Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Free

Robert asks…

How can I watch full length free movies?

How can I watch full length free movies? Netflix won’t work because I want free movies. Site suggestions?

admin answers:

Download by Utorrent!

Ruth asks…

Need a program or website that I can download all seasons and all episodes of shows like heroes and lost free?

Is there any site or program that lets me download, not watch, seasons and episodes of shows like heroes and lost? I need it to be free and to have a big selection if possible. Thanks sooo much in advance!

admin answers:

Hey Allow me to assist you i am processor and i cAN help Ya Al0t

first and foremost use and download links are at the top right hand corner and then use a converter if need ed..

Enj0y Pr0c3s$0r

Ken asks…

What is a site that streams movies for free without having to download or buy anything?

No surveys no downloads good quality? any sites

admin answers:

Well The Best Site To Use Is Definitely They Have Movies Uploaded In Less Than 5 Hours From When They Are Released In The Cinema.

If You Need Games, Music Or Want To Download HD Movies Go To And If That Doesn’t Work Use Web Proxy.

And To Stream TV Use

Hope This Helps!


Laura asks…

Where can i download free movies burn to a dvd blank?

i kno ppl burn dvd’s online nd wat not but i dnt kno the site so i bought one from this guy nd all his dvd’s are clear… doesnt show foggy..but the menu is different than other dvd’s it jus the background playin like the movie flashes scenes etc…then theres play and scenes 2 the bottom and nothing else does this sound familiar to anybody…wats the site to download these movies anyhelp wud be nice

admin answers:

You can download movies from torrents.

Anyway, here is a guide on how to burn movies to dvd:

Chris asks…

Is there a site where you can download movies?

My sister has a friend that told me he can upload movies and download movies that other people have downloaded for free. do you know what site this is or anything about it?? THANKS!

admin answers:

sign up for free and dowload all the movies, music, games you can think of


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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Maria asks…

How do you flip a video?

So I wanted to send a video from my travels to my family and all of the lettering is backwards and I was wondering if Windows Live Movie Maker allows you to flip the video or Youtubbe offers it. I do not want it in reverse but the mirrored image. Please help and thank you!!!! : )

admin answers:

You need to horizontally flip your video. Movie Maker cannot do this. I’ve been experimenting with the freebies I have. VirtualDub can horizontally flip videos but 1. It can only save to AVI and 2. The audio after flipping was broken.

Next, I tried NCH Software’s free version of VideoPad – which can use VirtualDub filters – but couldn’t find a download of the filters that are built into VirtualDub.

Finally, I found a little stand-alone program from DVD VideoSoft. Although I’d heard of this software maker before, I’ve never used any of their products so I checked the site at Web Of Trust and at Virus Scan and the site came up safe and clean. I downloaded their Rotate and Flip program and scanned it with my anti-virus and it came up clean. I haven’t had a chance to install or test it yet but I’d thought I’d pass on the information so you could give it a try, too.

The example that’s given is of horizontal flipping.

Good Luck!

Ken asks…

Any good sites for streaming or downloading movies online?

They need to be very fast at downloading and they need to be with no buffering and no ads or anything, they need to be a good reliable site and stuff.. so yeah XD

admin answers:

Yes, I am building a new website from scratch with hand picked links ( so you are safe and have the best downloads speeds ), plus my website is user friendly and I make it with users in mind, with a great support system. Check it out:

Donald asks…

When you have an Ipod do you have to use I tunes to download music or can you use Limewire?

Can u just drag the songs over from Limewire and then edit the name and stuff onto you Ipod?

admin answers:

There are quite a number of site able to help you to do so.. Like limewire and bearshare, which is free but it is illegal and lot of virus on the song downloaded, which will crash your system easily.

As for some membership site, i.e. Mp3 rockets, which is only exclusive to member only, which is definitely the choice you will want to consider. They allow you to download unlimited mp3 music, video and movie. It is safe and they also provide 24x 7 hours support to member.

Get a review for mp3 rockets, Klite, limewire and more before you make your choice.


