Your Questions About Direct Movie Links

Donald asks…

Where can I watch this movie online?

Where can i watch the clique online? PLEASE GIVE ME A DIRECT LINK. Also i know that megavideo has one but there voices are off by like 10 seconds and I really cant handle that.

admin answers:


there you go! (:

Sandy asks…

Anybody know any soundtracks with heavy metal?

i’m talking about movies like, freddy vs. jason, and crow, and spawn.
i’ve been searching but i can’t find a direct link to movie soundtracks with metal in them. please help. and if you haven’t noticed by the rest of my questions i’ve posted this morning, i’m going through a really powerful metal hunger. 🙂

admin answers:

What abut the “Heavy Metal” movies; that might help

Ruth asks…

Where can I watch the movie Slackers online?

a direct link would be awesome..Thanks!
Oh also ill give you 10 points

admin answers:


Carol asks…

Where can I see the movie Street Dreams.?

The movie is by Rob Dyrdek I’ve really been wanting to see this movie since it came pout but never cam to my town. Please do not give a site that causes spam/and or viruses. Please Give me a direct link.

admin answers:

You can watch Street Dreams from this website..

Joseph asks…

Where can I watch Spongebob Squarepants the movie?

I need a direct megavideo link or the links to youtube different parts if you can find it.
no surveys no downloading no signing up and absolutely free

admin answers:

It comes on once in a while on nick.

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