Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

David asks…

can I get in trouble for WATCHING pirated movies on the internet?

Of course, I wouldn’t be stupid enough to upload them or anything like that but I am wondering what the law says about watching the new hollywood movies on sites such as google video or youtube? Can I get in trouble for watching them if I knowwhere to find them?

admin answers:

You can watch them on line or download them for private usage …. No one will come knock at your door with an arrest warrant.

The only people who are in any sort of imminent danger of criminal prosecution are those who post them & those who profit from them.

Laws are the same for using your VCR to record a TV show … It is copyright protected as well, however, the courts will not set a precedent by issuing warrants for the majority of the population in the country just because they have an episode of “24” on a VHS tape in their living room.

Same goes for downloading movies online.
Too too many people do it.
They are working on stopping the sources rather than the users.

Sleep well, my friend, & view or download as many as you like.
You won’t EVER get in any legal trouble for that.
Just like millions & millions of other people.

Philip T

Betty asks…

Does anyone know a free,fast converter for itunes?

I downloaded a movie off limewire & i need to convert it to itunes format. Does anyone know where i can download a free,fast converter??? Thanks. 🙂

admin answers:

Hey Miley, I don’t mean to be rude or anything, but downloading songs from limewire is illegal..

Have you considered using iTunes gift cards instead to get your songs?

Thankfully, there is a way to get an iTunes giftcard, or any other gift card for FREE. It will even be sent via email and not your real address. My friend invited me over a month ago and now I’m getting like $1-3 a day from that site. No credit cards required, and real-life information is not thoroughly needed. The best thing about this, is that is is free and absolutely legal!

I newly joined on the 26th of December. To this current date, I now have redeemed a $25 iTunes gift card and a $10 Amazon Gift Card as well.. It even only took them 2 days to send it to my email after trying to redeem it.

Thanks to my friend’s blog, I will no longer be buying itunes cards, and other accessories for my kids video games over the store since I know I will be getting more of these things for free online.

It would help if you sign up for him on his website, and he will be the one to help you through with any concerns about earning your gift card..

You definitely should check it out! You can find it at


Donald asks…

Copy itunes files on new itunes account without them being deleted?

My computer that had my itunes library on it crashed and i lost all my files. is there anyway that when i make a new itunes account all of the songs on my ipod won’t be deleted? also is there any site for downloading music that is legal and has a flat price everymonth besides limwire/ napster/ and itunes. maybe a good way to back up my library for future precautions

admin answers:

For part one of your question, if you connect your iPod to your new iTunes and go under “file”, you will see “transfer purchases” near the bottom. This will transfer all purchased items from your iPod to your computer.

I know a legal way to get free music. You just need to find a music video of the song you want on Youtube or Google video.
For Youtube:
1. Find a Youtube video of the song you want.
2. In the URL, replace “Youtube” with “Voobys”.
3. Download the converter.
4. Download the video.
5. Open Voobys using the icon on your desktop.
6. Find where you saved the video, then convert into “iPod”.
7. Go under “File” in iTunes, and “Add File To Library”.
8. It will show up under movies. Find it, and under the “Video” tab, change “Movie” to “Music Video”. Edit any other information and sync.
9. Done!

1. Find the video. **Remember** Before searching for the video, check the circle “Only Videos hosted by Google”, which is under the search box, so that youtube videos don’t come up.
2. To the right of the video is a “Download” button. Well, you know what to do.
3. In iTunes, go to “File->Add file to library”. Find the file and add it.
4. It will show up under movies. Find it, and under the “Video” tab, change “Movie” to “Music Video”. Edit any other information and sync.
5. Done!

Richard asks…

is it possible to get a virus from PureVolume?

when you download songs from purevolume, is it possible to get a virus?

admin answers:

Of course it’s possible, just like its “possible” to get infected simply by visiting Yahoo…yes I said Yahoo…it HAS happened in the past.

It is possible to get a virus simply by just visiting ANY compromised website.

In short there is no 100% absolute safe place on the internet.

When you download “stuff”, the risk is magnified, somewhat. Legal downloads are almost always safe. Illegal downloads of copyrighted music, software, movies etc are often virus infected. It looks to me, that this PureVolume is legit and offers legal material.

PureVolume seems to be OK, so McAfee SiteAdvisor says:

“McAfee TrustedSource web reputation analysis indicates that overall this site poses minimal security risks – however, please examine the detailed analysis to ensure you are comfortable with any risks.”

Full report here:

James asks…

Are there still movie sites out there that DON’T stream their videos?

Streaming movies require few people on whatever site the movie‘s on. Are there still sites out there which don’t stream their movies, still using the video system that allows the whole movie to load while playing (or on pause while doing something else)?

I’m sick and tired of having every movie I watch stop every three minutes and load for another two.

admin answers:

Yes many sites offer downloading of videos, but most of them are illegal. You can also download tools like Internet Download Manager which will take streaming videos and download them as a file (except for hulu). I am not sure if its legal but I BELIEVE it is as long as you delete the file after viewing.

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Mandy asks…

Where can I download Chris Rock Kill the messenger to my mp3 player?