Richard asks…

What are some safe torrents to download from without getting a virus& how do you know if they are safe?

Just bought some Dvds i want to burn movies on them

admin answers:

There really isn’t any such thing as a “safe” torrent unless you know the person the torrent is coming from personally, and they are the only person sharing the file with you. That being said there are a few things that you can do to limit your exposure:
1. Check what your peers have to say, when you go on a torrent site like piratebay or find the torrent you’re looking for and sort by seeders. Find the torrent with the most seeders and click on it, then scroll through the comments. If folks have been having a problem with virus, bad A/V, wrong content, etc… They will talk about it in their comments and it’s a tip off.
2. I use Avast! Anti virus, and there is an option on it that allows it to scan all incoming P2P file shares, as they are coming in, and again when the file is finished. Most anti virus programs have a feature like this, I would suggest making sure you have one and it’s turned on.
3. Use only recommended sources, demonoid, kick ass torrents (, and piratebay ( have a long track record of being reliable and relatively safe.

Daniel asks…

What else should I get to protect my computer?

I just got a new computer, and I installed:
-Avira AV (Free Version)
-Comodo Firewall (Free Version)
-Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware

I also use Firefox, so I got the Add-ons
-Adblock Plus

I’m guessing I need an Anti Spyware since the free version of Avira doesn’t detect them (I think..?)


admin answers:

You’re in great shape.

Malwarebytes IS anti-spyware so you need nothing else…

You may want to consider a McAfee Site Advisor (free) that shows you if web sites are “safe” before you click to get on them:


Secunia PSI (free), which constantly monitors all of your software on your computer to make sure you have the latest security updates (Flash, Adobe, Java, etc…). Much malware comes into your computer through these types of “doors”.


The #1 security solution is safe surfing! No P2P sites / file sharing / downloading music-videos-movies-software from these sites. Also, no clicking on unknown pop-ups warning you about your computer being infected and you should go to their site to fix the problem – All Scams / Malware.

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Sharon asks…

Which Bit Torrent Source has a comments section for BEFORE you download?

I mean like Isohunt, it had a comment section in the bottom before you download a link, sometimes this helps to determine if the torrent is legit or not, and I’d like to be warned about viruses from previous downloaders. Anyone know any site?

admin answers:

The comments are all there about the torrent. Others have asked the questions and either rubbished the torrent as a virus or praised it to the high heavens.
Torrents are torrents. You can never be sure if you are getting a virus… Keygens etc will send your antivirus blowing bubbles and wailing about Win32 Trojan.
.Legal torrents? You mean that the stuff you’re going to download is legal before you go get it?
Hmmmmm……now let me see if there’s any illegally acquired other peoples/companies/filmstars musicians copyright theft in the thousands of movies, PC and PS2/ XBOX games, Software that costs $NZ5000 to buy, the 40,000+CD’s I have….complete Discographies…of course its all legally obtained,
Legal Torrents??
Torrents are not illegal. Its what’s on them that can be classed as an infringement of Copyright laws if you download it and use it.
Warez, (they charge you $$$)
The Pirate Bay
ther’s heaps
The worlds ya oyster and life certainly ain’t a clam.


Mandy asks…

Need sites for downloading Hannah Montana The Movie?

Need sites for downloading Hannah Montana The Movie for Free.
Those should not depend on Graboid Video Setup.
B’cuz I have already completed my free bandwith.

admin answers:

If your super legal

Donald asks…

Where can i download TV in ipod touch format?

I dont want to have to re format all of my TV into ipod touch format so im looking to redownload TV shows like fringe, ER, Scrubs, etc. in ipod TOUCH format. any sites/ torrents you know?

admin answers:

Go to
The site reviews cheap movie and tv download sites, all of which are cheap, safe and legal. Try one of them out.

Jenny asks…

Do people get sued for downloading torrent?

