Your Questions About Best Movie Download Sites

George asks…

what is the best movie or video editor to download? waht site can i download it?


admin answers:

Windows movie maker and it is free if you have Windows XP SP2. Just follow the instructions on the bottom of this page.

Betty asks…

what is the best web site to download a movies translation?

i am from K.S.A
so i want an arabic translation.

admin answers:

You can download movies from
Good luck!

Lisa asks…

what’s the best site to download movies & songs from?

admin answers:

You can use LimeWire. You can get it at . Or you can get bearshare lite at the regular one has spyware.

Lizzie asks…

i like to know what is the best torrent sites for movies?

i like to know were i can get the best torrent sites for download movies not download cam i like to download dvd ones ect can anyone help me thank you

admin answers:

Robert asks…

which is the best site to download movies, games, songs etc?

help help help help help help help

admin answers:

First down utorrent from
then go to and type the name and download it

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