I want to know where can I download Chris Rock Kill the messenger to my iPod nano, the audio or video either one. Can someone please give me a SAFE and free site where I can get it from.


admin answers:

Go: <–

Steven asks…

My Windows Vista laptop randomly shuts down often and is a lot slower than usual. What can I do to fix this?

The internet and overall computer is slow, and sometimes in the middle of when I am on the computer, it shuts down and I must restart it. It wasn’t like this until like 1 week ago. The laptop is only about 1 year old. Are there any things I can do to possibly fix this or and scans I can run?

admin answers:

Clean all the vents/fans with canned air.
Don’t run the laptop on a soft surface, bedding/your lap etc. Use a hard surface, such as a tray.
Check your power settings in Control Panel>Power Options.
Log on as an Administrator.

First delete/un-install all programs/applications/games you no longer use (especially those you have disks for).

Burn/copy to CD/DVD/flash drive any and all music/pictures/movie files and delete the originals.

Download install and run Ccleaner, both ‘Registry’ and ‘Cleaner’ parts…

Run Disk Cleanup (Start>All Programs>Accessories) check/tick all boxes, they’re all safe to remove.

Run Disk Defragmenter (Start>All Programs>Accessories).

Click Start>Run (or type in search bar) and type “msconfig” (without quotes ” “),click the Startup tab and uncheck anything that’s not needed at startup.

Go to this site to check which services can be safely stopped/removed…


If all else fails… Buy more RAM 🙂

Richard asks…

What is the best FREE video editing software?

What is the best FREE video editing software? As I think Windows Movie Maker is awful.

admin answers:

Take a look at the tutorials for Windows Movie Maker at – it may be WMM is all you need.

The version 2 series were probably the most versatile, you can find them here –

Other free video editors are…

Wax – – this is also a compositor – a bit like Adobe’s After Effects
VideoLAN Movie Creator –
TrakAxPC –
VideoSpin –
VideoPad – the free version –
Lightworks – – I like this one
Serif MoviePlus –
Ezvid –

VirtualDub, RAD Video tools, AVITricks and Avidemux are also good tools you should look at. Although not full editors like the others they have some useful features.

Lightworks and Wax together are a very good video editing system for free.

All are safe, at least from the sites I’ve linked to.

Mark asks…

how can i wireless connect my laptop to anoter one in my house and view the same files?

iwant to connect to my sisters laptop and watch a movie together…how would i do that?

admin answers:

This is the best answer I can give you: use LogMeIn. It’s free to download and use and through the internet you can view your other computer’s screen and so use them freely. It works from ANYWHERE in the world. I don’t have much experience with it and I don’t know if you can copy and paste from one computer to the other, but you can use IMs to send files to yourself. I hope I’ve been useful. Good luck! Mc837
P.S. Download the software from the official site, it’s safer…

George asks…

chords of the Purple rain version that prince plays on the piano in the movie?

Prince Plays a beautiful version of purple rain on the piano in his move purple rain, he plays this piece after he awakes from the tragedy that had happened the night before to his father. The Song sounds beautiful on the piano but i can not seem to find the exact chords and notes from that particular scene.. can somebody help??
I can look for the sheet music but i am looking for the version he plays in the movie on the piano.. its the only time he plays purple rain on the piano right when his father dies.

admin answers:

Short but simple answer…

You can down load the Sheet music from this site…


Just hit the download of the PDF file at the middle of the page..It’s safe…

Take Care Good Luck

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Free

Ken asks…

Where Can I find free mpeg4 movies and videos for mp3/video player?

I have a 2gb Sony MP3/Video Walkman. I’d like to find some free movies or videos for it. Does anyone know of any good sites? They also need to be mpeg4 format.

admin answers:

Watch full-length movies and TV shows (Prison Break, Lost, Family Guy etc.) streaming with no download required.
or (same site)

Donald asks…

Where can I download wwe matches for free?

I want to import these videos to Windows Movie maker so I can make a tribute. I have already tried Limewire and Frostwire and torrents, none are good. I’ve also tried converting a youtube video to a mpg file and it doesn’t work. Does anyone know any good sites where I can download videos (mpg file)?
WQ: What is your favorite phrase from your favorite wrestler?

admin answers:

WA- That’s how I roll-Christian Cage, I use it all the time at work lol..

Daniel asks…

where can i download free good quality movies?

i wanted to see a movie n i was wondering if i can download it.evry site i go to they want my credit card info which i am nt comfortable in giving.thanks

admin answers:

You can download movies in good quality for free from here

Lizzie asks…

What is a good site to watch films for free with no signing up or downloading or surveys?

I want to watch some films but I can’t find a good site to watch any,What are some good sites that you can watch films online for free with no downloading or surveys or signing up thank you

admin answers:

Youtube movies

Robert asks…

where can I download movies for free?

I want to download movies for free or watch movies online and without any hidden payment or anything like that.

admin answers:

Downloading movies for free is illegal. You have to pay a monthly subscription charge to a service like NetFlix or you can download them from iTunes for a charge per movie (you can also rent them from iTunes). You CAN however stream movies for free from certain sites with very limited commercial interruption (15 second commercial every 20-30 mins). A site like is an example, however, the movies tend to be older and not current.

Downloading a copy from the internet is possible, but like i said it is illegal, and i don’t think this is the forum to be asking how to do illegal activities.

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Donna asks…

Question about shows on Netflix’s instant streaming material?