Alright, if I download a movie once from a torrent site am I going to have police busting down my door and tazing me?: P Really though, is there any legal action that they can take against me? I know that technically they can, but I mean realistically can they sue me or anything?

admin answers:

Anytime you break the law you stand a chance of getting caught. However, with the assortment of ISP’s siding with the RIAA, and the MPAA seriously considering the same arrangement it’s more likely that your Internet connection will be suspended if you get caught.

Carol asks…

have you ever seen a law saying you have to pay a income tax?

there is no law stating that we have to pay a income tax, if you dont believe me go to so before you post on here and say something dumb go check out that site and watch the video America: freedom to fascism.

admin answers:

Yes, I have seen the law saying residents and citizens of the fifty states and territories that are part of the United States have to pay income taxes. Those laws are codified in Title 26 of the U.S. Code. You can read it at or at

The sections that apply to most people are 1, 61, 62, 63, 3402, 6001, 6011, 6012, 6151 and several others.

To read the laws exactly as they were passed by Congress, you have to go to the U.S. Statutes at Large. For the most part, these are not available online. However, they are available in most law libraries and most federal depository libraries. Do an online search to find one in your area. Our current tax laws get their basic structure from the Tax Reform Act of 1986 which can be found in Volume 100 starting on page 2085. Various other acts of Congress in the years since 1986 have amended that law to result in the current tax laws.

The site you link only includes movies that are full of conspiracy theory nonsense. A person has to drop all common sense to even believe half of what is presented there.

As for ‘Freedom to Fascism’, you should go to and and look up almost every tax argument presented in the film to see why the film is wrong.

Article 1 Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution states, in part, “The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises,…”

Income taxes are legal under the Constitution because income taxes are INDIRECT taxes in a Constitutional sense.

In 1861, the first income tax law in the U.S. Was passed. In Springer v. United States, 102 U.S. 586 (1880) (A Supreme Court case), the court had to consider whether an income tax on an individual was constitutional. The Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the income tax law that was in effect in 1865. You can read it at

After the ratification of the 16th amendment, the Supreme Court in STANTON v. BALTIC MINING CO, 240 U.S. 103 (1916) stated, “…by the previous ruling it was settled that the provisions of the 16th Amendment conferred no new power of taxation, but simply prohibited the previous COMPLETE AND PLENARY POWER OF INCOME TAXATION POSSESSED BY CONGRESS FROM THE BEGINNING from being taken out of the category of indirect taxation to which it inherently belonged…”

The book, “The Law that Never Was” by Bill Benson has been completed refuted. Also, no court has EVER accepted any of the arguments brought forth in that book. Here is a court case that discussed the book. In U.S. V. Thomas, 788 F.2d 1250 (7th Cir. 1986), cert. Den. 107 S.Ct. 187 (1986). You can read it at

The Federal Reserve act was properly passed by Congress and does not require a Constitutional amendment. While the Federal Reserve Act was passed on Dec. 23, 1913, according to the Congressional record, the bill passed the house by a count of 298 to 60. 358 members voted out of 435, that’s pretty good attendance. That’s probably better attendance than the current House of Representative gets on most days. The Senate passed the bill with a vote of 43 to 25. That’s 68 members voted out of 96. Again, that is good attendance.

The quote by Woodrow Wilson that the film says he made in 1919 is false. First, there is no record anywhere that Woodrow Wilson said the first part of that quote. The rest of the quote is taken from Woodrow Wilson’s book, “The New Freedom”. However, “The New Freedom” was published in 1913! Also, the book is actually a compilation of speeches he made on the campaign trail during 1911 and 1912. He was really discussing corporate monopolies and not the Federal Reserve (which didn’t exist yet) or the banks. You can read “The New Freedom” for yourself at

The Federal Reserve is independently audited every year. Those audits and more are part of the Federal Reserve annual report to Congress.

Look at all I have written refuting many points in the movie, “Freedom to Fascism” and that’s only the first five minutes of it.

