Your Questions About Best Movie Download Sites

Paul asks…

what is the best site to download movies from?

admin answers:

I would go for a torrent site like or
There’s also a site named torrentz that compiles files from different torrent sites for you to choose.

David asks…

Which is the best site to download torrents from?

I use utorrent and i cant get any good sites to download anime and movies from.

admin answers:

I use it compiles other torrent sites together. They arent perfect but you can usually find what you want.

Richard asks…

what is the best site to download movies?

admin answers:

Daniel asks…

Best Sites 4 Latest Indian Movie Songs?

I want 2 know that what r d sites 4 indian songs and 2 download the whole movies. Tell me d best sites which is cheap also. Is there any sites for d large games? 😉

admin answers:

For latest Indian songs, check out:

From the above sites, you would easily get the latest Indian songs and you can download them for free. There are many such others but these are the ones I frequently visit.

For downloading free movies, I’ve never done that, but you can check out the guidelines you’ll get to see by following this link:

For downloading free movies, games, etc., check out the guidelines you’ll get to see by following this link:

Michael asks…

download movies and best codec?

what do i do!!!!!!!!!!
need best site to download movies that will play on my dvd player and a codec,please run it through me as i am so confused

admin answers:

Best codec?
Combined community codec pack is the best ♥

and .. Mm .. Sites to download movies, i donwload them at torrest, and that will play on your dvd.. Nero and any other dvd burner have an option that allows you to watch the movie at your dvd player.

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