Is there a list of all the shows and movies that are instant streaming ready, if there is a link would be great, but more specifically are America’s Next top Model and Medium available for the instant streaming. Anything is a help thanks.

admin answers:

This site:


free streaming movies no download or surveys needed, ANY movie or tv show EVER!!
Just enter your search and all sites playing the movie or T.V. Show will be displayed for you to choose from.
OVGuide has an awesome free movies search engine… OVGuide indexes all the free movies/tv sites and searches them simultaneously… So if a movie is out there for free, OVGuide will find it.
I haven’t been to the theater in 2 years!
And it is totally legal it even has Microsoft as an advertiser

Sandra asks…

Who puts up illegal downloads on the internet?

Do they make money off of it? Im in a arguement with a teacher… And if they dont make money with it why do they do it?
Jesus christ read the question before you try to answer it.
Do people that put torrents up on websites make money off of it?
People like axxo

admin answers:

I imagine there are multiple reasons people put content online illegally.

– Money: This could be direct payment per download or advertiser driven (banner ads, popups, etc…).
– Revenge: People that feel putting up content gets revenge against the “greedy corporations”
– Obligation: If you downloaded something in the past, perhaps you feel obligated to do the same for the “next guy”.
– Ignorance: Some people may not be aware that their actions are illegal.
– Beliefs: Some people believe that “information wants to be free” so they think they are part of a larger cause that makes information available to anyone.
– Challenge: Individuals or groups that do things just because they can. Hacking anti-piracy protection is part of a challenge. They do it for the thrill of beating the system.

** Edit **
@MINT – I’m not a fan of copyright in the current form (personally think it is way too long of a time period)but I can see that having some form of it is necessary. The creation of content (music, movies, software, art, etc…) does require some amount of resources (time/money) and the creators should be compensated. If they can’t have exclusive creation rights for some period of time, creation of new content would likely stop. As an example, consider a video game like Skyrim. The investment to create the game required the salary of numerous people, hardware, software (development tools, configuration management software), work environment (rent or portion of purchase cost), utilities, marketing (to make people aware of the game), distribution, support, etc… If they sold one copy and that one copy was uploaded and made available to everyone to download for free, where does the money come from to pay for the investment cost? I’m not a fan of the current length of copyright for various media types but the creators do need some period of protection to make money off the material they produced. The “life + 70 years” or “95 years from publication” period seems way too long in my opinion. I’d probabably put it closer to 5-15 years for digital media (mainly figuring that some content could be reused in sequels and the original producer should have first rights to it).

Oh, Apple shouldn’t be the target of your anger. Apple complied with the RIAA in order to move music to digital distribution. Apple wouldn’t have been able to get a license to download if they didn’t work with protecting the content (which really isn’t much of a protection scheme if you think about it).

** Edit 2 **
“Do people that put torrents up on websites make money off of it?” – Some do, some don’t. Unless the person putting up the illegal content controls the site, then likely they don’t make the money then. The site owners could make money through advertising. If the site supports purchasing content, then the person that uploaded the content could make money, but I’d be surprised if they made any significant amounts of money since the legal content owners would take it offline pretty quickly in most cases.

“People like axxo” – No idea who this is. Perhaps if they control the torrent client software or sites (via advertisements) that link to the torrent content, they could generate money. Maybe they get paid from organizations looking to hurt the commercial industries by illegally making content available and financially hurting the content copyright holder. Hard to say in all cases what is happening.

John asks…

Anybody know where i can watch Disney Pixar Cars for free online?

My little brother loves the movie but we dont own it and he wants to watch it. Preferably w/out downloading but i can download if i need too

admin answers:

Heres a list of some of the legal sites.

Nancy asks…

Where can I watch the South Park Movie for free… preferably with the highest possible quality?

I don’t care if i have to download or not.

admin answers:

I found it at I love the quality there and the site says it is legal.

Robert asks…

Starting a daily journal due to going to court and fighting for child custody?

But I already spent 5 months with my child before she took him back and I had no journal. I wish I did.

But in my new journal, can I write anything (regarding the child) from my memory. I do have some pictures and videos but nothing written. So for instance, I took him to doctor # of times by my self, HOW CAN I INCLUDE THIS IN MY JOURNAL?


admin answers:

No, the journal starts now. What you are talking about is a chronological statement of past events.

Many think the courts are rigged against dads, but in reality, it is more about attorneys unwilling or lacking the knowledge to truly fight for the father’s rights. This is why it is important to learn how to interview and hire the right attorney. It is also important to do as much as possible on your own and not pay the attorney to do it.

Part of the problem with getting your rights knowing what to do to prove your case, and how to remind the judge of their responsibilities. Let me start with the judge.

Always take people with you to court who are not there to testify. Make sure they are sitting where the judge can see them, each equipped with a tablet and pen to take notes. It’s best to use a Court Watch Form designed for this purpose. I have one in the manual at Dads House.

If the judge is not doing his job, using the info from this form, you can, appeal, and/or get the judge sanctioned and removed from the case. You file a complaint with the State Supreme Court at your state capital.