BTW, Sherry Peel Jackson, one of the people interviewed in the movie was tried for willful failure to file and tax evasion on Oct. 29 and 30, 2007. GUILTY on all counts. Sentencing was on February 14, 2008 and she was sentenced to 4 years in prison. Additionally, SHE STILL HAS TO PAY HER TAXES.

A few people have successfully beaten criminal charges, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a law any more than O.J. Simpson’s acquittal means there isn’t a law concerning the murder of your ex-wife.

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Joseph asks…

Where can i watch Spirited away for free?

I know it would be better to buy the DVD, but where can I watch the animated movie Spirited Away online for free? I’ve done multiple searches and none of the sites I found are working too well.

admin answers:

You can try these sites. Watch free safe and no download.

Gotomovies. Info
Flmovies. Info
Myhqmovies. Com
Watch-it-all. Com

John asks…

Windows movie maker will not import mp4 videos for editing why?

I have a couple of mp4 videos I downloaded it mp4 format because I wanted to upload my videos on my ipad and ipad only takes mp4 videos, anyways when i tried to edit the video on windows movie maker it would not let me add it! Why?
Im not sure what windows movie maker version I am using sorry.

admin answers:

WMM is very picky about filetypes it recognizes. How about instead three very good freeware video editor programs, Freemake, FileLab, or VSDC? Each is safe, fully functioning, no watermarks, will not ask for money, and are recent releases that are HD and mp4 capable.

They are listed in order of increasing capabilities. Freemake provides merging of video clips, and simple editing such as cutting and splicing. It will also automatically upload your video to YouTube if desired. It is also capable of converting your video to just about any video format in existence. FileLab has much more features, such as color correction, title editor, and special effects. VSDC is an advanced editor, capable of effects such as green screen editing. The following link has more info, but make sure to also view other articles on this site, as they outline other capabilities of these three programs.:

Maria asks…

What’s the best, virus-free site for free music downloads?

I have Norton Anti-virus, Spy Ware blaster, and spy bot search and destroy. I’m still worried about getting a virus if I use free sites like limewire. Do I have anything to worry about?

admin answers:

This way takes a tiny bit longer than most but is a million times safer. Go to and download the free version of the program. Then go to www. and type in what your looking for. Then download. This site gives you whold discographies of bands, movies, games, tv episodes, etc. It sounds complicating at first but very easy and safe. Great way to download lots of free music, games, or movies. Hope that helped and was understandable

Sandra asks…

How does work and is it safe?

Will I get a virus or something if i watch a movie there? (like twilight)do i have to subscribe first or download something? do you use it??

admin answers:

This site is safe you do not have to worry
i use this site alot
i love some of the quality…..

Robert asks…

Is it safe to download the megauploader and psp games from

Is it safe to download on that site?
Coz I don’t want spyware or viruses enter our PC.

admin answers:

Yes it is safe.
I’ve been using it since 2007.
Nothing bad happened.
I’ve downloaded tons of games and movies.
It is very worth it.
Dont need to pay for anything.
Just download and play.
Have fun!
Hope this helps

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Free

Michael asks…

How can you watch movies online without downloading dodgy software?

I tried downloading “high School Musical” from sites like limewire but the software nearly f**ked up my entir computer. Is there a site where you can watch movies 100% free?

admin answers:

Http:// will connect you to all the major free movie sites. You won’t need to download any software. Just do a search on it.

Susan asks…

Any One Know Where Can I Download Dear John Movie?

I want to download Dear John Movie But I have no idea for any site to download Movies.Suggest me any site to download movies .

admin answers:

You can use
It works very well.

Mandy asks…

where can i watch the movie precious free without downloading ,taking surveys or email singups?

Every site that i go to that tells me it is free is not ,they want me to download a tool bar or a take surveys or buy something i whans to know were i can watch it free.

admin answers:

Watch and free download full length movie/ mp4 format movie, you can go to here:
No credit card no download no gimicks and no survey

Richard asks…

Where can I download anime clips for free?

