Your Questions About Direct Movie Links

Donald asks…

If you can find alien agent the movie for me to watch it on the net i will give you best answer?

its going to be abit of a challenge i cant find it on any movie site i know

if you find it give me a direct link to the movie

admin answers:

Might want to try this in a different section other than cars and transportation. I looked on the site I usually use and its being updated and wont be back up till the 12th.

Mary asks…

Have a question about the Twilight Movie?

Okay, so I want to watch the full movie of Twilight online. Could someone give me the DIRECT link to the video. Also; only send the link if it is GOOD quality. Okay?
Thank you in advance.

admin answers:



Jenny asks…

i need a link to the movie the butterfly effect online so i can watch it?

i need a link to a webpage with the movie on it so i can watch it online couls some one please give me a direct link to the movie

admin answers:

Hi, you can try:
Just search the movie titles that you want to watch.
It also have a list of popular free movie sites.

Helen asks…

How do i create a link from a flash movie to a url?

I have inserted a flash movie into dreamwever 8 put i cannot get a link from it to a url, i have tried the anchor, and the url options but they still dont link to the website that i want the movie to direct to
Does anyone have any ideas?

admin answers:

The best thing to do is create a link from within the Flash movie itself. So for example, if you had a button in your Flash movie that would launch the URL, you would add the following scrip to it:

on (release) {
getURL (“”, “_blank”);

_blank opens the URL in a new browser window. If you want the URL to open in the same window, replace _blank with _self.

Donna asks…

i want SOUNDTRACK of movie BLUE STREAK 1999….Please give me the direct link..?

admin answers:


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