Start keeping a daily journal of all your activities. The most common way to prevent a father from getting his rights through the courts is a false allegation, usually sexual. Over 60% of divorcing father are accused of child sexual abuse, of which only 4% are found to have any relevance, but there are no penalties for doing so. A daily journal is your number one piece of evidence in court and you can even refer to it while on the stand.

Gather evidence. Check the site below to see if it is illegal to record conversations without the other person knowing. If your state does not have a law either way, than it defaults to the federal ruling which says one person in a conversation must know they are being recorded. You’re that one person. In Missouri it is specifically legal, in Kansas there is no mention either way. If you live in two different states, and one has a law against it, than it applies when the call originates from within that state,

Now, you can’t just record, you also have to transcribe it into your daily journal.

If you want to learn how to do all this go to Dads House in Yahoo Groups. Upon joining, you will receive a link for downloading a 200 page educational manual that can teach you what you need to know. Take the time to learn what you can and should do.

Bird Nest Custody

Can We Tape

Dads House

Fathers & Families


Fathers Rights: The Movie

Parental Alienation Syndrome

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Free

John asks…

Im looking for a free site that i can download the movie a bronx tale?

i cant find any sites that have this movie.

admin answers:

Are you bent? Just check it out from your local library and then burn it to a blank dvd.

What? Your library doesn’t have free dvds? Where the hell are you? In ENGLAND???

Carol asks…

Do you know a good site to download free tv shows?

it seems like people only ever download free music and that theres plenty of those sites, what about tv shows?

admin answers:

Well, I’m pretty sure you can download shows & movies from here. But streaming them is the best, & I think it’s the best website.

Richard asks…

Where can I download effects for Windows Movie Maker?

New ones, not the ones that came with it. I have vista, and preferably a free and reliable site.

Also, is here a way to put textures on videos in movie maker?

admin answers:

Try googling windows movie makers

William asks…

I need names of computer programs that make movies and edit them?

I have movies that are long movies I want to make them shorter or take just one or two shots from them and I need names of the easiest programs that can make that. Please if you know free sites to download them too. Thanks.

admin answers:

This link will give you many choices of video editing software

p.s. If you have windows you already have a free video editor it is installed when you install windows XP. It is called windows movie maker.

Steven asks…

Where can I watch Eva Angelina scenes or movies/vids for free and without downloading it?

Where can I watch Eva Angelina scenes or movies/vids for free and without downloading it?

admin answers: bro

best site ever

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Charles asks…

Does anyone know how I can download The Battle From the Narnia soundtrack?

I need to know how I can download for free The Battle from the Narnia soundtrack to my computer so I can use it for movie maker. (Before answering, please make sure you don’t have viruses. Last time people answered, I got a ton.)

admin answers:

Legal sites don’t have virus
illegal sites do

free music is illegal 99.9% of the time, unless the artist allows it

that violates the copyright laws

George asks…

What DVD writer would be good for backing up Xbox 360 games?

Does anyone know a good DVD burner that burns/rips slowly and very thoroughly? I’m trying to make backups of my games, and yes; it is legal to make backups of your games if you own the game. I can’t find the Pioneer dvd-r a04 for sale, which is the most common one. Thanks

admin answers:

You need your XBox 360 to be modified with a mod-chip before you play games or movies.
Of course it can play any game of your own, and any movie (also DivX as you asked) as you wish after you get your XBox 360 mod-chip installed!

It’s a very mature technical now so it won’t have problem if you get your XBox 360 modified.

Also you can download any PAL or NTSC XBox 360 game as you wish online now.

About the downloading and backup and copy games service: There are serveral sites providing such download services. They are very excellent on the contents, not only Complete big XBox 360 games like Metroid, LOR, American Idols and Guitar Heroes etc. But also many movies, XBox 360 tv shows, music and videos much more!!!

All you need is to join one of those sites to download so many resources. So you can download all those media as you wish!

And some sites can provide simple software help you to burn the ISO Games into DVDs, it is very easy and fast. After the instructions by them, you can go ahead to play those games you burned onto your XBox 360.

Maybe a good review site to those download sites might help you very much on judging which is one is the best for you:

Good luck and have fun with your XBox 360!

Maria asks…

How can I download music on my Ipod from somewhere other than Itunes?

admin answers:

Tired of paying 99c for every song at itunes? Frustrated in trying Downloading Ipod Nano Music from the free download websites that aren’t really free? Ever wondered whether these so called free download sites are really legal!!!

Don’t despair !!!

There are other sites that are legal. You only have to pay a onetime membership fee. After that you may download as many ipod songs, games, and movies as you can handle for a full year (or even longer). Membership to these donwload sites is low and varies. You will have to pay around $30 for one year unlimited access. Don’t you think it is a good idea to stay legal?


Michael asks…

What’s really illegal:download movies or put movies on sites for others to download them?

admin answers:

Both are illegal under the assumption that the downloader is not a legal owner of the material.

Say for example I download the anime Fruits Basket. Since I already own Fruits Basket on dvd, this is not a crime. If however, I just downloaded it without owning, that is stealing.

Making movies available for download to non-owners is illegal. You have no right to the content and therefor are not an approved distributor.

Donald asks…

is peerblock safe to use when downloading movies and music?

i have never gotten a letter from either one of my isps-i have been downloading for years at least the last ten years i know of!

admin answers:

If the material is made available by the copyright owners, then you are OK, at least from a legal standpoint. However, any web site that offers pirated material can be a source of infections.