Where can I download anime clips for free? I need them to make AMVs (Anime music videos). I just need clips from shows like Naruto, Yu Yu Hakusho, Fruits Basket, Ouran High School Host Club, etc. I don’t want to download AMVs I just need anime clips to make them. I have Windows Movie Maker, so the clips need to work on it.

admin answers:

Download them by torrent if you want them for AMVs try to get the raw episodes that way the sub’s wont be at the bottom i have windows movie maker on some of my computers at home and amv files will not work with them try to get mp4 files or wmv files they should work to find the anime go to google or and type anime name and then .torrent after it and make sure you include wmv or any file you want in the search. I use and i had also used stuff from torrentz sumotorrent mininova so if you find something from them its not some random site be careful what you download so you dont get any virus downloading stuff from youtube or veoh may be fuzzy and poor quality

Joseph asks…

Is there any websites where i can watch high definition movies for free?

just wondering if anyone knows any sites. i dont want to download the movie but watch it straight from a site.

admin answers:


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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Richard asks…

Is reading manga online legal if those chapters have not been realeased in the us yet?

I live in the US the mangas are naruto and bleach.

admin answers:

Technically its not illegal. It’s like movies being available for download on the net. Its the ones that post/upload the manga & chapters online. As long as you don’t distribute for sale or give to friends then it should be fine. Though once its on the world wide web, everyone will see/download it.
Usually the scanlators such as tell us to support the manga when it is released in your region. Though, us readers are anxious to see what happens in the next chapter, it’ll be a wait before the next volume comes out so we want the next chapter.
For me, living in Australia, i read all sorts of manga but the only one is support / buy is One Piece. Like i still read one piece on manga hosting sites, the volumes are for collection and re-read in spare time.

Steven asks…

Where can I watch free movies online on iPod touch?

I wanted to watch facing the giants, but I found out we got rid of it. So I need it online. Anyone know what website?

admin answers:

Actually Danny . The makers of XviD have a secret new beta edition. Its not supposed to be out but one of the disgruntled workers leaked it after he was fired. The best part about the beta is since almost all movie streaming sites went down because of megaupload this beta is basically a pool of every movie you can want. Its 100% legal too. They found a massive loophole in the law but decided to not release it quite yet because of all the SOPA and Megaupload cases in the news. This new way of streaming movies online can not be stopped by SOPA or anyone and is currently up and running. I just watched Billy madison using the new beta so it actually does work. Luckily the direct download link is still up so get it while they dont know its floating around. For some odd reason this only works with people that live in the US which is understadable because its a beta I guess (Still dont get why). If I find an international edition I will repost it here. BTW it looks like the normal version when you are installing it but after its installed it will prompt you to “try the new platform” Anyways Heres the link:

David asks…

A legal website to watch movies on for free?

I want a wbsite that i can watch recent movies from and i dont have to download it either. I would like a website that a lot of people use. Thanks

admin answers:

Crackle and Hulu are two advertisement supported sites:

Youtube also has some movies on there for free, just use the search box

Donna asks…

How can I download tv shows for free?

I looking for a site that I can download tv shows like how I met your mother and simpsons and more like that xoxoxoxo

admin answers:

There are various unreputable sites that allow completely illiegal and illicit copies of shows and movies to be downloaded using torrents.

If you can obtain the episodes legally not only do you own a copy, and the tech support that comes with it, but you are also supporting the developers to make more.

Check out Amazon or Ebay for legal versions,
or alternatively you could attempt a google search for less legal alternatives.

Ruth asks…

where can i get the full audio for avatar the movie?

well i have avatar on my laptop but its in another language, so im wondering if there is somewhere where i can download the english audio, then i can combine them.
thanks, and the movies legal

admin answers:

I’m not sure if you can download just the audio, but you can save just the audio from the English version of the movie yourself.

For example, you can get the movie here:

(You may need to get a password first to see the post. You can get that from here: )

Then you can use a media converting site like this:

This site will allow you to save just the audio. You can also use this site to combine the English audio with the movie you have.

It would be a bit of work, so you might be better off just sticking with the English download, but good luck either way.

