its free, it removes
I-Worm/Stration · BackDoor.Generic3.GBB and .GBC · Worm/Generic.FX · Exploit.WMF

Spybot – Search & Destroy detects and removes spyware, a relatively new kind of threat not yet covered by common anti-virus applications. Spyware silently tracks your surfing behaviour to create a marketing profile for you that is transmitted without your knowledge to the compilers and sold to advertising companies. If you see new toolbars in your Internet Explorer that you haven’t intentionally installed, if your browser crashes inexplicably, or if your home page has been “hijacked” (or changed without your knowledge), your computer is most probably infected with spyware. Even if you don’t see the symptoms, your computer may be infected, because more and more spyware is emerging. Spybot-S&D is free, so there’s no harm giving it a try to see if something has invaded your computer.

Home of Spybot, Your Digital Identity Protection
SUPERAntiSpyware is the most thorough scanner on the market. Our Multi-Dimensional Scanning and Process Interrogation Technology will detect spyware that other products miss! SUPERAntiSpyware will remove ALL the Spyware, NOT just the easy ones!
Easily remove over 100,000 pests such as SmitFraud, Vundo, WinFixer, SpyAxe, SpyFalcon, WinAntiVirus, AntiVermins and thousands more!
Make sure after you download any of these, that you update them.

George asks…

How can I get adobe flash player on my computer?

When i go to my computer freezes on me. Then it won’t let me download it. please help me

admin answers:

Here’s the best way I’ve found to get Adobe Flash Player to install correctly. Follow these directions exactly! You must get rid of all old Adobe Flash Player remnants that are on your hard drive, including Flash Player remnants in your registry. These remnants cause problems installing Adobe Flash Player. First go to the Adobe web site. Find the Adobe Flash Player Uninstaller. SAVE the Adobe Flash Player Uninstaller download to your desktop! Do not install it from the web site! Now go to your desktop and install and run the Adobe FP Uninstaller. You can close the Adobe web site and go to the CNET web site. CNET is a safe and reliable web site for downloading most free software available. On the CNET web site find the latest Adobe Flash Player and once again, SAVE it to your desktop! Now you can go to your desktop and install the Adobe Flash Player. You should now be able to view movies on Youtube and download music. Hope this information was helpful to you! Good luck!

Michael asks…

What is a site where u can watch movies?

i need to find a site where u can watch movies for FREE,VIRUS FREE,SAFE,GD QUALITY

admin answers:

It will ask you to download zango, butyou dont need too

John asks…

Am I able to watch movies on the internet if my dorm does not allow my computer to be used as a server?

I just moved into my dorm, and I get my internet connection from an ethernet cable so I have to log on to the internet through a school web page, I’m sure anyone that‘s been in college dorm knows what I’m talking about. I was wondering if I am still able to watch movies over the internet, if I am not downloading them. For example a site like has a bunch of online movies that load kind of like a youtube video and play from the site. I don’t want to take a risk and lose my internet connection on the second day of college. Will online movies just not play at all?

admin answers:

I think you’ll be safe with that, but best just ask the … Um… Forgot what they call the person… RA, resident assistant for your floor.

Daniel asks…

whats the best way to download music and movies from the PC?

whats the best way to download DVD movie to the computer or music?whats the safest place to do it? Whats your opinion of lime wire,morphes, excetra?

admin answers:

Tv shows/movie download sites comparison, comments, etc.

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