If you want free content, then get content that is offered free by its producer(s).

If you want to use commercial content, then pay for it. If you don’t, that is stealing. People have worked hard, often for months or years (yes, it takes that long) to create their products. They deserve to get paid for their efforts. How would you feel if you had worked on something for months, planning on making a living with it, and somebody started giving it away free, and you didn’t get a penny for all of your effort?

When people download material illegally (songs, movies, software, etc.) that gives the big companies more ammunition to take to Congress when they next try to take away more of the few rights we still have under Copyright law. So you are hurting everybody, even those who do not do illegal downloads.

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Donald asks…

What character should i make in Soul Calibur 4?

I’m bored on this game so i’m thinking about making a character. But i can’t think of anyone to make. Any suggestions? It can be someone real, fiction, fantasy, myth, or legend. Just someone “creatable” on Soul Calibur 4. Thanks!

admin answers:

It maybe a different answer than you are asking, but going original is always a blast. It’s difficult making characters other than the obvious Bruce Lee’s and Afro Samurai. Try to work with what you have and see where the types of armors and color scheme’s take you. That doesn’t mean you can’t use inspiration though from stuff. I still amaze myself with the character creation.

If you’re bored though, it may be the games soundtrack … I got tired of it late 2008. If you have a flashdrive ((ranges from $5-$25 depending what you want)) you can download your own music into it and play that instead of the games OST. I personally like to have soundtracks from other video games, movies, TV shows, etc. To breath new life into the game.

I understand that soundtracks are difficult to come by, and the sites that host them rise and fall frequently due to a lack of funding. Which is why I use Dirpy to rip soundtracks from soundtracks that are featured on YouTube. It’s a safe site that converts the song in the same format that it was heard on whichever YouTube video you chose.

Nancy asks…

How to get music from iPod Touch to computer?

I bought songs from my ipod touch alone (i haven’t used itunes in a while) and i want to get those purchases on itunes, how do i do it.

admin answers:

Here are some tips:

If all your songs were purchased from iTunes store, use “Transfer Purchases” option to transfer. See

If some of your songs were from other sources, you will need to utilize some iPod transfer program to help you, like this handy one called MediaWidget to move all library files from your iPod onto your computer and iTunes

It can transfer all iPod content to the iTunes on your computer, including iPod music, movies, playlists, videos, podcasts, ratings, last played, and more. It’s such a powerful one that many friends around me have used it for a long time. Easy and safe.

Now all files are on your computer and iTunes, you can sync your iPod with it smoothly without deleting any files.

Just free download it to try.
For more iPod support information you can also go to

Richard asks…

How do I remove an AFP virus from my computer?

Help me please! I have been watching a few online movies lately and I think I caught this virus from it. It’s popped up on my screen and wouldn’t let me use anything on my computer so I restarted it and pressed F8 and selected ‘safe mode with networking’. I then started task manager and went to processes. Many sites I have tried to use say to delete the process with the virus in it but I don’t know which one it is.
I would rather not download anything to get rid of the virus but if it is necessary I will.
Any advice would be great. Please and thank you 🙂 x

admin answers:

Your screwed…. Your going to have to Install windows again.

Daniel asks…

What is the best/safest movie downloading site?

Preferably free. I don’t want to illegally download any movies or download anything that will cause my computer to run slower or catch a virus.

admin answers:

Well, if you don’t want to download illegally, there are very few free options. Hulu has some free movies you can stream. You can also find some movies legally on the internet archive but they’re mostly old movies, not much newer stuff.

Sharon asks…

Why can’t i watch videos on the internet normally?

My new laptop is doing this thing to any videos, like youtube or megavideo, that makes them all green, pixelly, and just plain hard to watch. It doesn’t change any other movies I have, like on my hard drive or in the dvd player, just streaming videos. Any tips to fix it?

admin answers:

Kindly follow the steps and see if it solves your problem :
1.Browser Issues :
Update your Browser – whether you are using Internet Explorer, Firefox,.Chrome or any browser just go to their website and download the latest versions.First uninstall the older version and then install the newest versions.
2.Website Issues
Many of the popular video streaming websites, including YouTube, use Adobe Flash Player. Confirm that your computer is using the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. To do this, go to the Adobe website and download the appropriate uninstaller for your computer. Once the current installation has been uninstalled, go back to the Adobe website and install the most recent version of the plugin.
3.Firewall Issues
Firewalls may block streaming video ports. If you are having problems watching streaming videos via a desktop application such as Windows Media Player, and you normally have to use an proxy server to gain Web access, you may have to enable your media player to also use the proxy server. This option can be found in the Options or Preferences menu of your particular media player.
4.Internet Connection
The speed and stability of an Internet connection has a direct effect on the quality of streaming video. A slow connection will result in choppy video and audio, while an unstable Internet connection can result in video stopping suddenly. Try to view streaming video using only a fast connection such as broadband cable or DSL. If you are using a wireless broadband (Wi-Fi) connection, make sure you have a strong signal. Check your internet speed at –
5.Software Issues
Running out-of-date software can result in problems watching streaming video. Other common issues include buffering problems or acceleration problems. Consult your application’s help file to learn how to update your media viewer to the latest version, and to learn how to adjust the buffer or video acceleration.
6.Hardware Issues
The quality of your streaming video is dependent on the power of your graphics and sound cards. Older computers may not have robust enough video or sound cards to handle modern streaming video. If you have an older machine, try updating the drivers for your video and sound cards to ensure the best quality.
7.Ad Blockers/Pop up blockers
Ad blockers, especially pop-up ad blockers, are public enemy number one. Turn them off and the videos may stream.
If you are using Chrome browser check if you have flash blocked extention installed.
8.Antivirus Issues
Although less of a problem than ad blockers and firewalls, some overly protective anti-virus programs obstruct streaming video. If none of the earlier suggestions have worked for you, turn off your anti-virus programs and the videos might stream. This is perfectly safe.
9.TRY ALTERNATE PLAYER – Try alternate player to youtube – Flow Player (
it is very streamlined,fast and much better than the official youtube player. To watch Youtube through flow player click here to open up the youtube page and any video you click on will open with flow player –
10.If Nothing works at all try downloading the Youtube videos to your computer from or download the software (which works with 900 video sites) from
Hope this helps – Have a great day!