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites That Are Safe

Carol asks…

Where can I download movies easily and safely?

I have recently tried downloading pride and prejudice , sense and sensibilty and I cant! The sites suck! I’m also on my galaxy tablet but it wouldnt really differ from a laptop, right? I want a site where i could download movies for free and easily without worrying aout any viruses.
Thank you :))

admin answers:
It’s a Spanish website but all of the movies are in English and they have a ton of new movies!! It’s free and safe. I download movies all the time, haven’t had a problem yet. Just make sure you download them correctly.

Sandra asks…

Is there antivirus to keep my PC safe from virus?

My PC is full of virus all the time. I formated many a times but still infected. I also tried many antivirus such as MS Security Essential, Mcafe, Nortran…. but having no positive results. Is there any antivirus to keep me safe from virus?

admin answers:

I use Avast free 6.0 ( ), and use malwarebytes free ( ) at the same time(because AV are for viruses, not all malware. Avast can help block in comming attempts of malware, but malwarebytes is better at removing it, but its best to run a scan with both of them). You could also get firefox ( ) with a couple of security addons like WOT and ABP. You can even go as far as getting Noscript.

The next way to stay virus free is to stop illegally download media and software. This is anything copyrighted for free without the owners permission. Stop downling free music,movies,games, and programs. Stay away from p2p like frostwire etc.dont download porn onto your computer. If you need to look at it just find a site that doesnt have a bad rating, and just stream it.

what does a mac have to do with anything? They can still get viruses, just not as easily as a windows computer with novice users.

If you want a computer that is almost virus free, linux is a WAY better choice then mac.

Richard asks…

Is it safe to download from say limewire, bittorrent and other p2p sites?

My computer has webroot spysweeper and ad-aware. If I was to download a file from a p2p site am I protected from viruses etc or do I need another program to screen the download either as it comes in or after it has come in(but before opening)?

admin answers:

Download at your own risk. Spysweeper and Ad Aware are both anti spyware programs; you will need an antivirus program as well. However, no security software is 100% effective. And, they are not very good at detecting new threats, so called “zero-day” threats. Hackers love uploading their malicious files on file sharing sites. They know people will be all too eager and careless to download some “supposedly” free movie, song, ring tones and etc.

Sharon asks…

Where can I watch full Firefly episodes without having to download anything?

I’ve been trying to find sites where I can watch Firefly episodes, but Hulu and WB only have a handful of episodes. Where is a site that I can watch episodes (namely 4, 5, 6 and 12) without having to download anything? (I don’t want to risk downloading something that might hurt my computer)

admin answers:

I tried and can’t find anything either; not for free anyway. I did find this site that charges for them ($1.99). I don’t know if you have to download any software, but I don’t think so. Http://

You can rent them on NetFlix ( Possibly in the TV section at Blockbuster as well.

Renting them may be the safest way to go.

Fabulous series and incredible movie (Serenity). Definitely a favorite in my house.

Mandy asks…

Safe website to watch the Golden Compass online?

I just fnished the book and would love to watch the movie. Can someone tell me where I can watch it safley for free without downloading it?

admin answers:


you can watch this movie along with around 600 others…site streams movies just like youtube…so you dont need to download anything. Also no sign up required

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Free

Ken asks…

Where can I watch/download episodes and movies of Pokemon for free?

I’ve tried searching google, but it doesn’t come up with anything worthwile. Could you recommend some sites for me? I would prefer to watch the episodes online, without a download, but the movies I would like to download. Thanks in advance for any help

admin answers:

I watch Pokemon Indigo League episodes on

Helen asks…

what’s a good free program to be able to watch downloaded movies on your computer?

i downloaded a movie of the internet and i was trying to watch it with nero, but it said in order to watch it needed the full version of nero 8. and then i could only hear it and not watch it.
so whats a free program to watch movies on your computer.

admin answers:

I think you should give a try to this site for your query.The site is http://www,moviesjudge,com .If you don’t feel easy then just use the search feature there.Hope this will help you to some extent!!

