Your Questions About Best Movie Download Sites

Jenny asks…

Which are the best torrent sites to download Hd bluray movies ? ?

Heyy can anyone plz tell me the few best sites of torrent to download hd bluray movies nd any other stuff ?

Thnks in advance 🙂

admin answers:

Torrentz and Piratebay….

Donna asks…

which one is the best site for free movie download?

admin answers:


Michael asks…

whats the best site to download movies from?

admin answers:


Download movie FREE here

Ken asks…

Who has the best rips for downloading movies and what sites are good for downloading if you use realplayer?

admin answers:

I use a program called Vuze,and download 2 vuze templates aswell . Works so well

Mary asks…

how do you make videos on movie maker?

i downloaded windows movie maker yesterday and i no u can take pictures and put them into a movie. but how do u make lik a continuas movie lik a cartoon or somtin. and how do u put sounds lik music or somtin on it???? i no u have 2 download it so wat r the best downloading sites 4 sounds and music

admin answers:

Check out these 2 sites. They should be able to give you all the information you need to get started with Windows Movie Maker!


I hope this helps!

Brett M,
Windows Outreach Team

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

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