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

James asks…

What kind of laptop should I get at bestbuy?

I am going to bestbuy and I want a good brand laptop perferably a dell! I am a 10th grade highschool student; male. I will use this for school and not so much gameing. I will watch movies on it quite a bit! and it must have a webcam and wifi features! No smaller than 14.5″ or 15″. and the price cannnot exeed $500.00!!!!!!!!!! Please help I need it within 1-2 weeks! thanks!!!!!

admin answers:

(all blue links below can be clicked on)

CAUTION: As talked about on Dr. Phil, LapTops are more prone to Wireless Hackers, its not hard for them to get into your WebCam, wirelessly speaking. I could be the guy next door getting into your cam.
Solution: Stick tape over your WebCam and Built-In Mic, when not in use or try a free safe program to block the cam.
– Possible Solution:

Learn more wireless safety tips at:

Give these a test drive:
(This Compaq by HP has a newer AMD at 2.2ghz, the ram may need to be upgraded by 1gb. However it has DDR3, which is the newest ram type. No WebCam though)
(Here’s a HP with 2.3ghz Pentium with DDR2 ram)
(Here’s a Dell with 2.2ghz Pentium with DDR2 ram)

Refurbished can actually be a good thing.

Stay away from Toshiba and Acer LapTops. GateWay LapTops are good, but the customer service sucks.

I’ve repaired Toshiba’s. Have seen loads of bad reports on Acer, related to Startup problems.

Go with Dell or HP.

For your situation Go With:
2.0ghz or higher
250gb Storage
(Storage is 7% less than advertised, Win7 will take up about 25gb’s with future updates)

3gb Ram (is best for Win7)
Windows 7 Pro (has longer support by Microsoft than Ultimate and Premium)
External Backup (if you don’t have this, this will save you from having to do file recovery)

Are you a student?

use 7 Upgrade as a Full Version:

Remove Windows BloatWare:

OR Order Directly and request that it have No BloatWare: or Canada’s or Canada’s

LapTop Anti-Theft:

Sharon asks…

How can i get my DVD’s onto my hard drive and then onto my ipod?

I want some of my DVDs onto my ipod as itunes don’t have them, so how do i do it, please help?

admin answers:

Here~ My experience~

1. Use WinX Free DVD to iPod Ripper. Fastest and easiest DVD ripper I ever use. It converts DVD movies to iPod in high quality like the original DVDs.

Check their official site for more functions and features:

Step by step user guide:

It’s a freeware. No trial, no registration, no watermark. Small file size, safe and fast to download and install.

2. After converting, you can drag the video into your iTunes library. Plug in your iPod to computer, iTunes will detect the iPod automatically, then click iTunes menu “File -> Sync iPod”, that’s all.

Have fun~ lol

Betty asks…

Can anyone tell me where’s a good, safe place to download porn?

I would like to download a few adlut movies, can anyone tell me where a safe web site is?

admin answers:

Rawtube is one. is another.

Donald asks…

How can I make my laptop faster?

I’ve had it for almost a year now and it’s already too slow. I have fast internet on my other computers, but the laptop is just killing me. I tried deleting things but nothing changed, and I don’t even have any things to delete anyways. What else is there to try to make it faster?

admin answers:

Log on as an Administrator.

First delete/un-install all programs/applications/games you no longer use (especially those you have disks for).

Burn/copy to CD/DVD/flash drive any and all music/pictures/movie files, verify they copied successfully and delete the originals.

Download install and run Ccleaner, both ‘Registry’ and ‘Cleaner’ parts…

Run Disk Cleanup (Start>All Programs>Accessories>System Tools) check/tick all boxes, they’re all safe to remove.

Run Disk Defragmenter (Start>All Programs>Accessories>System Tools).

1.Open Control Panel>System and Maintenance>System.

2.In the left “Tasks”, click on ‘Advanced System Settings’.

3.Click the “Advanced” tab. In “Performance” section, click on ‘Settings’ button.

4.Click on ‘Advanced’ tab.

5.In the “Virtual Memory” section, click on ‘Change’ button.