Donald asks…

Where can I find The Hand that Rocks The Cradle Movie?

I was wondering if anyone new where I could find this movie either to watch or download for free online. Also if anyone has any good sites that are free to watch and download movies that would appreciated. Thank you ahead of time…

admin answers:

I’ve not seen it online, but I have seen in on LMN (lifetime movie network).
If you have Directv or Dish Network, you can search by title and then when you find it you can schedule your tv channel to change when it comes on.

William asks…

Where can I watch Mean Girls online for free?

Can someone please give me a link for the movie Mean Girls? I want a site where I don’t have to become a member, download the movie, pay, or take a survey, and I also want a site with no pop ups, that has a 100% gurantee that it won’t have a virus or anything. And, it has to be FREE. Please help, and thanx.

admin answers:


Chris asks…

Where can i download free movies?

Does anyone know any sites where i can download free movies in AVI format? Thanks.

admin answers:

Why do you want to download movies? I suggest you watch them online?

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Robert asks…

Can you get into trouble by adding a link to download a torrent which is a pirated movie?

i recently came into this upload for money and i want to create a site where you can download torrents but i just want to make sure i wont get in trouble first? I mean i am not giving them the movie its the torrent ya know….

admin answers:

I’d say go ahead and try it. IF you actually believe that SHARING Illegal Material magically turns it into legal material. Let us know how it turns out for you.

Jenny asks…

Where can I buy theater movies to download online?

I am looking for Legal sites that I can pay like CinamaNow etc. I am looking for a website that allows me to download movies that are currently at the theaters.
THANKS SHASHA. I am looking for The Last Exorcism but I can’t find it.
THANKS SHASHA. I am looking for The Last Exorcism but I can’t find it.

admin answers:

Like this one right?

check amazon Instant videos. Hope it helps

Sandy asks…

Is it illegal to stream full length movies online?

I’ve looked around alot and can’t find a definitive answer. I just want to know if streaming movies online is illegal? I know downloading is illegal, obviously; and the person uploading the movie is performing an illegal act. Thanks!
Why would it be illegal when you can, as an example, go to any friends house and watch a movie that you didn’t pay for; instead he payed for it and your reaping the benefits. Isn’t that essentially streaming without the internet.

admin answers:

No it is not illegal. It is however illegal to upload them.

It is also illegal to download them, unless you use a legal site like itunes or that you can buy and download movies.

There is a thin line however, law enforcement doesn’t like it when people stream movies for free and quite rarely might try to do something about it, however they don’t have much of a case as streaming is not illegal.

Laura asks…

I just bought a usb stick today and want to watch stuff from it on my tv, how do I do it?

I have an LG tv but the manual for it is lost or already thrown out so I don’t know what files will work on the tv. I copied some videos from youtube using DVDVideoSoft Free Studio and those files are MPEG-4 Movie. The usb stick is TDK make and 16GB. I don’t know what else information to add.

When I get it working and plug my usb into the back of my tv, does it automatically come up or do I have to search for it first by using the av button? I basically know nothing about computers. I seen some people in work with shows on their usb. I was told utorrent is a good place to get stuff, so if you want as an extra question, where is good to download shows and movies? If you really want cause I need cause I know next to nothing about this stuff, how exactly does downloading shows and movies from these sites work, what exactly do I press step-by-step? Thank you!
AVDADDY you include us with your own opinion, does it make you feel more comfortable, more safe. I think working in a boring job to pay for this stuff is a steal. If you are an honest worker working in one of these industries I still think it is no measure of health to adjust yourself to a corrupt system like advertising for example. Come down off your high horse, open your eyes and talk to me, we can make sense.

admin answers:

The first thing to do is to download the Owner’s Manual for your particular TV from LG using the first link I’ve posted below. Often the USB port on TV’s can access pictures (jpg files) on a flash drive but not much else.

