Your Questions About Direct Movie Links

Ruth asks…

Watching twilight the movie online!! need some help!?

okay, i started watching the movie on this great website, but 72 minutes into it it stoped me! ugh. so now i am trying to find it where i can fast forward to where i want. really confused, need some help.
Direct links, please?

admin answers:

Sounds like you’re watching on Megavideo, which means you’ll have to either wait an hour and continue watching the video where you left off, or upgrade to a premium account.

Helen asks…

how to convert other language subtitles into english subtitle in anime movie?

can any one please tell me a direct link for some kind of software or any thing that can change subtitles language.
need your help please!
sir i am asking how to convert subtitles in the movies in some other language, not the web page language.

admin answers:

You can’t convert one language into another when it comes to subtitles. All you can do is download different subtitles.


James asks…

where can I watch the new moon entertainment tonight online?

I hadd no idea that it wass even going on until
I found outt earlier on youtube.
I cann nott find anyy of full episodes ta watch.
I tried new moon butt I cann nott find
wheree ta go on there ta watch it.
same with etonline,
so preferably direct links.
if nott,
it is ok. thanks a bunch!

admin answers:

Here are some ET videos on new moon:

And i think there may be more if you go to and in the search bar type in ET

Hope this helps 🙂

Mary asks…

i want to be in a movie.?

ok so i hear that there are sweepstakes and contests to be in movies and tv shows. i want to be in one. i kno its a slim chance but i want to giv it a try. plz give me direct links to these websites with the sweepstakes to be in a movie. plz do not say serch it on google!! i also require that the sweepstake must include the trip to la
i hear that there are tons of websites for ir. i just cant find it wen i serch on google. plz help…..i rly want to b in a movie

admin answers:

You can always be an extra. Just google the name of your state and film commision. For example:

Mark asks…

Where can i find the movie Afterschool written/Directed by Antonio Campos?

Ive been trying to find it online to watch but I can’t seem to find it. Can some one give me a link to find watch this movie

admin answers:


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