6.By default, “Automatically manage paging file size for all drives” setting is selected so that Windows Vista system can manage the paging file without user’s interruption. If you want change the paging file size,uncheck the check box of Automatically manage paging file size for all drives.

7.Select and highlight the appropriate drive that users want to change the paging file settings under the box of “Drive [Volume Label]“ Usually ‘C:’.

8.To fix a permanent size for the paging file, click on Custom size button, and set the values of Initial Size 4095 (MB) and Maximum Size 4095 (MB). To make the size of pagefile.sys static. Then click on Set button.

Click Start>Run and type

(or type it in the search bar)

and press Enter/Return. Click the Startup tab and uncheck anything that’s not needed at startup.

Go to this site to check which services can be safely stopped/removed…


Or… Buy more RAM. Download and run the scanner here to find type/speed of RAM needed…



Carol asks…

What do I need to keep open in Windows Task Manager?

My laptop has been slow lately and if I close anything in Windows Task Manager, it ruins my desktop.

admin answers:

Log on as an Administrator.

First delete/un-install all programs/applications/games you no longer use (especially those you have disks for).

Burn/copy to CD/DVD/flash drive any and all music/pictures/movie files, verify they copied successfully and delete the originals.

Download install and run Ccleaner, both ‘Registry’ and ‘Cleaner’ parts…

Run Disk Cleanup (Start>All Programs>Accessories>System Tools) check/tick all boxes, they’re all safe to remove.

Run Disk Defragmenter (Start>All Programs>Accessories>System Tools).

Increase Virtual Memory…


Open Computer Management, click Start, and then click Control Panel. Double-click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Computer Management.

In the console tree, right-click Computer Management (Local), and then select Properties.
On the Advanced tab, click Performance Options, and under Virtual memory, uncheck the check box of Automatically manage paging file size for all drives, click Change.
In the Drive list, click the drive that contains the paging file you want to change (usually C:).
Under Paging file size for selected drive, type a new paging file size (4095 for both) in the Initial Size and Maximum Size box, and then click Set.
Click Apply and OK.

Vista/Win 7

1.Open Control Panel>System and Maintenance>System.

2.In the left “Tasks”, click on ‘Advanced System Settings’.

3.Click the “Advanced” tab. In “Performance” section, click on ‘Settings’ button.

4.Click on ‘Advanced’ tab.

5.In the “Virtual Memory” section, click on ‘Change’ button.

6.By default, “Automatically manage paging file size for all drives” setting is selected so that Windows Vista system can manage the paging file without user’s interruption. If you want change the paging file size,uncheck the check box of Automatically manage paging file size for all drives.

7.Select and highlight the appropriate drive that users want to change the paging file settings under the box of “Drive [Volume Label]“ Usually ‘C:’.

8.To fix a permanent size for the paging file, click on Custom size button, and set the values of Initial Size 4095 (MB) and Maximum Size 4095 (MB). To make the size of pagefile.sys static. Then click on Set button.

Click Start>Run and type

(or type it in the search bar)

and press Enter/Return. Click the Startup tab and uncheck anything that’s not needed at startup.

Go to this site to check which services can be safely stopped/removed…


Or… Buy more RAM. Download and run the scanner here to find type/speed of RAM needed…

Http:// 🙂


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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Helen asks…

I got a letter in the mail about copyright infringement?

Ok so. I got a letter in the mail about copyright infringement or something about file sharing. This is the first letter we got. So this would be a first offense.
A while ago, I downloaded a movie.
I didn’t know it was illegal.
Im 23.
My mom called Century Fox and they said it’s being investigated.
What is going to happen? Since it’s the first offense?

admin answers:

Ignorance of the law is not a defense. Anyone over the age of 14 with any sense knows that downloading movies from file sharing sites are usually illegal. You will likely be asked to pay a penalty (usually around $500 per illegal download) or face further legal action (which could equate to thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars in fines).

Jenny asks…

Why do questions get deleted that aren’t that bad, but really offensive troll questions are left?

I see questions and answers offensive to certain religions and questions and answers that are racist and nothing gets done, but I’ve answered questions that weren’t a big deal at all and they were deleted before I could send.


admin answers:

Can’t really hazard even a guess without knowing more details however:

Questions without answers get removed after 4 days (or 8 if you extended it the one time allowed). Questions without answers are not useful for the site, so they are removed. You don’t lose any points.
If you received a violation notice although some times you don’t : This may help you avoid future violations. All it takes is 2 “trusted” members to report you and the bots remove it appeals are often a waste of time and points. However if you are very sure you have been wronged by all means appeal it, the link is below. Some suggestions, If you haven’t done so, edit you info so your questions and answers are hidden that way it makes it harder for trolls who enjoy reporting violations or presumed violations to stalk you. Also, avoid pages with controversial subjects such as religion, homosexuality, racism, pornography, any hatred, downloading movies or music, questions about drugs even soft drugs, etc. Even the polls section. Avoid anything that may be remotely considered illegal Don’t give smart, flip or sarcastic answers nor use any profanity. Do not use language you wouldn’t use when talking to your grandmother and that should keep you safe in that regard. Referring others as a moron, stupid idiot Nazi, retard or anything in that vein is derogatory and insulting to other members and clearly against the guidelines. Pay attention to the definitions of “chatting and solicitation , and what constitutes a question” Never insult another member, call them names, threaten, harass deliberately mislead or post anything in questionable taste.
Should you have axe to grind, agenda or cause to promote be it political religious social or anything similar, no matter how well intentioned you may be, this is the wrong place to promote it.
If you believe you are being stalked go to other categories. You might also consider changing your avatar and i.d.