I use a Western Digital TV Live (or TV Live +) media player to play a wide variety of files that are stored in various computer formats. It has a pair of USB inputs that can handle either flash drives or external hard drives and a Ethernet port for streaming. You’ll want the plus version for paid subscription streaming content such as Netflix. It comes with a remote and menus that are easy to navigate and plenty of online support. Other similar media players exist such as the Roku.

If you plan on downloading lots of files such as YouTube videos you’ll find a download manager to be useful. I like one called JDownloader, which is free and open source. It can also reassemble multipart files from other sources.

You’ll want to avoid torrents, especially if you are contemplating downloading copyrighted material, since you will in most cases also be uploading (seeding) copyrighted material. Such activities are illegal in many parts of the world.

Many filehosting sites exist that will allow anyone to upload a file on the company servers and allow uploaders to share it with whoever they choose to give the download link to. They have legitimate uses such as sharing family pictures with friends and family. They are also misused for other purposes. Filehosting sites are required to remove infringing files if they receive notification from a copyright holder that a file is not supposed to be there. As long as a filehosting site complies with takedown requests, they do not have to self police for possibly infringing files.

There are various forums, blogs and link aggregation sites where links to files that have been left on the hosting sites are discussed or listed. Such discussion sites do not themselves host any files that might be deemed illegal. Sites like,, and are a few examples. Once you start finding links to files, you can find other discussion sites by using parts of those links as a search term.

Legal content that is in the public domain can often be found on


Donald asks…

How do you get music to put no windows movie maker?

I have a project that im working on and I want there to be the harland globe trotters song thing while we’re playing basketball and I dont know where to get the music and save it any help?

admin answers:

Illegal Choices:

1.) Limewire
2.) Frostwire
3.) Ares
4.) Morpheus

Semi-Legal Choices (Lol):

1.) If The Song Is In A Video In Youtube, You an Download It, But Only The Sound From The Video, In This Case, Your Song…Visit Copy The Link Of The Video From Youtube Or Whatever Video Site, And Paste It In The URL Box In The VidToMp3 Site And Click Download

Completely Legal Choices:
1.) iTunes
2.) Zune
3.) Napster
4.) Rhapsody

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Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Free

Maria asks…

Can you download any movie clip from internet onto an ipod touch?

I love watching korean dramas and now thinking of buying an ipod touch so I could download all the episodes and watch later while I am out and about. Will downloading these dramas onto an ipod touch be easy to do?

Note: Mostly the video comes from sites like dailymotion, youtube, viikii, etcs.

admin answers:

You can download many free videos and music on the movie download sites listed on the following page:
There is a step by step guide about downloading free videos, music from limewire, youtube, etc to iTunes for iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, etc. It is easy-to-use and the converting speed is fast.
Some useful information you can get on the official site:

Richard asks…

Is there a website that shows the P90X workout videos free?

Like the sites that show movies free, except instead I get to do P90X.

admin answers:

You can get them on Pirate Bay

heres a link to it…


just use a torrent downloader…

Go to utorrent and download the program

George asks…

Where can i watch movies that arnt released yet for free online?

There was a site i had a while back that let m watch any movie i wanted wether it was released yet or not all for free. and i lost the link. does anyone have any others?

admin answers:

Hey man, I downloaded ” Graboid “. Just Google Graboid, and it’s the very first one. Of course you have to download it, and download the movies, but once you download the movies, it’s great. I have over 200 movies ( 10 of which haven’t came out yet ). Good luck man,

Ruth asks…

How can I let movies on my site?

I want to let some movies on my website. I don’t know how I can click at a point on my site (at click here for example…), it will be automatic transferring to movie so that someone can watch it online. But they cannot download it anyway.

admin answers:

You need kind of video streaming software such as VideoLan’s Media Player which is capable of broadcasting video (both TCP and UDP) on your desired address.

Take a look at this free tools:

Laura asks…

Can someone give me a site to download free full length movies?

i need new movies.
also these have to be able to download to a DVD

admin answers:

Download is only possible via Torrents
Stream (NOT available for download) www.
[put the www. Together with]

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