If your posts show any semblance or insinuation of bigotry, hatred, sermonizing or ranting you can pretty much assume they will be reported and deleted.

Yahoo will not give any specifics when a question or answer is deleted.

You might take the test to determine if something is reportable.


Here is the link to appeal:;_ylt=AqSixcLqgNB6qjbOqvw87AVs5SN4?

Thomas asks…

Im not good with computers, but I just bought a portable dvd player, I wonder if I can downlowd movies?

My computer has dvd burner, i haven’t used it for movies, just to downlowd music , can i do it with movies? do i have to do something different than with music, and is there a place like limewire for music where I can download movies ?

admin answers:

First, what you are talking about doing is considered illegal and copyright infringement.

There are tools out there that can be used to do this though. DVDFab decrypter and DVDShrink are useful in creating backups of the DVDs you own, while there are torrent sites and others like them that can be combined with other freeware to create DVD player-readable content, but if I were you, I’d just buy the actual movies to protect yourself from possible legal trouble.

David asks…

How do you download music to an ipod? Is there a site for free music downloads?

admin answers:

Free music is a thing of the past. Initially, sites like Napster and Win/MX took advantage of a lack of legal guidance for online file sharing, but that door is closed. In fact, the courts have found in favor of record labels who sue individuals for downloading and sharing illegal music files over the internet. The only “free” way to get music for your iPod is to rip it from a CD. If a friend of yours would like to buy the CD and let you rip it to your iPod, that’s your business, but it is still illegal. ITunes is a great resource for music, movies, and other media content, and it’s not that expensive. I think it should be cheaper than it is, since your not getting any of the packaging, liner notes, or physical ownership of a disk, but for online music sites, it’s still the cream of the crop. You can probably still find a source for illegal music downloads if you are willing to put the effort into finding a site, but most have been shut down as a result of legal entanglements.

If you can afford the iPod, you can afford to purchase music for it the legal way. At the very minimum, you can copy your existing CD collection to the device.

Sharon asks…

Are movies and music that you download with utorrent rar files or arevthey avi and mp3 when you download them?

What i mean s when they have finished downloading will you have to extrac them or will they come just as avi or mp3

admin answers:

Most, if not all, torrent search sites will show the files that will be downloaded through the torrent in their listing. It is a good habit to check those as they come in a variety of formats. Also, good to only download those that have comments or ratings indicating they are clean and real.

Most of the video downloads in bittorrent are in an avi container encoded with either DivX or XviD. Most of the music downloads are MP3. Most are not compressed in rar.

Searching for Torrents (Popular Torrent Search Sites)

Finding Legal (and Free) Torrents

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Free

Ken asks…

How risky is it to download torrents from the web?

okay soo I download movies, music etc free from all sorts of torrents sites form the web and I was just wanting to know if there a chance i could get caught or pay a huge fine…..

admin answers:

Absolutely! Wait til you run onto a sight that may be too good to be true! They call these honey pots and are set up by the RIAA just to catch you thieves.

Joseph asks…

Where can i watch a free movie called prom night?

where can i watch a free movie called prom night on a mac?? and can’t download any like plug-ins. so if someone could help that would be great. THANX!

admin answers:

Before you watch it, im just lettiing you know i did not think it was that great of a movie. I was disappointed after seeing it. Haha but you should be the judge of that and see it for yourself(: if you wanaa watch it, a good site to go would be .. The quality isnt the best for some of the movies on this website, but ive never watched promnight on here, so try it and see if its worth watching. Plus, you dont have to download or purchase anything, you can just watch it for free. Hope this helpss(:

Lisa asks…

other than nero is there any free sites to download dvd burning software?

i have downloaded movies from utorrent, but they dont play on media player, but they do work on VLC player. i dont know if i need a dvd converter. does anyone know? and if there is any free downloadable software for burning dvds?

admin answers:

The best freeware cd burner is cdburnerxp

If you want to converd townloaded movies to play on a stand-alone dvd player use dvdflick its free also.

Both are the best Ive seen. Really excellent free software.

John asks…

What site can I watch movies for free without download?

What site can I watch movies for free without downloading the movie(s)

admin answers:


has movies & TV shows

even in HD

Thomas asks…

what to use for quicktime movie edit on windows computer?

you see I have a new camera and it uses quicktime movie thing. And windows movie maker doesnt want to edit it. do you know a program that edits quicktime movie on windows..? and if theres a site where I can download it for free? please and thank you.

admin answers:

You can choose to convert your video(s) first so that Windows Movie Maker can read it. You can search for “Any Video Converter”, a name of a video converter, that allows you to convert videos for free. It’s a standalone program.

If you want to edit using Quicktime, upgrade your Quicktime program into the Pro version, it allows you to edit videos via Quicktime. The upgrade has a fee of course. If you want it free, although not recommended, you can find some cracks on the Internet. A simple search on Youtube returns you some Quicktime serials.

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